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IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Night 5-6-20

IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Night  5-6-20

Xyz   Time: 05/25 2020 00:07:28  The Speaker of the House of Representatives opens the session with a quorum of 233 deputies and the national anthem is played

{Baghdad: Al Furat News} The parliament held this evening, Wednesday, in the presence of 233 deputies, the session of voting to grant confidence to the government of Mustafa Al-Kazemi, who is in charge of the prime minister.

The Presidency of the House of Representatives rang a bell to enter the extraordinary session hall to initiate it and began playing the national activist and reading al-Fatihah.

Members of the House of Representatives began to enter the Great Parliament session hall to vote on the new government headed by Mustafa Al-Kazemi.

The vote to give confidence to the Al-Kazemi government is scheduled for today’s session.

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kevin311312   The Baghdad Post@BaghdadPostPlus   #BREAKING| The #Iraq|i #Parliament approves the ministerial candidates for the ministries of the interior and defense

kevin311312   Alephא@no_itsmyturn  #BREAKING  Mustafa Kadhimi is officially the Prime minister of #Iraq

Xyz   From DELTA...THE NEW PM [Al-Kazemi] IS GIVING A SPEECH-- Kazemi: Early elections, limiting weapons, and preventing the use of Iraq as an attacking field are our most important tasks Parliament begins voting on the cabinet and gives confidence to Education Minister Nabil Kazim  --

Parliament votes stubbornly as Minister of Defense -- VOTING STARTING ONE BY ONE  -- Vote on Ali Abdul Amir Allawi, Minister of Finance -- The House of Representatives votes on Othman Al-Ghanmi, Minister of the Interior -- the House of Representatives votes on Khaled Najm Battal as Minister of Planning


Al-Kazemi’s government officially won the confidence of Parliament  -- BOOM SHAKA BOOM

Baxter   You ought to take just 4 minutes and watch this... about the V I R U S..... WAS it Planned?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxTY7MR4IHk

foxmulder   Baxter hey BAX . did you get an Email from treasury vault .. buy back is at 850

Baxter   NO.. I didnt

foxmulder   I did

Baxter   never bought any from them I dont think

foxmulder   Maybe if they went to 950 I would

foxmulder   Baxter doesn't matter !

foxmulder   Baxter I have sold some back to them last yr

Baxter   foxmulder I am not selling... till I see a Dime

foxmulder   Baxter lol

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LeLe   Baxter Politics and BS at it's best.

Baxter   LeLe yes you got that right   SO..... is it our FIne Govt at its Finest.. or what

LeLe   Baxter the Dinar will not happen until this **** is cleared up and the Dems are exposed. It was never going to happen before now.

Baxter   LeLe IF Trump does not get this Virus Handled... IMO... he will not get reelected...

Baxter   especially with video links like this out there

LeLe   Baxter now Michael is trying to buy Museums in Chicago. They did nothing for Chicago or no other state. But that built a community Center in Kenya.

Baxter   and IF the Dems get back in... this will NEVER..EVER HAPPEN

LeLe   Baxter I'm there with you. If he doesn't get reelected we are screwed. Along with the GCR. The Demoncrats don't want this to happen.

Baxter   Nope

Baxter   Maybe this was planned for the GCR... who knows..I wouldnt rule anything out...

Young_SC   LeLe there is no such thing as a GCR

Baxter   Young_SC you do not know that sir

LeLe   Baxter they need to do it before the election.

Young_SC   Baxter So allllll currencies in the world will be on par with the american dollar??? Do you have any idea how bad that will be

LeLe   Young_SC yes there is. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Baxter   Young_SC You do not know that for sure... and it doesnt mean that all currencies will be on par with the dollar....

LeLe   Young_SC Trump have been saying a level playing field with currencies.

Baxter   Young_SC did you watch that 4 minute link I brought in ten min..ago.... I would watch it if I were you

Baxter   I dont trust our Govt anymore than I do Iraq at this point

Baxter   Allegiant Airlines... will fly you from Dayton Ohio... to Orlando...Non Stop... for 41 dollars... 13 dollars for the ticket..and 28 dollars in taxes.... LOL

Baxter   unbelievable   we live in crazy times.. for sure

Baxter   taxes cost more than twice what the fare is

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Wilder   Don't ask me. I just copy and paste. Description

The Global Currency Reset is also known as the GCR. What is it? Where did it come from? How did this belief system emerge? The Global Currency Reset is actually comprised of many conspiracy theories blended together to make an overall belief system.

Because of this, there are many definitions and catch phrases tied to this conspiracy theory. Part of this belief system says that there is a coming overnight crash to the United States dollar. This crash will be felt on a global level and many currency values will change as a result.

Many currencies will change in value or revalue once this event happens. Many people have purchased the Iraqi dinar and the Vietnamese Dong as an investment and as a way to protect themselves from this coming crash. Some believe that value will be transferred out of paper currencies and into assets like gold and silver.

Some believe that the entire global economy will crash leading to a total collapse of society as we know it.

Others believe that a set of laws will be implemented that will restructure the value of currencies all over the world. Rest assured that this giant conspiracy theory is one big hoax that is propagated to entice people into investment scams all over the world.

Everything from foreign currency to precious metals is hyped as a means of survival. Investing in foreign currencies such as the dinar and the dong is a complete scam. This conspiracy is responsible for making preppers out of many people and new people are converted all the time.

Selling newsletters with junk economics littered with this conspiracy theory has now become big business. Many prepper products are also sold and this conspiracy theory has become a way to scare people into many different types of investments.

Baxter   SO... is not the Worlds Currencies in a Total Mess... Countries Flat Broke... China Fell First..and what did they do... they brought the rest of the world down with them...

Baxter   i dont think we have seen Half of what this Virus is going to do...

Baxter   Its just another Possibility .. thats all... but I dont rule anything out..at this point..

Wilder   If Trump does or is able to do what he wants as going back to the gold standard might could be a reset. But I'm just a plumber. I know nothing.

Baxter   Supposedly.... he will have the Federal Reserve Gone by the end of this year

Wilder   Would be nice. Supposedly China is launching digital currency. Soon.

Baxter   yep...

LeLe   Baxter he's trying to get rid of payroll taxes permanently.

Baxter   Yes... that too

Wilder   Facebook goes quiet on Libra, as China prepares to launch world’s first official digital currency. https://supchina.com/2020/05/05/facebook-goes-quiet-on-libra-as-china-prepares-to-launch-worlds-first-official-digital-currency/

Wilder   LeLe is he leaning towards a flat tax system?

Wilder   Does Trump Want Tax Cuts In The Next Stimulus Package? Capital Gains Tax Cuts? Suspend payroll taxes? https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2020/05/05/trump-tax-cuts-stimulus/

LeLe   Wilder right. Thanks

Wilder   LeLe You are Welcome

 https://covid.joinzoe.com/us   COVID Symptom Tracker

https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


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