Dinar Recaps

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IQD CALLS Wednesday Evening 3-11-20

IQD CALLS Wednesday Evening 3-11-20

Kaperoni   Can I toot my own horn?    Ok here you go...

Kaperoni     : Number of readings: 49723

11-03-2020 05:24 PM Former minister: Iraqi dinar on the way to "float"

Baghdad – news   The former minister, Amer Abdul-Jabbar, confirmed today, Wednesday, that the Iraqi dinar is on the way to floating, in light of the sharp decline in oil prices, while noting that employees should expect that during the coming days their salaries will be deducted.

"The continuation of monetary policies and the current government in the same contexts with the sharp decline in oil prices will be catastrophic, and the employee should expect to deduct his salary, perhaps for half, or spend part of his salary every two months," noting that "the next stage may witness a reduction in employee salaries, deductions and taxes to reduce the budget deficit." . 

He added that "the Iraqi dinar is on its way to float (i.e. reduce its value), and the Iraqi government may have to increase the exchange rate of the dollar to 1250 dinars against the dollar in order to obtain additional funds estimated at 4 trillion dinars in the budget and this matter is positive because it will allow encouraging the national industry because it will raise the value Imported goods and makes domestic competitive. "

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Kaperoni   He added, "We are afraid of a government decision to reduce the price of the dinar against the dollar to 1300 or 1350 in the event that the drop in oil prices is catastrophic. This float will cause the price of commodities to rise and burden the citizens. The state may use it to reduce the budget deficit."

Abdul-Jabbar continued, "The government's decision to place customs and other exemptions to remove visa amounts with some neighboring countries has harmed Iraq and contributed to preventing the entry of important revenues to the state," noting that "since 2018, he warned of low oil prices in 2020".

He pointed out that "the advisory base available to the Prime Minister is not qualified to deal with major crises, especially those related to low oil prices."

Kaperoni   https://www.ikhnews.com/index.php?page=article&id=210860

Kaperoni   Maybe some of you will study monetary policy now. Have a good day.

Doug_W   Kaperoni be well

Dave   Doug_W Did our expert mention managed float or free float?

Dave    Kaperoni TOOT TOOT!

Dave   "The former minister, Amer Abdul-Jabbar, confirmed today"

Dave   Floating where.........?

Dave   Former.....?

Dave   this dude must be working for CBI now????

Young_SC   Determining _ or preventing _ importing unnecessary goods to allow the local product to cover the needs of the local market and what it represents by generating job opportunities and maintaining the currency within the country.

* Reconsidering the currency auction and adjusting the dollar exchange rate, so as not to burden the poor class.

Al-Sudani concluded by saying, "These are the most important measures to confront a budget whose deficit is estimated at (60) trillion dinars and revenues. If the barrel of oil continues to be sold at $ 30, it will not pay the salaries of employees and retirees."

Dave   jeje   LETS GO LOP!

Young_SC   https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=89675#.XmlGgajCb2k.whatsapp

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Kaperoni   I do agree that under the current conditions it will probably devalue the dinar. That is why I have stated numerous times that is important that they create the conditions to launch a market economy first.

Dave   not that that would be inflationary?

Young_SC   Dave LOL

Dave   Current conditions........

Dave   Young_SC  Still figure there in Ch7......so ASN......!

Kaperoni   If Iraq wants to succeed at raising the value they need to create a market economy, have a gov in place, cabinet and pass laws that investors will come and participate

Dave   Kaperoni TOOT TOOT!

Kaperoni   Dave chapter 7 has nothing to do with monetary policy

Young_SC   ive already posted 2 articles in here a year ago from the govenor of the CBI stating no float did you forget???

Kaperoni   Young_SC you think the CBI is going to tell you?

Young_SC   Or no it was delusional

Young_SC   Kaperoni read again what i just stated

Dave   Young_SC Trump will tell CBI?

Young_SC   Dave lolol

Kaperoni   Young_SC you would know and wouldnt need to hear it from anyone if you studied

Young_SC   I'll study to earn that economics background you and sam have ehhh

Kaperoni   Young_SC you dont read them correctly. The article on floating from the CBI was they are not floating at this time. That was a year ago. lol

Dave   Ever STUDY CBI......guess not

Kaperoni   Young_SC at least we know it wont RV lol

Dave   need that NO link?

Kaperoni   I posted here several float articles a few months ago collected

Kaperoni   This is just another.

Young_SC   Shall i google more articles and subtract certain words to add my own logic and advertise it as a real article or no

Dave   jeje

Kaperoni   that is how monetary policy works. pegged until in compliance, then float. They all do it


Kaperoni   Young_SC whatever, but more proof is just that   they might

Kaperoni   Shabibi wanted to   and wood have

Dave   Kaperoni PROOF!!!!!

Kaperoni   Oh I feel sorry for you  dreaming of dinar wealth overnight. Not happening! lol

Kaperoni   have a good day

Dave   Kaperoni wheel barrows or wallets?

Baxter   PRESIDENT TRUMP... will be addressing the Nation tonight.... dont know what time yet...

Baxter   Dow down 1460

Dave   Baxter shut a high school down here today....covid not yet confirmed

Baxter   If they devalue the Dinar... Im gonna have to go to a Nickel


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