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IQD CALLS Early Monday 4-13-20

IQD CALLS Early Monday 4-13-20

Chattels   The new Iraqi Prime Minister-designate has taken his first steps in forming the new government by meeting with the Kurdish politician, Finance Minister Fuad Hussein. https://aawsat.com/english/home/article/2229831/iraq%E2%80%99s-kadhimi-takes-first-step-form-new-government

chattels   Kataib Imam Ali said it supports Kazemi's candidacy for PM Looks like Kataib Hezbollah is only group that has come out against him so far https://twitter.com/JoelWing2

chattels   "the Prime Minister-designate conducted during the past days a series of meetings and consultations, during which he affirmed his intention to present his government program and to form the new government as soon as possible." http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=89891

chattels   Several reports say that he intends to or will present his cabinet within 10 days. We shall see.

chattels   Iraqi PM-designate meets with officials in push to form ‘government that serves the public’   Al-Monitor Staff April 12, 2020

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/04/iraq-pm-kadhimi-push-form-government-salih-iran-us.html#ixzz6JUX8MtIs

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Doug_W   I wonder how much damage will be done at "South of the Border" Tourist trap after these tornadoes are over?

xyz   Doug_W there are no tourist in the south with coronavirus flying around

Doug_W   xyz its a BIG tourist trap with towers etc where N and S Carolina come together on I-95

Doug_W   and its name is "South of the Border"

Baxter   Looks like Choo Choo town got hit pretty good to

Doug_W   been on the ground over 90 mins

Baxter   winds to about 50 here now

Doug_W   maybe 12 here but 25 on teh open tampa bay area

Baxter   leesburg had 95 yesterday..

Xyz   Parliament Rapporteur: The vote on Al-Kazemi’s government will be electronic LINK

JoeSchmoe   are tornadoes common for this time of year there?

Baxter   yes..

Baxter   Carolinas got hit hard... as did Mississippi

JoeSchmoe   could be a very bad year for the world....already is

Baxter   sure is

chattels    "For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of happiness." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Chattels   Baghdad / Nina / Representatives of different blocs revealed a parliamentary trend to support the holding of a session of granting confidence to the Prime Minister-designate and his cabinet in the major official hall, stressing that the taxpayer will present his ministerial cabinet to the House of Representatives before the advent of the month of Ramadan. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=823652

chattels   Ramadan for the year 2020 starts on the evening of Thursday, April 23rd lasting 30 days and ending at sundown on Saturday, May 23. https://www.calendardate.com/ramadan_2020.htm

chattels   Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is a month of fasting, prayer, giving and self-evaluation observed by Muslims.

chattels   The Muslims of Iraq could benefit from some constructive self evaluation, individually and corporately.

chattels   The Kurdistan National Union bloc revealed, on Monday, the formation of a special delegation to discuss with the Shiite forces in order to form a government in charge of Mustafa Al-Kazemi.

Deputy Dylan Ghaffour said in press statements that "a negotiating delegation has been formed to discuss with the Shiite forces to form the next government, especially with the health status of the Corona virus outbreak."

She pointed out that "at the present time there is no intention of the negotiating delegation to visit Baghdad, due to the outbreak of the virus, because the discussions may be through electronic communication circles such as sites such as [WhatsApp] and [Skype]." http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=89911

chattels    The exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar for today

Editing Date: 4/13/13 17:10 • http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=89922

chattels    [T]he dollar exchange rates on the Kifah Stock Exchange and local markets fell on Monday.

The prices of the Kifah Stock Exchange - Baghdad recorded 120,000 dinars per 100 dollars.

Buying and selling prices in exchange shops. The selling price of the dollar = 121,000 dinars.

The purchase price of the dollar = 119,000 dinars.

chattels    The market rate reported by some / one on April 5 was 1260 to $1.

chattels   A substantial change if accurate ( caveat to all Iraqi news ).

Dave   1190 to 1260.........oh oh,,,,,

Dave  IMF wont like that?

Dave   not maintaining that 2 % spread?

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Baxter   well... there goes our RV.....

Baxter   and we were so.. so close

Dave   need to maintain 2 % for 90 days I believe

Baxter   Thats what KAP says.... and he is the man

Dave   Imf states that also? So i thought

Dave   Baxter I dont relay on Kaps personal research ......

Dave   Baxter Close to what.......Meeting up OKIES CRUISESHIP?

Baxter   I have completely given up on Iraq... Period..

