Dinar Recaps

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IQD CALLS Thursday Evening 3-12-20

IQD CALLS Thursday Evening 3-12-20

Clay   this hysteria is gonna be the downfall of our economy not Trump

Baxter   I think Baseball Season is postponed also..

Dave   What does Trump have to do with this?

Clay   nothing

Dave   thought so

Clay   but he will be blamed for not acting quick enough and the economy

Dave   par for the course

Clay   yet the CA governor praised his efforts   Gaven I think is his name

Clay   how is it up by you

Dave   CNN reports 200000 respirators short

Clay   saw that

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Dave   Clay ! confirmed case on the Island

Clay   ok    keep us posted

Dave   Big Island

Clay   thanks

Dave   told to self isolate

Dave   1 death in Canada....89 yrs

Clay   thats good news

Dave   like to see 89.....

Baxter   https://apnews.com/cde3900cffe0575e9f616c4609a41269 NHL..Dave

Dave   wait until a player catches it

Baxter   First two weeks of baseball..at least... is cancelled

Doug_W   Baxter just heard on FOX Ohio shut down

biff   Dave will there be an RI

Baxter   Yep... all schools

Baxter   3 weeks

biff   long vacations

biff   Dayum China

Dave   like we never seen a Flu before.....

biff   scare tactics

Dave   hope your right.....

biff   spanish flu was the worse flu ever

Dave   over 100 million toast

biff   During the spanish america war in cuba     We had ebola here

Biff   This is a BIO Weapon

Dave   yes i see them Chem Trails.....

biff   to cause fear and panic

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 biff   Dave how high will the dinar float. How High!

Biff   Some say it will start at 1.34 Dave

Dave   CBI never indicated a rate....IDK

Clay   3.22

biff   I hope clay

Dave   " biff i take a nickle now....please

Dave   anything else would be a LOP

biff   no nickles dream quarters lol

biff   Dream 3.22 by the I did not win the powerball

Biff   I was in Kuwait

Baxter   I bought my first dinar...from Fifth Third Bank..

Biff   Got mine at money exchange in Kuwait

Clay   mine was from a company called GID and then my ban First Citizens

Clay   funny dont they even sell anymore

Dave   banks here cant sell exotic currencies

Clay   when I had my dinar stolen the insurance wanted receipts GID couldnt get or sterling lol

Baxter   I kept all of my receipts... at least most of them

Dave   Baxter WHY?

Baxter   Dont really know

Baxter   but I have them stapled with the dinar they came with

Baxter   I think at one time..the gurus said you had to have proof of purchase

Dave   Black light worked fer me

Dave   and.......... did learn those arabic numerials to ensure notes had sequential serial numbers......

Dave   call that OCD?

TWWIII   Took my break today & went to my currency supplier. Nice day to buy silver. While I was there it dropped another 7 cents so I paid 15.80 for each round & each bar. Time to buy silver,but I think it will drop by another 6-12 cents by tomorrow..

Doug_W   TWWIII silver is actually up 10 cents from earlier

TWWIII   I bought mine at 1:45today



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