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IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Evening 1-14-20

IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Evening 1-14-20

TWWIII   From Kuwait USA Army: There are a lot of moving parts haha, I cannot disclose what is going on. A lot has not been on the news, but what little has is close to being accurate. [....]

Yeah a lot of people over here are great-full we took out soloman and his pals. 

Democrats keep going the way they’re going, they will be dealing with an insurgency in our own country. They are rotten to the core.

Things here have been busy, haven’t had a day off in a few months and dealing with drama in the family. Ya know, life n **** haha. I may be getting extended another 9 months, don’t know yet. As of now I’m still slotted to be back in the states in March, but idk how things will play out.

Things go good then gets right down nasty. Do you still need some IQD? How’re things back in Washington?

Francis Albert   TWW...tell us why you would be in a situation to "can not disclose this or that?"

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TWWIII   Francis Albert Why not, I made a promise to him prior to going to Kuwait & my word is my bond

TWWIII   Francis Albert My friend that the army sent to Kuwait several months ago. When he emails me we made an agreement only copy & paste & posts what he want posted as news. I gave him my word. His grandfather & my dad served together in the 50's Korea., Is this good enough for u Francis Albert ?

Dave   like to suggest the RV is imminent......but i cant

Dave   prefer to discuss how this is seemingly going backwards lately....

Francis Albert   Dave...silver me thinks has a big upside...of course us silver bugs have been saying that for years ha

Dave   8-9 yrs ago silver 48,00

Francis Albert   Remember that well...didn't last long...lots of paper longs and shorts..anomaly

Dave   is not keeping pace with other rare minerals

Francis Albert   Ah, they are all manipulated and controlled

Francis Albert   The real silver bugs I know say that "someday" the demand for physical with all these paper "contracts" out there will catch up with them and boom. We'll see. They have a pretty good handle on keeping the price where they want...for now

JoeSchmoe   Doug_W what are your buddies over at DP saying?

Doug_W   haven't been there all day VA day

Doug_W   JoeSchmoe they are as alweays cautious but not looking 4 anything soon

larrykn   I love it when they say that

JoeSchmoe   larrykn you're pretty caught up on all things dinar. What are your thoughts on this thing going past this year too?

Doug_W   me too larrykn

larrykn   JoeSchmoe if they don't get it together soon I would say it could go on and on and on

biff   Still waiting for the " Go " code ! lol

joeSchmoe   larrykn get what together exactly

Doug_W   larrykn thems banning words PAL

larrykn   sorry doug I call it like I see it,, they have no govenment, Iran is trying to run things over there and people are rioting , would you increase your currency under those conditions, I think not

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larrykn   So for me I'll just :chill out:

biff   Sources inside Baghdad say Al Baba and the 40 thieves say March 2020

Chattels   Sadr calls on supporters to protest against US troop presence https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/14012020

chattels   ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iraq’s notorious Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr on Tuesday called on his supporters and Iraqi protesters to conduct large-scale demonstrations against the presence of American troops.

The leader called for "a million-strong, peaceful, unified demonstration to condemn the American presence and its violations," he tweeted on Tuesday.

chattels   Sadr, head of the Sairoon Allliance, the largest bloc in the Iraqi parliament, founded southern Iraq’s Mahdi Army in 2003. His militia killed and injured scores of American servicemen.

He disbanded the militia in 2008. However, he announced the reactivation of the Mahdi Army after Soleimani's death, referring to himself as the “head of Iraqi National Resistance.”

chattels   In Iraq, leader of Fatah Coalition, Hadi Ameri, announces his support for Muqtada Sadr’s call for million man protest against US presence. http://mobp.as/MzPnq

chattels   Influential Iraqi cleric Sadr calls for anti-U.S. demonstrations https://reut.rs/36VnOw6

chattels   Sadr sees the vacuum caused by the death of Sulaimani and Muhandis an opportunity to assert his position within Iraqi Shia politics, even by outbidding Iranian - sponsored factions in embracing the “resistance” discourse. https://twitter.com/harith_hasan

chattels   The Sinister Genius of Qassem Soleimani

The Iranian commander harnessed both Shiite extremists and Sunni radicals, even as he built a ‘foreign legion’ to project Iran’s power https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-sinister-genius-of-qassem-soleimani-11578681560

chattels   Parliament votes on a law, postpones the fact-finding report on the central bank building project, and adjourns it to the next Sunday http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/index.php?storytopic=41

chattels   Abdul Mahdi's office: The government will not sign an agreement to keep US forces in the country

[Baghdad-Ain]   The spokesman for the office of the resigned prime minister, William Warda, confirmed on Tuesday that the government will not sign an agreement stipulating that US forces will remain in the country to continue fighting ISIS.

