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IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Evening 2-4-20

IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Evening 2-4-20

Chattels   In Iraq, Hurra Channel: leaked documents from Iranian Revolutionary Guards show that 32000 Iraqis receive direct salaries from Iran. Among them are militia leaders & government officials. Hadi Ameri is among them. http://mobp.as/K8luq

Chattels   Including ministers and faction leaders .. US report reveals names of Iraqis receiving salaries from Iran

Shafaq News - 2/4/2020 7:54:01 PM http://iraqnewsapp.com/1/Article/2244/191147867#.XjnELzJKi1s

chattels   We will know better what we have or are dealing with better when we can see the names of the new cabinet nominees I hope.

chattels   It occurs to me that Allawi is going to have to distance himself from even the appearance of impropriety of "connectedness" to political faction to have any chance of obtaining some approval from the protesters.

futuremoney   chattels question...do you really think the Iraq gov CARES about these protestors??!!

futuremoney   they are shooting them in the streets, lying about them and jailing them....nope, don't care

Dave   thought protesters demands namely were jobs and deal with corruption

futuremoney   it is

chattels   futuremoney I don't think that they can kill them all without self destruction.

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Patty   chattels Thank you Chattels....however, if the US is having any affect on Iran's economics, where is Iran getting the funds to back the troops, and government officials? From their already poor citizens, or through Iraq auction?

futuremoney   chattels I agree...but they are trying to stiffel them

Dave   How about nominating a PM that will leave the green zone and actually join them in the streets

futuremoney   i believe many more are being either killed or jailed than is being reported

futuremoney   Dave why doesn't the protestors name their own PM?? cant do that either...

Dave   they have been asking for designates

chattels   Patty The figures regarding the impact of sanctions on the Iranian economy can be researched. See https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-48119109

chattels   It appears that the impact may have reduced their economy by about 15 %.

chattels   Still plenty of money to " divert " to other uses.

Dave   after how many decades......down 15%

futuremoney   OMG

futuremoney   Baboon's have a better society..

Dave   another few decades before they really feel the crunch

futuremoney   i see no end to this

Dave   ;chill

futuremoney   unless, literally ,the people storm the parliament and prosecute the MP's and set up their own gov

Dave   get PM to join the protesters in the streets backed by the military?

Dave   your fired as per will of the people

Dave   easy eh?

futuremoney   yup

Dave   give them some concessions.......return what you have stolen and we will go easy on you....as per."Abadi"

futuremoney   never happen

Dave   futuremoney selling then?

futuremoney   cant even make anti-corruption laws because they don't enforce ANY laws

Dave   Fire my Idea off to ALLAWI......

futuremoney   nope...hoping to at least exchange if it comes back up to 1160 or better...break even

Dave   what went down in EGypt yrs back was similiar to what is happening now

futuremoney   and you see what happened to Egypt...nothing..economy collaped

Dave   futuremoney had nothing other than tourism to offer the world?

futuremoney   it was fine before the corruption started...just like iraq

futuremoney   actually ..as soon as the gov was taken over by the Islamic religion...

Dave   futuremoney yes people generally better off under Saddam

Dave   SADAT was very popular?

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futuremoneylook at the muslim nations...the ones that have Kings with total control thrive..those that try democracy....nuts

Dave   UAE Bahrain Kuwaitis Saudis doing okay.......

futuremoney   all Kings

Clay   they did better with them being controlled   by dictators

Dave   peeps well taken care of

futuremoney   that's all they know

Dave   Citizens are rich and happy

Dave   not as much as the Kings ........

Dave   have reliable AC........

Dave   ??????

Dave   they pay us to work for them because they choose not to work?

Patty   chattels Thank you for that info. I am so thankful to be living in the USA. I see about the only way to curb this - and it will take 10 - 12 years, is a zero population growth policy. No children, no armies. There must be some sort of birth control that can be added to their water systems. Heck, they've found so many ways to kill people off with biological wars.

futuremoney  i mean really....its been 13 years since they were liberated..and they still don't have electric 24 hrs a day...that's rediculous

Dave   yep

futuremoney   Patty good idea

Dave   Egyptians had AC

Futuremoney   had a cousin who worked in Qatar...had to live in a gated and guarded compound and had to be driven everywhere is a bulletproof car to get to work...

futuremoney   peaceful people , they are

Dave   They are good with Canadians though

chattels   Dave Can they identify Canadians from Americans ?

chattels   Distinguishable how ?

Dave   Yes USA citizens wear canadian idenifiers

chattels   Dave ???

Dave   Caps etc    get better treatment

chattels   Dave So Americans could wear Canadians hats and avoid being killed ?

Dave   Never been in that situation,,,,,?

Dave   berrter treatment definately

Dave   Always got better rooms,deals.service with vendors.....etc

Dave   quite funny actually.......

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chattels   Who is Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi ?


Dave   chattels Part Chalibi/Allawi?

Dave   So he resigned......THATS GOOD!

Dave   how would that pose as being problematic?

Dave   In your face MALIKI!

futuremoney   Dave what are you talking about?

Dave   chattels post

futuremoney   who resigned??

