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IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Night 12-10-19

IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Night 12-10-19

Chattels   " The latest information that has come to me indicates that we are, once again, in a very hot window. This window is open as we speak, and will remain open and hot through the end of the year. Please pay attention!! Now. To the end of the year. And I am hoping 'sooner than later.'

It is my understand that President Trump wants this done 'now'. But we do not know how long 'now' might take to complete.' - Randy Koonce Update 11-16-19

chattels   Old news, but .......   Trying to be optimistic.

Baxter  Obviously.. since this is over a year old... it is not on top of Trumps agenda..

chattels   Hopeful against all better judgment and prior experience I am.

chattels   Baxter Less than one month ago.

Baxter   OOPS.... yep... Im ahead of myself... thx

Baxter   it will be a year old.. when we are here next year at this time

chattels   Understood. I am not betting on it any more than I already have invested.

chattels   Looking for a silver lining amidst bad news otherwise.

Baxter   Nor I...and I invested too much to begin with.... I had a very weak moment that day

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Dave   Like silver linings

Dave   Maybe the folks are awakening,,,,,,one of the richest countries in the world under their feet

Francis Albert   I think very much on Trump's agenda for Currency reform in Iraq. IMO he will play this skillfully to his advantage....i.e. "Iraq was a bad idea from the beginning (a little dig at 43 who is a never Trumper) and then talk abut how badly the O administration did with Iraq.....

and then....he will say something like We've bee working closely with Iraq to help get them back on their feet....so much so...they have strengthened their currency and will get lots of new investments...blah blah.....and spin it his way. Preceless

Francis Albert   p.s. On U.S. motivation for Iraq to increase their currency....U.S. has invested billions and billions on the bases in Iraq, (one of the motives for the "liberation") and IMO they want Iraqi's on their computers buying stuff from U.S. not in the streets.

Francis Albert   p.s.s. Not in the streets trying to overthrow some guy that they just helped get the job. Everything is connected in GEO politics. No accidents.

Dave   Francis Albert So Trump planned this from like 20 yrs ago......part of his game plan?

Francis Albert   Oh, I don't think he's that smart hahaha He said long ago the Iraq thing was a mistake...years ago...

Dave   I hear Airforce 1 is stuffed with dinar

Francis Albert   We "hear" a lot o things...most none sense in my opinion. They are going to end up with mountains of Dinar anyway. That's where your dollars will come from.

Dave   Francis Albert agreed

Francis Albert   The only reason you will someday be able to exchange Dinar for more than you paid is because the banks and the UST have been in on this devaluing and revaluing thing from day one. No accidents

Dave   Francis Albert never heard that?

Francis Albert   Iraq with pay for the Dinar uptick at arms length with selling oil to U.S. at a cheap rate for Dinar. Brilliant

Dave   Francis Albert nor that?

Francis Albert   Remember 43 spouting off.."Iraq will pay for the War."

Dave   Bush?

Francis Albert   Yes Bush 43

Dave   Politicians say alot.....

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Francis Albert   Iraq doesn't have dollars enough to gather in all Dinar outside the Country. Where do you think the dollars will come from?

Dave   Francis Albert ASK KAP?

Francis Albert   Oh please

Dave   countries hold foreign currencies?

Francis Albert   Probably, mainly I think the Central Banks

Dave   In part yes........i can get 10000 dollars usd in most currencies from most banks/forex in 24 hrs

Dave    10 yrs to redeem.....

Francis Albert   Not sure what that has to do with anything Dave

Dave   Francis Albert Counties hold foreign currencies......particularly when worth something....

Francis Albert   Go into the issue we were talking about...into it, and maybe learn something. You are stating some things that are not germane to the point.

Dave   what is your point?

Francis Albert   We were talking about Dinar, where the dollars come from and now I don't know where you are.

Dave   My local bank is going to give me the equivalent of ! miilion dinar in cash????

Dave   need a semi for that

LeLe   Francis Albert Dave it's all digital.

Francis Albert   Your local bank like Wells, Chase or any big bank will monetize the Dinar you bring in, (create the dollars) which they can do because all fiat currencies are debt instruments. The FED will take a cut of the transaction and the Dinar will end up at treasury to exchange with Iraq for cheap oil till the end of time.


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Francis Albert   LeLe...of course it is all, (96%) digital....still Dollars.

Francis Albert   Over 90% of all currencies, World Wide are digital, very little paper left.

Francis Albert   And IMO there will a day when there's no paper left..that's their goal anyway

Dave   IRAQ has 2.7 million miles stacked high

Francis Albert   2.7 million miles?

Baxter   One Million Dollars in Dimes... is 50,000 pounds.....one semi load

Dave   Francis Albert Bax tell him.....

Baxter   Francis... if you put 40 trillion dinar bills in a stack... it would be 2.7 million miles high

Francis Albert   Don't understand Bax

Dave   40 trillion notes 2,y million miles correcy Bax?

LeLe   Francis Albert they are working on us being a cashless society. I agree

Francis Albert   Ah, the 40 Trillion money supply

Dave   Francis Albert lol

Baxter   yes..

Dave   COIs eyeing up a quarter of a Quadtrillion........thats more than half way to Mars

Francis Albert   I think most of those Dinars are in Central Banks that are owned and operated by the Dollar Inc. crowd that may never be cashed in, so this thing will work. We must understand the big picture. The Dollar Inc. people started this Iraq fiasco so they will do whatever it takes to reach their goals

Dave   Francis Albert Dollar Inc?

Francis Albert   This is information that Kap doesn't think about or consider. He's a black and white guy and I understand his point of view, but he's only looking at part of the puzzle in my opinion,.

