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Iraq Economic News and  Points to Ponder Monday Evening 10-9-23

Iraq Economic News and  Points to Ponder Monday Evening 10-9-23

Depositors’ Money Is At Risk”

Parliament will ask the Central Governor about the dollar next week... Representative Hussein Arab

Baghdad – 964  Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Work Committee, Hussein Arab, said that the money of depositors in banks is now in danger, pointing to a move to hold the Central Bank accountable regarding dollar transfers, while he confirmed that Parliament will direct a parliamentary question to the Central Bank Governor, early next week.

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Parliament will ask the Central Governor about the dollar next week... Representative Hussein Arab Small  Jordan takes most of Iraq's dollars, and our bills deceive Washington.. A deputy accuses the Central Bank of the details

Arabs in an interview with journalist Sahar Abbas, followed by Network 964:

What is happening is a delay by influential people in the Central Bank of the procedures for selling the dollar, in favor of the black market, and one of the influential people intervened to delete my statements about the dollar in the media.

The question is how do you give 75% of dollar sales to one non-Iraqi bank, the Jordanian Capital Bank’s share is 61% and 9% to the Cairo Amman Bank of Jordan, and it transfers to them $120 million daily, while the share of the 80 Iraqi banks does not exceed 20%, the National Bank Jordanian acquires $4 billion a month from Iraq.

Previously, the invoices were fake, while today the invoices are real, but at double prices, and therefore it is a conspiracy against the Iraqi economy and by Iraqi hands, and we must stand as one man against the theft of the Iraqi people’s money.

The money of depositors in banks is now in danger. The government prevents the circulation of the dollar, but allows the opening of official accounts in the dollar currency. Some banks do not have cash from the Iraqi dinar due to the absence of reinforcement from the central bank. We are heading towards the Lenovation of Iraq, and we will move in parliament to hold the central bank accountable regarding dollar transfers.

We will address a parliamentary question to the Governor of the Central Bank early next week during the parliamentary sessions, and in the event of collusion by individuals or the administration of the House of Representatives, the opinion will remain the opinion of the street, and the political chambers have weakened the role of the House of Representatives in every way, so the political decision is the ruling one, and we will take our official measures within the House.

The Al-Basas coalition aims to reach the leadership of the state, as the civil political identity disturbs the dominant powers, and I do not prefer the path of demonstration, but rather through the democratic process through the ballot boxes.

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In the year 2021, the votes of independents reached 2 million and 480 thousand votes, which is a significant number, so gathering these votes in “St.

There are parties funded from abroad, and we are a group of merchants and businessmen in the Basic Alliance and financed by ourselves. We do not have millions to give to the bloc’s candidates, but rather everyone finances from himself.  https://964media.com/231161/

The Popular Movement Accuses Washington Of Imposing Guardianship Over Iraq

Information/Baghdad..    On Monday, the popular movement warned the government of the consequences of procrastinating the previous parliament’s decision regarding the withdrawal of foreign forces from Iraq.

Follow the “Al-Ma’louma” channel on Telegram.. News that does not require documentation..

The head of the movement’s organizing body, Hussein Ali Jassim, said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “America imposes its guardianship over Iraq’s sovereignty and is still pressuring towards procrastination of the withdrawal issue.”

He added, "There is marketing for the previous parliament's decision regarding the removal of all foreign forces, especially American forces, from the country according to a specific timetable."

He pointed out that "the presence of foreign forces is popularly rejected," calling on "the coordination framework forces to set a date to host the government within the House of Representatives to discuss marketing the file of scheduling foreign withdrawal from the country."

The Popular Legal Movement had described the current moves to remove foreign forces from Iraq as a media whirlwind, demanding that the file be put back on the parliamentary table. LINK

The Central Bank Sells More Than $201 Million In The Currency Auction

Economy News – Baghdad  On Monday, the Central Bank of Iraq’s sales in the foreign currency sales window amounted to more than 201 million dollars.

The Central Bank's website published its dollar sales schedule, which Al-Iqtisad News reviewed. It included the participation of 26 banks and 56 exchange companies, and foreign transfer requests covered $168.6 million, while cash requests amounted to more than $32 million.

The Central Bank of Iraq sells the dollar for documentary credits and international settlements for electronic cards at a price of 1,305 dinars per dollar, for every dollar for documentary credits and international settlements for electronic cards, at a price of 1,310 dinars per dollar for external transfers, and at a price of 1,310 dinars per dollar in cash.  10/09/2023 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=36870

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The Dollar Exceeds The Barrier Of 160 Thousand Dinars In Baghdad Markets And Money Exchangers

Economy |Baghdad today – Baghdad   Today, Monday (October 9, 2023), dollar prices recorded a significant jump in the markets and exchange offices of the capital, Baghdad, to record a record exceeding 160,000 per hundred dollars.

The "Baghdad Today" correspondent said, "Selling prices in money exchange shops in the capital, Baghdad, amounted to 160,500 Iraqi dinars for every 100 US dollars, while purchasing prices recorded 159,500 Iraqi dinars for every 100 US dollars."

Private banks are accused of taking over the largest part of the currency selling window, especially for the cash dollar, which has become extremely difficult for travelers to obtain, which forces them to buy the dollar from the parallel market, while the travelers’ share of the dollar in these banks goes for the purpose of speculation.   LINK

Iran Anticipates Events And Threatens: Any Foolish Israeli Action Against Us Will Be Met With A Devastating Response

Arab and international |Baghdad today - follow-up  Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani confirmed today, Monday (October 9, 2023), that any foolish Israeli action against Iran will be met with a devastating response.

Kanaani said in the weekly press conference in the capital, Tehran: “America and some European countries turning a blind eye to Israel’s crimes and placing the resistance in the position of the accused is unacceptable,” noting, “We hope to witness measures from the Islamic world to support the Palestinian people in the face of Israeli crimes.”

The spokesman stressed that "the international community must move to calm the situation between Israel and the Palestinians," pointing out that "accusing Tehran of playing a role in operations in Palestine is politically motivated to justify Israel's defeat."

He added, “America’s sending of an aircraft carrier to the Mediterranean is a practical contribution to the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people.”    LINK

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Points to Ponder on The Value of Challenge: 

Challenge is life's way of making sure that you truly desire the things you achieve. Challenge is an excellent tool for keeping you focused on the things that really matter to you.

Imagine for a moment what it would be like to live in a world with no challenge. In such a world, you could obtain anything and everything with no need for effort, discipline or commitment. Does that sound like a great setup, with your every wish fulfilled the moment you think of it? 

Well, it might be nice for 20 minutes or so,but it would soon grow extremely tiresome. For such a world would literally overwhelm you with meaningless triviality. 

Sure, every wish would be instantly granted, but it would all be painfully empty.

The value of achievement is in the achieving, in the overcoming of the challenges, in the person you become as a result of going through the process. 

To have the reward without the effort is to have no reward at all, nothing but an empty and meaningless token.

Challenge is difficult, often painful, always demanding, and as such, challenge is what makes true value, beauty and fulfillment  possible. Challenge can be tough, yet indeed it brings about the 
richness and fullness of life.  Ralph Marston

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