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Iraq Economic News and Points To Ponder Monday Afternoon 10-21-24

Economic Contradictions: Argentina As An Example

 Economical 10/17/2024   Yasser Al-Metwally   What is the wisdom behind exposure to global economic experiences?

 Here at Al-Sabah Economy, we are accustomed to reviewing global economic experiences and researching the reasons and ways for the success of some of them and the failure of others, with the aim of benefiting from the successful experiences and avoiding the reasons behind the failed ones.

 In this article, the choice fell on the Argentine experience, which is considered unique in terms of failure and failures over the course of 200 years, according to international studies.

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 Here, it is necessary to trace the reasons that led to this failure with the aim of overcoming them in the experience of the Iraqi economy, which is what such topics aim for.


      is the third largest economy in Latin America and

     enjoys huge wealth, in addition to its

     strategic location on a large coast of the Pacific Ocean,

     fertile arable land, and

     large areas, with a

     small population size compared to its area. Official reports indicate that it has

     defaulted nine times on its foreign debts and

     is almost bankrupt in 2022.

 Economists attribute the reason for its annual decline to economic mismanagement and not to a lack of economic resources.

Argentina exports wheat, soy, meat, and fish, and agriculture constitutes 7% of the gross domestic product, and agricultural manufacturing constitutes 25% of it, and

it depends on the agricultural economy.

 However, the Argentine economy has been subject to fluctuations for years between growth and contraction, which has resulted in a decline in income and opportunities. Work and the monetary value of goods and services.

This fluctuation led to a lack of confidence in the economy.

 This is because it - that is, the economy - suffers from a twin deficit.

The twin deficit is defined as a deficit in the state budget and another in the external balance, and financing this deficit is the reason for the decline of the economy..

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The state resorts to external borrowing, and

 this borrowing is accompanied by an increase in government spending and an increase in foreign imports, followed by an increase in inflation over the years.

 Economists attribute the reason for this deficit to the increased and false government spending for electoral purposes, which has made the citizen dependent on the state for everything and has become a continuing habit, and

 this continuous spending has continued to be at the expense of the people’s wealth in the medium and long term.

 To address this permanent deficit, Argentina resorts to printing money or inflation financing, which causes price inflation to rise and Argentine goods to lose their global competitiveness.

 To compare the Argentine economy and the economy of South Korea, the ratio of exports to GDP in Korea is 80%, which is equivalent to two trillion dollars, including one trillion and 600 billion dollars, the volume of its exports, while Argentina’s exports amount to 100 billion dollars.

With the great difference in the wealth that Argentina possesses, its area, and its bodies of water, as you find them only equal in population size between the two countries,

 from here the importance of good management of the South Korean economy and bad management in Argentina appears despite the difference in Argentina’s distance from the bloody events, its stability, the status of South Korea, and the threats of neighboring North Korea..

 Therefore, one of the reasons for overcoming wrong policies is to always look at global experiences.  


Demands For “Backup Alternatives” For Databases In Banks

Economical 10/21/2024  Baghdad: Shukran Al-Fatlawi   A fire that broke out in an Iraqi bank branch caused all electronic systems and banking applications to stop, which confused the bank’s customers.

This prompted banking experts to stress the importance of having backup alternatives for all databases and data centers in accordance with international standards and instructions issued by the Central Bank and relevant authorities. To protect customers and avoid downtime that could cause customers huge losses.

 The head of the Information and Communications Technology Committee, in the Digital Transformation and Electronic Payment Council, Badr Riad, said in an interview with “Al-Sabah”:

 “It is necessary to provide alternative systems related to the communications and information technology sector that are tested monthly or semi-annually to ensure the continuity of service.”

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It is an important and fundamental matter in the banking sector and information technology, and it is one of the “A’s” of banking, as he put it.

While he called for dealing with these technologies with some seriousness,

 he expressed his hope that the mistakes that the bank made would not be repeated and that affected the citizen’s confidence in the banking sector. He stressed the

 need for “the bank to speed up in revealing the truth of what happened to enhance the citizen’s confidence in the banking sector.”

 On a related level, the head of the Osool Foundation for Economic Development and Sustainable Development, Engineer Khaled Al-Jabri, stated to “Al-Sabah” that

 “the complete cessation witnessed by the ATM systems, electronic payment and mobile applications of one of the banks operating in Iraq recently caused direct financial losses to customers, which requires... “The need to compensate them for the damages they have suffered.” Noting that

 "the outage greatly affected daily financial transactions and exposed customers to unexpected financial problems." Al-Jabri stressed

 the importance of “all banking entities’ adherence to the instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq,” stressing

“the necessity of ensuring the efficiency of the financial systems and technology used through periodic examination and proactive review to avoid such interruptions in the future.” Al-Jabri called for

  “the necessity of giving the competent institutions an opportunity to investigate the reasons for the stoppage, and to find out all the technical and technical details that led to this problem,” noting

 “the importance of announcing the results with complete transparency, so that the incident will be a lesson from which other parties working in the financial and technological sector will benefit.” He pointed out that,

  “Despite the passage of days since the incident, there has not yet been an official statement issued by the bank explaining what happened. He said,

 “The delay in issuing a statement raises questions and requires opening a thorough investigation by the supervisory authorities to find out the reasons that led to this interruption, and why.” Customers are exposed to these damages,” pointing out that

 “delay in clarification could cause indirect harm to all those dealing with electronic systems, and reflect negatively on the reputation of the banking sector as a whole.”

 The Iraqi Digital Transformation and Electronic Payment Council had stressed the importance of having backup alternatives for all databases and data centers in accordance with international standards and instructions issued by the Central Bank and relevant authorities, to ensure business continuity in the event that the basic systems are exposed to any damage, as happened with this bank, to avoid a recurrence.

 Such incidents negatively affect consumers and threaten confidence in the banking system and electronic systems.    https://alsabaah.iq/104477-.html    

Guide To The Iraqi Balance Of Payments

October 20, 2024   :diamonds: Guide to the Iraqi Balance of Payments..For more, click here



For current and reliable Iraqi news please visit:  https://www.bondladyscorner.com/

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