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Iraqi News Friday AM 1-1-21

Iraqi News Friday AM 1-1-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Legal Expert: The Government Violated The Constitution By Devaluing The Currency And Not Equating The Salaries Of Employees

Author: AhadNA3 On 1/1/2021 - 12:18 PM 113   The legal expert, Ali Al-Tamimi, clarified important details related to the government's decisions and procedures regarding employee salaries and the reduction of the value of the dinar against the dollar, pointing out that the government committed a constitutional violation related to its unfairness to employees when reducing the value of the dinar.

Al-Tamimi said, "The Salary Scale 22 of 2008 and its amendments have specified in fixed tables the salaries of employees and job grades, which are legislated and specified in this law. He also authorized the Council of Ministers to amend salaries in light of high inflation rates to reduce the impact on the standard of living."

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He added, "The relationship is positive here in the amendment of the Council of Ministers according to the decline in the value of the dinar or its rise and the effect of that on the markets with inflation, so if the value of the dinar decreased and led to inflation and rise in prices, this is a reason for the rise in salaries from the Council of Ministers according to this text to face the crisis, but what happened is On the contrary, salaries were reduced with inflation, and this contradicts this article.

He indicated that “the decisions taken by the government regarding devaluation collide with the rule that affirms that the law is only amended by a law, meaning that this matter is within the authority of Parliament, and not by a decision of the Council of Ministers because it was the first to raise salaries and not reduce them according to this text in Article 3 of the law 22 of 2008 paid salaries, and if the Council of Ministers wanted the amendment, it must raise the matter to Parliament, and he is the one who has the right to amend the law.

He explained that “this decision issued by the Council of Ministers requires that Parliament, according to Article 61 of the Constitution, follow it and know the reasons for being representative of the people, and that the decision issued by the Council of Ministers to reduce salaries is subject to appeal before the Personnel Affairs Court, and everyone who has an interest in the affected can file a case in this regard. Court ”.    LINK

Legal Expert: The Government Violated The Constitution By Devaluing The Currency And Not Equating The Salaries Of Employees

10:30 - 01/01/2021   The information / private   The legal expert, Ali Al-Tamimi, explained important details related to the government's decisions and procedures regarding employee salaries and the reduction of the value of the dinar against the dollar, pointing out that the government committed a constitutional violation related to its unfairness to employees when reducing the value of the dinar.

Al-Tamimi said to / the information /, that "the salary scale law 22 of 2008 and its amendments have specified in fixed tables the salaries of employees and job ranks and they are legislated and specified in this law, and it also authorized the Council of Ministers to amend salaries in light of the high rates of inflation to reduce the impact on the standard of living." .

He added, "The relationship is positive here in the amendment of the Council of Ministers according to the decline in the value of the dinar or its rise and the effect of that on the markets with inflation, so if the value of the dinar decreased and led to inflation and rise in prices, this is a reason for the rise in salaries from the Council of Ministers according to this text to face the crisis, but what happened is On the contrary, salaries were reduced with inflation, and this contradicts this article.

He indicated that “the decisions taken by the government regarding devaluation collide with the rule that affirms that the law is only amended by a law, meaning that this matter is within the authority of Parliament, and not by a decision of the Council of Ministers because it was the first to raise salaries and not reduce them according to this text in Article 3 of the law 22 of 2008 paid salaries, and if the Council of Ministers wanted the amendment, it must refer the matter to Parliament, and he is the one who has the right to amend the law.

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He explained that “this decision issued by the Council of Ministers requires that Parliament, according to Article 61 of the Constitution, follow it and know the reasons for being representative of the people, and that the decision issued by the Council of Ministers to reduce salaries is subject to appeal before the Personnel Affairs Court, and everyone who has an interest in the affected can file a case in this regard. Court ”. https://www.almaalomah.com/2021/01/01/513153/

Al-Suhail: The Budget Will Witness Debates That Will Delay Approval For More Than A Month

Time: 01/2021 13:19:29 Read: 2,691 times   {Baghdad: Al Furat News} Head of the Iraqi Parliamentary Bloc Hisham Al-Suhail expected, on Friday, that the current year 2021 budget will witness major political debates by the political blocs in Parliament, and each party will have a special opinion on the budget.

Al-Suhail said in a press statement that Al-Furat News received a copy of it, "There will be efforts by all political parties in order to gain more money for their governorates and include them in the budget law for the current year."

He added, "Therefore, these opinions and debates between the political blocs will lead to a delay in approving the budget, which will exceed a month. Therefore, we hope all parties will advance the country's interest over all other interests and approve the budget as soon as possible in the service of the public interest."

The Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, announced last Tuesday the arrival of the government's 2021 fiscal budget bill and the extension of the current legislative term for a period of one month, in order to complete many important legislations for the coming period, including the budget.

His deputy, Bashir Al-Haddad, confirmed that "the legislative procedures to complete the federal budget law may take 20-30 days, and that the parliament will begin the first reading of the bill in early January."

"Serious and intense discussions will take place towards reducing unnecessary expenditures in the budget law, and reducing the deficit ratio for the benefit of the middle classes, the poor and those with low incomes," he added. LINK

In Numbers ... Important Details Of The Budget And A Warning Of "Dangerous Economic Aspects"

Time: 01/2021 18:46:04 Read: 1,079 times   {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The economic advisor to the prime minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, revealed important details and information about the fiscal budget bill for 2021, which Parliament received last Tuesday.

Saleh said in a lengthy article on the economic situation and the budget: “The contractionary financial conditions in Iraq have led to dangerous economic manifestations, as the contraction in demand or government spending in 2020 led to a widening of the national income gap and a drop in growth by about 11% from its rates, accompanied by an increase in unemployment levels. Less than 25% of the Iraqi workforce, as well as increasing poverty rates among the population, which exceeded 30% of the country's families.

He added, "At a time when advocates of financial thought see that the manifestations of deflation, financial faltering, and the resort to (almost compulsory) austerity will continue to cause the increase in debt and deficit in an expansionary financial rescue package required by subsequent financial years."

Saleh pointed out that "this is what the Iraqi public finances faced in the two years 2020-2021 as the draft federal budget for the year 2021 indicates that the total deficit planned in it will rise to approximately 71 trillion dinars, and the aforementioned deficit will constitute no less than 42% of total spending in it and the proportion Not less than 28% of the current GDP. "   LINK

Learn About The Exchange Rates Of The Dollar Against The Iraqi Dinar Today, Friday

Economie| 09:40 - 01/01/2021  BAGHDAD - Mawazine News

The exchange rates of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar resumed today, Friday, to rise in the main stock markets and local markets.   As for the exchange rate in the local market, it also rose, where it was:

The selling price of the dollar is 144,000,   the purchase price of the dollar 142,000



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