Warda said, in statements to American media, today, January 14, 2020, that Iraq will not sign an agreement regarding keeping American forces in Iraq to continue fighting against ISIS, noting that "the Iraqi government will support the parliament’s vote on the withdrawal of American forces from the country, against the background of killing Qassem Soleimani and deputy chief of the popular crowd, Abu Mahdi engineer in a US raid.  http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=86025

chattels   Al-Fayad bloc sets conditions for the return of Abdul-Mahdi as prime minister

[Baghdad-Ain]   The Ata Movement, headed by Faleh al-Fayyad, head of the Popular Mobilization Committee, on Tuesday outlined seven conditions for restoring confidence in the outgoing Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi.   http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=86036

chattels   Natl Sec Adv Fatah's party lays out conditions to accept Abdul Mahdi staying on as PM Another sign this move might be gaining traction http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=86036 …

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chattels   The Al-Hikma Movement bloc calls on the government to disclose the contents of the Iraqi agreement with China

Tuesday, 14 January 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=807626

chattels   According to the gurus the agreement between Iraq and China is the next trigger for the " RV ". I doubt it.

chattels   Parliamentary services reveal the details of the Iraqi agreement with China and calls on the relevant authorities to cooperate to ensure its implementation

Tuesday 14, January 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=807646

chattels   Will / can it be implemented and if it is will any economic benefits be stolen by administrators ?

chattels   The central bank sells more than / 257 / million dollars in the currency auction

Tuesday 14, January 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=807691

biff   Thanks chattels hattelsAccording to the gurus the agreement between Iraq and China is the next trigger for the " RV ". I doubt it. It wont happen

chattels   Abdul-Mahdi at the cabinet session: Iraq is strong and capable of overcoming all difficult and complex circumstances 

Tuesday 14, January 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=807673

Young_SC   What   Is The CBI SAYING

Young_SC   Abdul mahdi is an iranian backed person who the citizens no longer want or accepted

Young_SC   He resigned

Young_SC   For a specific reason

Young_SC   Citizens will destroy the politicians

Young_SC   Abdul mahdi has no say in the situation

Young_SC   So im not sure why do you guys pay attention to those artcles

Young_SC   Remember as i stated before Maliki still owns 60% of the media in Iraq

Young_SC   Or has an influence on what the iraqi media will post

Young_SC   How can a resigned former pm have any say on who stays or goes or anything at all especially a pm who the US nor the citizens no longer accept. Think about it!

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Wilder   With money and intimidation.

Young_SC   Wilder With the united states in charge right?

Young_SC   Wilder You do know the reason why he is no longer in charge is because of the U.S right?

Wilder   Yes . But he's still there.

Wilder   Not as PM but a puppet of Iran.

Wilder   With Irans influence telling us they want us to leave why is it that we dont tell them to leave?

Wilder   Young_SC What do you think?

Dave   I wanna coup.........

Young_SC   Because he is there partaking in the care taker goverment right now with no rights to anything whatsoever

Dave   over 3 mons......protesters got nodda

Wilder   And we are allowing it?

Young_SC   Once the full time government gets voted in with the new real pm he will no longer be there

Dave   ONCE......lpl

Young_SC   Wilder US is not allowing anything

Young_SC   I just said some of the articles are false news

Young_SC   Because of some iranians still having some influence on the iraqi media

Dave   like in the coming days......

Dave   next session?

Young_SC   Do not put too much energy in the articles that speak about the resign pm

Young_SC   I already mentioned that to Chattels

Young_SC   To each their own

Wilder   Thats fine. And I agree. Whats it going to take? I see no fair elections with Iranian influence.

Dave   to see it is to believe it

Young_SC   Wilder well that is why you have been seeing what you see now with the news concerning iran

Dave   GOI currently cant pass nodda?

Young_SC   Dave what does that have to do with the CBI??

Dave   nodda

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Young_SC   Did any of you guys know that the CBI FINANCE minister just had a meeting with some members of the GOI last week and Plan to open up 4 accounts with China

Young_SC   How is that possible if you are so called chapter 7??

Young_SC   Dave ?

Young_SC   Bank accounts with China????

Young_SC   How so??

Young_SC   If you are chapter 7

Dave   not quite...almost Kuwait still awaitong cash

Dave   UNAMI still involved as well

Young_SC   Dave The point is how can i have international bank accounts about to be opened with another international country if my currency is under sanctions???

Young_SC   Did you see that article Dave??

Dave   yadda yadda then

 Dave   no     where?

Young_SC   The Central Bank of Iraq opens 4 accounts with the US Federal Bank for the purpose of starting to implement the Chinese agreement

Young_SC   LINK

Young_SC   Why are you guys not paying attention to these articles??

Dave   wont translate

Dave   Young_SC sorry cant read Arabic

Zig   Dave : LINK

Young_SC   Abdul-Mahdi cannot remove the US forces, as he is resigned

Young_SC   http://www.ikhnews.com/index.php?page=article&id=206450

Young_SC   Im not sure why you guys do not know that When articles of abdul mahdi get posted of him saying this or saying that it will confuse you guys

Young_SC  Making it to believe that he is in charge

Young_SC   Do not believe everything that you see chattels

Dave   Petrol dollars permitted.....?

Young_SC  It will confuse you and will cause confusion with others

Zig   Young_SC : That's a good name for the chat: "The Confused Room".....LOL..... ;dont no;

Dave   Young_SC well read it 3 times......to start......????When?

Dave   Iraq has plenty of agreements......

Dave   Lots of bad engrish in that article

Whitelions   Young_SC Thank you we missed that article on the CBI

Sparky   Young_SC ...I'm so confused, I just buy more...

Sparky   Young_SC ...and based on articles, when can they, or will they " pull the trigger " ?

Sparky   Young_SC ...thinking Ch 7 allows USA to stay, and intervene at will...

Dave   the SFA still in Force?

Sparky   ...quick recap...try to eliminate petro dollar...take a dirt nap...

Sparky   Dave ...Solemani wanted to end SoFA a couple weeks ago...

Dave   Sparky answered your own question then

Sparky   Dave ...which question, as I have many...

Dave   Sofa

Dave   usa stays

Sparky   Dave ...yup......also thinking Maliki may become a target ...wishfull thinking......cut the head off the snakes...


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