Dave   read the article.......Allawi's defense

Dave   jumped ship and joined Sadr

futuremoney   years ago...

chattels   Allawi was a political commentator for the past 7 years or so. He has written extensively on his blog about numerous subjects. https://mohammedallawi.com/

Dave   Attempting to convince protesters that he should be more palatable

chattels   Muhammad Allawi wrote several articles that were dealt with by many news agencies in which he objected to the monetary policy of the Governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Ali Al-Alaq, and the currency auction (13) , and the Governor of the Central Bank replied to him as an open message in the media (14) . In the media, too, he compared the policy of Dr. Sinan al-Shabibi, the former governor of the Central Bank, with the policy of Mr. Ali Al-Alaq

Dave   Rocken.....!

chattels   Muhammad Allawi presents excerpts from his proposed government program for the next government (Part One / Economy);

January   LINK  

Dave    non comprendo

Zig     translated LINK  

Patty   Zig Thank you for this translated version.

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chattels   The foregoing articles are worth one's time in reading if you want to know more about Allawi.

Clay   thanks as always Chattles

Zig   Chattels: "Allawi was a political commentator for the past 7 years or so. He has written extensively on his blog about numerous subjects. Translated https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ar&u=https://mohammedallawi.com/&prev=search


futuremoney   wow..great article!!

Baxter   80 degrees here futuremoney...and of course.. sunshine..

futuremoney   back to rain ,clouds and cold and zero sun

Baxter   I know    I just looked    same at home..  Ohio

chattels   It is ironic that the lack of connection between Allawi and the established political factions, or having a political base of his own, may lead to his undoing much as it may have been for Mahdi. He needs the support of the protesters to succeed, IMO.

Dave   Zig thanx for translation......

chattels   Which is likely why he asked the protesters to continue to demonstrate.

futuremoney   and they dont like him either...

Dave   I think he going to join the protestors as we speak

Futuremoney   that would be the only way it would work

Dave   ON A ROLL CHATTELS.......

Dave   MORE!

Baxter   so when is the GCR??

futuremoney    in your dreams

chattels   Tune in tomorrow for another episode of " As Iraq Turns ". :)

Dave   that was worth a second read

futuremoney   sounds like a great person to turn Iraq around...

chattels    and " Days of Our Lives in Dinarland ".

Dave   dimes soon.....

Baxter   DOW up... 407 points

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Kaperoni   Hi Zig!

Zig   Kaperoni : Hey

Zig   Dave is waiting to talk Fils with ya....lol

Kaperoni   Interesting article the other day from Muhammid Salih

Zig   @Patty: Are you familiar with Mr. Kaperoni??

Kaperoni     https://baghdadtoday.news/ar/news/109259/%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%B4%D8%A7%D8%B1-%D8%AD%D9%83%D9%88%D9%85%D9%8A-%D8%B9%D9%82%D9%88%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%85%D8%AC%D9%84%D8%B3

Kaperoni   He tells the total net worth of Iraq based on what is in the ground in Iraq. 15-16 trillion dollars!

Zig   Translated Version LINK

Kaperoni   So how can they RV at $1 with in excess of 42 trillion dinar in circulation? That is 2.5 times the total worth of Iraq. lol

Kaperoni   More proof the gurus are full of it.

Zig   Kaperoni : People question whether that total is accurate......42 trillion.......

Kaperoni   Well its been stated over and over that 70+ % of the money is outside the banking system (chunky)

Dave   :popcorn

Kaperoni   And the CBI is audited every year

Kaperoni   I think they liars are the gurus and not the CBI

Zig   Kaperoni : You do realize that people refer to you as a Guru as well, right??

Dave   tru dat

Kaperoni   Well that is their choice. I have never said I was a guru, just a researcher

Baxter   Zig.... I have something I want to email Kap to take a look it.. If I send it to you... can you send it to him...

Kaperoni   Whatever you believe, one thing is for sure...there cannot be a significant overnight RV/RI of the dinar with so much dinar in circulation.

Zig   Kaperoni's tweets and calls can be found at https://www.iqdcalls.com/kaperoni.html he has been a member of this chat a long time....

Dave   abstain...thanx

Kaperoni   Iraq or any other country could not give away all of its wealth

Kaperon   iOk. I gotta go. More research . Take care.

Chattels   The central bank sells more than / 236 / million dollars in the currency auction

Tuesday 04, February 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=811023

 chattels   Architecture / NINA / Former Member of Parliament Muhammad Saadoun al-Ziyoud ruled out the political blocs giving up their entitlements and quotas, indicating that they would put all their power on the Prime Minister-designate. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=811064

Dave   yeah like 4-5 trillion usd/month for that last 2 yrs almost

Chattels   "The political blocs are all without exception, I do not think that they will give up their quota benefits and will use all the methods that would pressure the person in charge of forming the government in order to obtain ministerial positions." https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=811064

chattels   A deputy in the region's parliament calls for the Prime Minister-designate to abide by the constitution towards the Kurdish entitlements

Tuesday 04, February 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=811022

chattels   ulaimaniyah / NINA / A deputy for the Change Movement in the Kurdistan Parliament called on Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi to deal according to the constitution in granting the Kurds their entitlements from positions in the next government.

The Kurdistan Parliament member, Kolestan Saeed, stressed: "The need for the Prime Minister-designate to adhere to and abide by the Iraqi constitution set himself in dealing with the Kurds' dues, whether they relate to positions, ministries, or financial dues."

chattels   Allawi has a near impossible task given the constitutional and political complexities extant in Iraq.


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