Dave   lots and lots of parts

Baxter   The oil credits... which are given 20 years to pay back... will never be paid back and the govt knows it...

Dave   Baxter Americas Deficit?

Baxter   when we developed the Marshal plan after ww2.... 18 billion dollars USD was provided... less than 5% was ever paid back

Francis Albert   Dollar Inc. The people who own and control the Dollar brand. The mucky muck at the big banks etc. who control The Central Banks...all of them, the IMF, World Bank, BIS, Visa, Mastercard...the same crowd of course the Rohies', Rocerfelers...old money at the top

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Dave   1.4 mile miles Baxter

Dave   Francis Albert Oh the forces CABAL?

Francis Albert   Germany is still paying back war reparations to this day. This is what wars are about

Dave   I like CBI........

Francis Albert   Dave...that term is used...but, it is just old, old money...Bank of England crowd etc. who control the boards of the big banks..the usual suspects.

Francis Albert   Right. JP Morgan took over the CBI in 2003 and set up the Iraqi Oil Trust to "look after" the oil revenues.

Francis Albert   I believe N.Y. Melon, Old bank, is in on the OIl Trust today

Dave   and UNs oil for food program......?

Francis Albert    Let's just be honest here. Think of the days of King Henry...Country A has a bunch of stuff Country B wants...gold, land, resources...water..etc. They go in, take them over..literally. The World like the U.N.and other Countries sanction this because they are in on the deal. Planet Earth has always been this way.

Dave   Francis Albert Thought Iraq was getting spanked

Francis Albert    The U.S. owns Iraq lock stock and barrel...and will be until another Country goes in and takes them over.

Francis Albert   The only Central Bank Dollar Inc. doesn't own is: Iran, N Korea, Russia and China....mmmmm

Dave   Francis Albert Did not know that .....have to ask Sadr what he thinks

Francis Albert   Sadr is a made man..just like the guys the U.S. is putting in now.

Dave   Francis Albert Thought that now was the work of those demonstrators

Francis Albert   One does not believe this whole recent revolution in Iraq was not planned by the owners and Sadr was just doing what he was told to launch it?

Francis Albert   Right...the demonstrations were a well planned out deal to get Iran out of the picture.

Dave   thought the peeps there were starting to get pissed off

Dave    Corruption and jobs.......

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Francis Albert   Well, of of course they were/are tired of getting screwed and it was easy to get them out on the streets with a little help and cash from CI A etc.

Francis Albert   It is no different from U.S. All of the big demonstrations...movements..are financed by rich dudes with a political agenda

Dave   Francis Albert thousands of wounded and many hundreds killed.....HMMM

Dave   US bombed Iraq into obscurity

Dave   looking for WMD

Francis Albert   Nice chatting Dave Stay on it, keep studying...you are doing good. Remember what Mark Twain once said, "It is not what you don't know that is a problem, it is what you know that just aint so."

Dave   Francis Albert Jo told me that also

Clay   from poppy:     Article “Political blocs reach a final decision to choose a candidate to head the Iraqi government” From what we learned over the weekend. Mahdi and his cabinet will stay in place until the end of December.

Now the news is telling us the political blocks have reached an agreement on a new PM candidate. That’s great news. So what the the news is showing us is there most likely will not be a lapse in the PM. It will just be out with the old in with the new. Just a seamless transition from old PM to new PM. And that’s great news for us.

Andrewhatidid   how you guys doing how your loving the Bing wins to come you see the major swift it had to take them 3 years in the half those dems those DEEP state and those haters to realize we were unstoppable after them realizing their impeach fail now they finally see how can they beat a man trump (potus) that put God 1st and got the power of the people behind him plus I(we) so FUTURE money is andredinero24 wrong yet?

Andrewhatidid   I guess is a politic thing then but anyways they finally going to pass the UMSCA BILL Trump, Pelosi ready to pass new NAFTA amid impeachment process




Andrewhatidid   well anywayz have a great day see your on Thursday we closer then ever...... R.V. IS ON ....


Wilder   Impeachment hearings over?

Doug_W   Wilder NO

Doug_W   articles being written

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Sandyf   @Dave which planet did thIs orginate?,,,,,,/ http://offplanetmedia.net/michael-cotrell-press-release-global-currency-reset-delays/    

Sandyf    Good question, there is nothing wrong with being sceptical over credibility. If there had been leaked documents about aircraft flying into the twin towers, no one would have believed it. Reporting may not be as free and easy as some may think.

8. The eight G-8 countries are aware of the financial implications of this situation which may cause a critical financial meltdown.

This situation obviously reflects badly on the United State and on the Bush Administration,which appears to be "descending into chaos because of its non-payment and non-performance on the $4.5 trillion."

Brief newspaper reports about Paulson's meeting on December 21 with the German Finance Minister, Peer Steinbriick, and with Chancellor Angela Merkel appeared in several U.S. newspapers. There was,however,no mention of Leo Wanta or the money.

U.S.newspapers did not report this incident although numerous foreign sources reported it.

During a trip to the U.S., according to Benjamin Fulford, George H. \V. Bush, Barak Obama and other members of the criminal establishment ordered his murder. According to Story's associates, in March 2010, someone poisoned him with a virus that scientists at Fort Meade biological warfare facility created.

He died on July 14. He spoke to his associates the day before his death. Although there is an antidote for the virus, Story was unaware of his serious condition until it was too late.

The virus affected his liver and the damage had progressed beyond the point of treatment. As Fulford points out, this was part of a campaign to silence journalists like Story and others such as Jane Burgermeister, who exposed the

"pharmaceutical industry's involvement in the creation of the H1N1 virus."


Matt   Dow Jones Industrial Average INDEXDJX: .DJI  27,881.72 −27.88 (0.100%)


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