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IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Night 2-25-20

IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Night 2-25-20

Baxter   R WE RICH YET?

Zig   Tomorrow

Baxter   OR.. should I go back fishin

Zig   Pushing the button tomorrow.....

Baxter   So... is Parliament on for tomorrow...or was it cancelled again

Patty   Kaperoni Hi Kaperoni.

Kaperoni   Hi Patty

Kaperoni   Where my buddy Zig?

Clay   he came and left lol

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Bond, Vagabond   PattyThank you, It would be funnier if it werent true. I am homeless, and my homeless shelter is a big truck. Legal residence is Texas, ACTUAL residence is in this thing. . . lol

Kaperoni   ;pizza;

Bond, Vagabond   So, what happened to the "Great Guru" Okie? Did he morph into Mtn Goat?

Wilder   Kap = no rv. Jusr pizza.

Patty   Wilder oh. Takes me a minute - or two to catch onto you guys.

Dave   Patty try yrs and yrs

Patty   Dave :)

Kaperoni   Patty you need to find a Kaperoni's pizza emporium

Patty   Kaperoni Thin crust?

Kaperoni   sure

Clay   Bond, Vagabond soon to change I hope

Dave   thick crust floats better?

Bond, Vagabond   Change?

Clay   living quarters

Kaperoni   Bond, Vagabond Who know's they create new names all the time and continue the lie

Bond, Vagabond   Clay oh. yours or mine?

Dave   .00085 aint quarters

Kaperoni   Dave going to be a while for a quarteri   IMO, 1 to 2 years

Dave   Kaperoni with you there!

Kaperoni   This is from a CBI doc that came out a few days ago

Kaperoni   - The gradual recovery of investments for the reconstruction and strengthening of the role of the private sector

The ground for achieving partnership with him to develop the Iraqi economy will drive growth

The economist, especially as Iraq has the capabilities to make it an encouraging, stimulating and attractive place

To invest in many and diversified production sectors by benefiting from international and regional support.

Dave   Kaperoni Catch that news from Saleh regarding the recent oil dicovreies

Patty   Dave A think crust pizza is too hard for me to lop ...oops chop

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Wilder   Dave sounds like a dime or a nickle will be quicker. Kap says 1 to 2 yrs On a quarter. Nickle maybe a couple months.

Bond, Vagabond   The sad thing is that since I purchased my Dinar, it has gone down in value. Was 1167 for the longest time now I see it is 1197. I purchased 18 mil for around $3500 in '05. Thought it was a decent gamble at the time, because I KNOW I had spent more than that on drugs and alcohol in my 20's, and I dont hv squat to show for that! If this doesnt pan out, I can wallpaper my bathroom in Dinar. . .

Kaperoni   https://cbi.iq/static/uploads/up/file-158245052997641.pdf

Dave   discoveries?

Kaperoni   Bond, Vagabond IMF devalued it in 2016

Bond, Vagabond   Kaperoni I have chosen to be out of the loop for so long now, life, and bills still continue. Thanks.

Kaperoni   The private sector and preparing the ground for partnership with it for the development of the Iraqi economy and the growth of output other than

Kaperoni   Bond, Vagabond probably smart to focus on you and your family

Baxter   I would be very happy to see a Dime in a year...

Baxter   Im done with a Dime

Kaperoni   me to

Dave   Kaperoni?

Baxter   I will buy the first Beer and Pizza Kap

Bond, Vagabond   Baxter Honestly, Herbalife is looking PRETTY good nowadays! lol

Kaperoni   Baxter your on

Kaperoni   Dave i saw an article a few weeks ago that said all minerals including oil, gas, sulfer and other minerals was 15-16 trillion

Kaperoni   Yes the guru's want a RV with 42+ trillion in circulation. lol 3 times the entire worth of the country

Dave   Kaperoni yes Saleh just reported days ago......recent oil discoveries 150 billion barrels now over 500........also indicating they just got started on the exploration

Dave   not bad eh?

Baxter   IMO... you will see oil drop in Price in the next ten years...and pretty drastically.... there will be a glut in oil..

Dave   Baxter Saudi is fracking everything nowadays

Dave   Light sweet Crude cheap to process

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Baxter   especially since the U S is the worlds top producer.. we dont need their oil anymore... you will see a lot more fuel efficient cars... electric cars.. etc....bet Oil will dip to 30 bucks a barrel

Bond, Vagabond   4 years I lived in that country and all I can say is; they are corrupt (to the core.) Democracy will never work there because they are scared. They only know how to follow a Strongman/ Dictator, NOBODY can cut their own trail, they HAVE to follow. It has been that way for a thousand years or more. I hoped the young girls could change the culture, and they still might, seeing (internet) how other females worldwide have a say in politics, they would want a voice too. Everybody knows that when a LOT of women get pissed, things tend to change rather quickly! I am just watching and waiting.