Baxter   If this is up to Iraq..we will all be dead.. and buried.... before we head to the bank

Dave   Baxter yeah...another 14 or more yrs.......wont matter so much

Dave     14 yrs........politicians rich......peons not so much

Dave    wonder if one can be wealthy in Iraq if you are not in politics

Dave    relatives do not count........lol

Baxter   4-13-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff ...I firmly believe the rate has changed but privately only on the accounting books. Right now it's not public. It's not even public in country. I don't believe in a separate rate where it can go in country first and then out of country at a later date. I don't believe in that logic or theory...IMO once it changes it can only change one place, one time and then they're international...


Baxter   Click on this pix to enlargen it..... look at the jets.. in CHOO CHOO TOWN

host gifs     https://i.ibb.co/HP7yMZJ/jets.png

Baxter   or whats left of them

hspohio   That looks expensive.

Baxter   very.... about 5 million a piece    used

hspohio   ouch

Baxter   I do not know how insurance companies.. with all of the floods..and fires..and hurricanes...and tornadoes... in the past year or so.... I dont know how they can afford to pay for all of this

hspohio   Looks like those were stored inside? and that's the hanger on the ground beside them?

Baxter   yes... thats a hanger..or whats left of it

hspohio   double ouch. I don't know how they can afford it either

Baxter   That tornado that ripped thru Dayton last fall... took out over 2000 homes just in one area... it missed Childrens Hospital by about 200 yards... I was down there with the grandson at that hospital last fall... it is unbelievable what that tornado did..and thats just one..

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hspohio   I saw that on the news. Unreal how much damage can be done in such a short amount of time.

Baxter   I was in the Ohio Natl Guard when that one went thru Xenia... I was there about six hours after it went thru... I saw things that you would not even think possible.... in places.. it actually sucked the pavement off of the streets... pulled fire hydrants out of the ground... there was a Mcdonalds restaurant that the entire building was gone... but the sign out front was perfectly untouched..

Baxter   its just crazy what they do

hspohio   I was just thinking about that one. I was just a teenager then.

Baxter   they didnt have a scale on tornadoes back then... but I have heard that it would have been at least a 5.... the schools were demolished...we found school desks ten miles outside of xenia..

Baxter   it twisted the light poles at the football stadium like tootsie rolls

hspohio   I wouldn't doubt it. I remember it was a big one.

Baxter   35 died.. its a miracle it wasnt in the thousands....lots of homes on slabs.. on one side of the street.. it was just gone..and on the other side... they were barely touched..

 Baxter   Looks like trump may fire that Dr Faucci...   what a fiasco..

Xyz   China Begins Mass Deletion Of Online Research On Coronavirus Origins https://www.zerohedge.com/health/china-begins-mass-deletion-online-research-coronavirus-origins

xyz   Explosive Report: Wuhan Biolab Captured Bats From Caves Traced To COVID-19 Outbreak, Had US Funding


Recent findings regarding the origin of COVID-19 continue to support our January reporting that the disease may have originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology - which was experimenting with bat coronavirus found to be 96% genetically identical to COVID-19.

On Saturday, the Daily Mail added an important piece to the puzzle; the institute was experimenting on mammals captured over 1,000 miles away in Yunnan - which is particularly notable because genetic analysis of COVID-19's genome has traced it to horseshoe bats found in Yunnan's caves.

Horseshoe Bat

Also disturbing is that the lab had been operating in part on a $3.7 million grant from the US government.

The Mail on Sunday has learned that scientists there experimented on bats as part of a project funded by the US National Institutes of Health, which continues to licence the Wuhan laboratory to receive American money for experiments.

Results of the research were published in November 2017 under the heading: 'Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus.'

The exercise was summarised as: 'Bats in a cave in Yunnan, China were captured and sampled for coronaviruses used for lab experiments. All sampling procedures were performed by veterinarians with approval from the Animal Ethics Committee of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.' -Daily Mail

"Bat samplings were conducted ten times from April 2011 to October 2015 at different seasons in their natural habitat at a single location (cave) in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China. Bats were trapped and faecal swab samples were collected," the paper continues.

xyz   Calls For Central Planning Amid COVID-19 Panic Are Like The Calls For The "War Socialism" Of Old


In dark hours, when people fear for their lives, they eagerly deliver their freedom to the state. Many want the government  take control of their lives, because they think it will be better for them. Ludwig von Mises has written extensively about the erroneous belief that in an emergency the state must take control of the economy because the market economy supposedly fails. Specifically, Mises dealt with this subject in his writings on war socialism.

 https://covid.joinzoe.com/us   COVID Symptom Tracker

https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


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