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IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Night 10-22-19

IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Night 10-22-19

Brionna   What is happening in Iraq and currency revaluing?

Doug_W   Brionna SOS DD

Matt   Brionna :Welcome Lots of opinions out on it so who knows ? I like Jeff DI https://www.iqdcalls.com/Dinar-Investor.html but ?

Brionna   K Who knows ...keeping hoping soon. Thanks

Brionna   Be back later

Crazycrypto   watch tomorrow into thursday night seems we will know where we stand in our investment

Crazycrypto   clock is ticking GOI

Crazycrypto   the citizens must hold their feet to the fire

Crazycrypto   give them no room to breathe

Young_SC   Crazycrypto i agree

Young_SC   I think things are going to be forced

madness   things are looking pretty shakey right now

Young_SC   They are

madness   either they giter done or all ** breaks loose, wonder which way it will fly

madness   common sense says if they dont do something quick, we gonna be chatting for a year maybe a couple of years, makes you wonder, is that really what they want, all this work they have done to let a corrupt few blow the who country back into chaos

madness   sure as ** wont be the first time as my research has shown me

madness   not who I meant whole country

Young_SC   They will do something

Young_SC   Citizens are fed up

madness   yeah 1 million pissed off out of work broke and hungry people coming at you, yeah they better do something double time

madness   if they resign the Gov. then for sure were not going to see an rv for a while, thats just logically speaking

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sandyf   @Chattels What was significant about the interview with Gen, Tant ?

The information on the background was quite significant and 2 points in particular, the rate at the introduction of the new Dinar being 1955/USD and how that rate had come about.

"TANT: Yes. The original currency of the country was called the Swiss dinar. The Kurdish area up in the north is where they used that: north of the no-fly zone line. They mainly continued to operate in the Swiss dinar, the original currency.That currency was not replaced,recycled, if you will, and it had a lot more value than the Saddam dinar.

There were some negotiations that went on about how to exchange this currency, and at what rate,for the new dinar. The rate ended up being 150 to one. In other words, in the Kurdish area, when they turned in Swiss dinars to one of the operating banks used during the exchange (and there were about 243 banks used during the exchange), they would get 150 of the new dinar for one of the Swiss dinar. The Swiss dinar basically had three denominations.

But, in the great majority of the country, they had the Saddam dinar with Saddam's face on it. There were basically only two denominations of that: there was a 10,000-dinar note, which was worth about $5, and there was a 250-dinar note, which was worth about 12.5 cents, 12 cents.

The reason its value had dropped so low was because of Saddam’s inflationary monetary policy.

In comparison, back in the '80s, before the Saddam dinar came about, the rate of exchange was about $3 to one dinar. But because of Saddam there was now a total upside-down situation where one dollar was worth about 2,300 dinar."

chattels   I recall the interview and the historical fact(s), but i am dense as to what it tells us now or about the future prospects of the dinar ?

chattels   I am not challenging anyone, just trying to understand.

chattels   Iraqi official report on protests recommends removing a number of prominent security officials, among them the Baghdad Operations Commander. http://mobp.as/w47Yp

chattels   Nasr Coalition in Iraq: the official report on protests is incomplete. How did Security Forces Commanders lose control of their forces for so many days in so many provinces? Who were the snipers? Who attacked TV stations? http://wataniq.com/news?ID=45534

chattels   Iraqi Joint Forces Command: US Forces withdrawing from Syria do not have permission to stay in Iraq. There is an agreement for them to pass through Iraq and then leave. http://mobp.as/oB4Yp

chattels   With well over a hundred fatalities and thousands of wounded, Iraq’s demonstrations are not over, merely on hold while a major religious holiday is observed in Iraq’s south. Baghdad has a brief respite before they will reportedly resume on Oct. 25.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/10/iraq-protests-reasons-renaissance.html#ixzz638TzO22r

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chattels   " .............. Iraq’s post-sectarian nationalism exists within a country whose governance — and by extension, its nationalized economy — borders on the dysfunctional. A perfect storm of a poorly constructed constitution, electoral votes spread between multiple parties, corruption that doubles as Iraq’s campaign finance system, a bloated public sector, an authoritarian history that strongly discourages initiative and a decayed educational system that leaves many Iraqis without basic competencies has frustrated any attempts (albeit most of them half-hearted) to implement reforms.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/10/iraq-protests-reasons-renaissance.html#ixzz638UUqykz

chattels   Unfortunately, it is unclear what the government can do to allay the complaints of Iraq’s youth. The Iraqi state, post-2003, has worked — to the extent it can be said to — by putting Iraqi citizens on the public payroll.

Today there are almost three million Iraqis with public sector jobs and at least an equal number of pensioners. However, the state has reached the pinnacle of its ability to provide employment.

There is simply no more money to hire Iraq’s newly graduating cohorts, let alone public sector work for them to do. The formula that has worked — kind of — for 15 years is simply no longer viable. Even petrodollars can only take you so far.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/10/iraq-protests-reasons-renaissance.html#ixzz638UkEFjy

chattels   The removal of the problems that defined the American occupation of Iraq — sectarianism and insurgency — have left the deep structural problems of Iraq’s government and its political economy exposed.

Iraq’s newly functioning society is asking why its government is not similarly repairing itself. The demonstrations are a tangible expression of this basic question. That guns have — to date — been the answer is not encouraging. One can only hope that better answers emerge should the demonstrations renew within the week as expected.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/10/iraq-protests-reasons-renaissance.html#ixzz638V44D9F

chattels   Families of Sadr City ‘martyrs’ say protests will resume

Shelly Kittleson October 20, 2019   Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/10/iraq-protests-sadr-city-baghdad.html#ixzz638VDnqYD

chattels   The House of Representatives: the next meeting on schedule on Saturday

Tuesday , 22 October 20:13 2019  Baghdad / Nina / The House of Representatives announced that its next meeting will be held on schedule on Saturday, the twenty-sixth of October https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=793800

chattels   NASA: Ozone hole significantly reduced

Wednesday 23, October 2019 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=793834

chattels   The meeting will be devoted to the follow - up Vant B demonstrators, and discuss the government report to investigate the attacks on demonstrators, in the presence of a number of executives, "noting that he" did not respond to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives so far no legal request for an emergency session. " / is over


chattels   Ozone layer story just sort of slipped in there above. :)

chattels   ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – At least 157 protesters were killed during the protests which swept Iraq earlier this month, a report published by the Human Rights Office of the United Nationals Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) confirmed on Tuesday. It put the number of injured at 5,494. https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/221020191

chattels   Have a fine evening all.

sandyf   @Andrewhatidid don't worry the revaluation of the dinar going to happen out of no where just like the brexit was approved out of no where today.

Absolute garbage. Last weeks brexit agreement did not come "out of nowhere", it was proposed years ago but rejected by the UK under Theresa May. The new PM Johnson conceded to the EU's proposal to try and get any deal.  Once again it has all come unstuck.

"Boris Johnson has been forced to slam the brakes on his Brexit deal after suffering another damaging Commons defeat while hinting at a general election to settle the new crisis." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-vote-deal-timetable-boris-johnson-mps-delay-general-election-a9167011.html

Portmagaland   sandyf I'm with Chattels on being dense regarding that interview. I appreciate you digging it up.and posting it for us to read and I too, was wondering how it translates to current events regarding the dinar? Do you have any thoughts?



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