Dave   Baxter yes our stuff costs 30 times more to process and creates more gases

Wilder   Bond, Vagabond i agree. My house gets changed all the time. Momma aint happy. NOBODY'S HAPPY..

Bond, Vagabond   Baxter Funny note there; America is 5% of the World's population, but we incarcerate 25% of the World's convicts. Privatized Prisons. . .

Dave   gosh recollect the days when you could buy plastic 2 by 4s

Baxter   BOND... yep.... Prison here... is nothing but a caged vacation

Bond, Vagabond   Wilder I have ALWAYS heard "Happy Wife, happy Life" I think that is sexist, it should be "Happy SPOUSE, Happy House."

Baxter   They are now saying they may cancel the summer olympics in Japan due to the virus..

Kaperoni   This is direct from Mahommed Saleh just a couple of days ago...

Kaperoni   "Saleh pointed out that Iraq is the ninth country in the world in terms of natural resources that are buried underground, and those resources are estimated at about 15-16 trillion dollars, whether in oil, phosphates, sulfur, silicones and other important raw materials, and that Iraq is one of the most regular and distributed countries in the concentration of wealth. Mineral and other per square kilometer across the country . "

Kaperoni   http://economy-news.net/content.php?id=19127

Kaperoni    seems gone though

 Kaperoni   Which means if they are only worth 15-16 trillion dollars, how can one expect them to RV 42+ trillion dinar? lol

Kaperoni   I will leave that for the RV/RI enthusiasts to ponder

Dave   Kaperonioil discoveries saleh mentioned 150 billion now over 500 billion barrels......and just stated exploration at 50 a barrel.....an additional 25 trillion to that 16 Trillion

 Kaperoni   Well Dave I would have to see what you are talking about. But it seems odd that Saleh would contradict himself. He is a smart man

Wilder   Kaperoni i thought they were 5th in the world. It changed?

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Dave   Kaperoni called research posted it several times here already with links

Bond, Vagabond   Kaperoni This is true, they are sitting on a LOT of wealth, but the "people/ Government" will never see it because they, as a people, do not understand "Self determination." When driving thru the country I would see LAKES, LAKES!!!, of crude oil in the desert EVERYWHERE!!! The pipeline either ruptured of was hacked.

Kaperoni   Wilder I think 5th is just oil

Wilder   Kaperoni yep

Kaperoni   Bond, Vagabond no doubt they are rich country. but they keep putting out more and more dinar. Over 42 trillion. That makes it literally impossible to support a RV at 1 to $1 as the guru say.

Dave   16 Trillion now 41??????

Bond, Vagabond    Please understand, the Iraqis are not us, and we do not think alike in ANYWAY. We try to see the world thru our eyes, and judge them by our values, but it isn't so. They have a thousand years, or more, of culture. We have Hollywood. Two different mindsets.

Kaperoni   Bond, Vagabond mindset is one thing, facts are another.

Bond, Vagabond   Kaperoni 10/4! They are stock-piling yours and my money! lol

Dave   Ziggy bring in that article.......

Kaperoni    Ok I have to go eat dinner. Pizza night here. sausage and mushroom!

Bond, Vagabond   Kaperoni Just remember, there are "Flat Earthers" walking amongst us today. Mindset.

Bond, Vagabond   Well folks, it as been an extreme pleasure chatting with you tonight, honestly! I am in Colorado Springs and I HAVE to be on Oklahoma City by tomorrow afternoon, I need to get some sleep. I wish you all well! Tell your loved ones that you care for them more than you need to, because, someday, you might not have the chance! Take care guys!

Wilder   Bond, Vagabond same with you . we kniw who holds tommorrow

Wilder   Dow market down 1900 points from yesterday and today.

Zig   Deano : You could always register at Dinar Alert and communicate directly with Kaperoni via PM....he will answer you....no donation required to do that there.....

Zig   Dave : LOL....scroll up yourself and find whatever article you are referring to.....

Zig   You peeps forget that I have the same access as you do....the archives are limited and once they are gone they are gone forever....once you scroll up and it says no more messages that's it .....that is one reason I advise people not to make so many one and two word posts because for every post you make, no matter how small, a post is lost above forever.......though you could check recaps as well......

Zig   I suppose we could have done what BGG chat did....have copiers and store the archives...

Matt   End of Day Market Prices Down Big time for the 2nd day details and chats www.iqdcalls.com/Markets.html

Whitelions   I see that Kap quoited Saleh on his article http://economy-news.net/content.php?id=19127 and that is all well and fine but what he is not telling you is that Iraq is a ending war zone [at much as other would like to make you think different } the whole country has to be rebuilt and the scntions typo apply to some things but not all there are work around in every thing he just dose not want you to see that so you will keep donating so sad .



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