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IQD CALLS Early Sunday 4-12-20

IQD CALLS Early Sunday 4-12-20

Baxter   our walmart is practically empty of everything

Baxter   looks like we are gonna go past May 1..... most countries are

Baxter    Fox news yesterday had a video of Fifth Avenue in New York at 5 pm yesterday... there was not one car on the street

Dave   Baxter wow.......no groceries......?

Baxter   not much at wallys dave

Baxter   NO CANNED STUFF... some milk... no butter or eggs at all..

Baxter   very little frozen foods

Dave   wow

Baxter   no vegetables in cans.. like green beans or corn... or even baked beans... all gone

Dave   no problems here so much.....hand sanitzers 1 gallon....270 buck

Baxter   I havent seen a banana or anything like that in weeks

Dave  we get all that stuff right now from you folks  (Canada)

Baxter   we have cheap gas.... 89 cents some places

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Xyz   Until the foreign reserve of the central bank is worn out due to the increasing demand in the new dinar for the old dollar (i.e. accumulated foreign reserves) , which at the same time represents a derivative demand for foreign goods, services and benefits, especially when the domestic productive energy functions are a situation Of Flexibility. http://alsabaah.iq/24012/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5%D8%B5%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D9%82%D8%AF%D9%8A

xyz   Cash Edition  Saturday 11 April 2020  Dr. Appearance of Mohamed Saleh

When the government or the public finances ultimately resort to the central bank as the currency issuing bank , in order to finance the budget deficit in the inflationary cash instrument, this comes mostly through the mechanism of the central bank’s acceptance of treasury transfers as a tool to finance internal public debt in exchange for the issued cash , and the case will continue if the matter begins.

Until the foreign reserve of the central bank is worn out due to the increasing demand in the new dinar for the old dollar (i.e. accumulated foreign reserves) , which at the same time represents a derivative demand for foreign goods, services and benefits, especially when the domestic productive energy functions are a situation Of Flexibility.

Then the country will enter into the swirls of inflationary expectations and the turbulence of the functions of demand itself and turn them into high levels due to a high commodity demand surplus in front of scarcity of supply or its failure to meet demand or total spending, especially when commodity stocks are depleted and its compensation is reduced by passing Time.

And this happens in the same way as what happened after 1990, even if it was partially caused by severe inflationary phenomena represented in the deterioration of the value of the currency to three decimal places and the low standard of living together.

Therefore, relying on the idea of issuing cash as an alternative financing method for real oil revenues to cover the government's financial deficit requires a serious decision taken by the Council of Ministers and Representatives and the conviction of the monetary authority, starting with the fact that it requires amending Article 26 of the Central Bank Law No. 56 of 2004 which explicitly provides for the prohibition of government lending, that What follows, as we mentioned, is a deterioration in the value of the currency, especially when o over-funding government expenditures through this easy money method, whether in financing the revenue deficit or deficit Government expenditure.


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Baxter   SO... whats that all mean....?? My Dimes... are in trouble??

kevin311312   Dose that mean that its going to float.

Wheresmyrv   ?Increasing demand for the new dinar could mean the lower denoms?

Wilder   Industry scrambles to stop fatal bird flu in South Carolinahttps://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/industry-scrambles-to-stop-fatal-bird-flu-in-south-carolina

Xyz   The central bank announces measures to boost liquidity by more than one trillion dinars in Iraq


Shafaq News / The Central Bank of Iraq announced that it has taken measures that contribute to strengthening cash liquidity by an amount of one trillion dinars in banks.

The bank said in a statement today that the recent measures taken by this bank related to reducing the proportion of the mandatory reserve for bank deposits will contribute to enhancing the bank’s liquidity by an amount of (one trillion Iraqi dinars) to reduce the impact of the contraction resulting from the Corona pandemic.

Reports indicate that Iraq is facing difficult economic conditions due to the outbreak of the Corona epidemic and the low demand for crude oil in global markets, which may not enable it to pay those who receive monthly salaries from the government. 

Baxter   Good Morning..Good Morning..Good Morning.... TODAY is our Day.. Or.. is it? This is the Day the ISX is opening with the New Rate...

Baxter   I have to go Find Guru Jeff... and get my Dimes... he has been preaching for a month.. that he was sure.. that today..is Our Day

Xyz   The results of the foreign currency sale window on Sunday 3/22/2020, executed today https://cbi.iq/currency_auction

Wheresmyrv?   Hopefully Jeff (Dinar Investor) is right about it hitting today

Xyz   Baxter here we go with the records:   220,887,967 on 12th aka today

234,710,676 on 7th   245,669,143 on 5th   No other recent changes. Check your records

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Baxter   well.. the good news is...my friend in Georgia got his virus money yesterday...1200 bucks

Wheresmyrv?   Just blows my mind that after 17 years they still don't have a complete full government, let alone a country without power, jobs and food for their citizens

Baxter   ZZZZ there is no mention on that link above about 4/12.... it is referring to 3/22......

Baxter   I dont think there was an auction today

xyz   those figures are based on Z's archived records ... compare with sensitive gurus

xyz   Baxter ok if you say so. What was the figure on cbi site yesterday? Z got it :popcorn

xyz   Baxter ask those that claim that they have cbi contact to VERIFY. The figures were update between the 2 days ... am done arguing  234,710,676 - Sun Apr 12 07:51:07 EDT 2020

220,887,967 - Sun Apr 12 08:01:26 EDT 2020

Baxter   it says... 3/22..... not 4/12... on that link...   doesnt matter... it still aint worth squat

xyz   Baxter ask cbi why the updated the amount but not the date

xyz   Baxter here we go ... there was some chatter about showing auction figures but backdated ...

Dinar Investor – Jeff  Posted on April 11, 2020 by The Dinar Observer  …Iraq held two currency auctions this week… And they backdated them by three weeks…to Wednesday 3-18 and Thursday 3-19. Why did they have those two currency auctions? …They pulled a fast one right under everyone and no one caught it.

The reason why they only had 2 currency auctions IMO…What they did right before you was closed out their year-end fiscal year for the year of 2019. By them getting the books closed out it allows them to change the rate this weekend… https://www.dinarupdates.com/observer/


xyz   Baxter the content about auction was spot on

xyz   4-8-2020 Guest Guru Nathan …I actually do know people in the CBI…I went to school in the Middle East…a number of my school friends are now in prominent positions in Iraq and two of which are quite high up in the CBI…the auctions started a couple days ago…the purpose of the auctions is to supply US dollars into the Iraqi economy…the majority of the dollars provided to the CBI are in digital format because the CBI receives its dollars from oil sales…I’ve been to the CBI auctions.

Very rarely does the CBI actually supply the physical USD currency for the auctions…the CBI auction’s main priority has been to distribute the digital US dollars into the Iraqi economy…I would expect the actual cash physical currency…auction within the next few days/couple of weeks…I don’t know that for sure. It’s an educated guess… https://iraqidinarchat.net/?p=62705

https://covid.joinzoe.com/us   COVID Symptom Tracker

https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


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