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IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday 5-26-20

IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday 5-26-20

Clay   ya know we havent heard anything from the IMF

Clay   wonder how this virus is effecting their bottom line

Doug_W   it can't B good Clay

Clay   I know thats why I asked

Dave   Dinar alert......PM forming committees to go after corrupt officials......would post the link but figure they have formed plenty of committees over the years

futuremoney   Dave :Yawn yep

Dave   futuremoney seemed to have an oil and finance minister? Minister of Finance & Minister of Oil Agency- Ali Allawi @alimofirq

Dave   May 25, 2020 Walter:  Minister of Finance & Minister of Oil Agency  Ali.Allawi@alimofirq   Translated from Arabic by  

As required by the current situation in Iraq, I met today with the Economic Policy Department of the Economic Department of the Ministry of Finance and we decided to implement immediately the following:

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futuremoney   idk

Dave   may have a complete cabinet??

Dave   that could be a first?

Xyz   5-26-2020 Intel Guru Delta ...great information from the Financial Minister. In his tweet he's talking about they're tying to get Iraq back to the financial status internationally. Guess what happened? He just have [gave] an executive order and he ordered the Central Bank of Iraq with other financial entities in Iraq to implement and launch that ASAP so Iraq can regain their financial status internationally...the glory days...they have to activate whatever they needed to implement from the Prime Minister and the Office of Financial Ministry...this is just amazing. This is just unbelievable...

Dave   ...and read articles about Kuwait still wanting 3 billion......

Dave   "to launch".....future tense.....believable.......but when

Baxter   ABOUT 2099

Doug_W   THAT is the question Dave

Dave   waiting for have launched

Doug_W    @Baxter stocks up over 700 points

Baxter   Good

Baxter   wonder why?

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Doug_W   reopening

Dave   reopening in Canada not working out in some Proninces esp the ones with all the cases

Doug_W   Cavuto will be on in 15 mins he will most likely explain Baxter

Baxter   ok.. I will watch

Baxter   that stupid Gov Cuomo is still giving daily virus updates..and says nothing

Clay   Baxter same here with Cooper...such a loser

Clay   no one listens to him

Clay   people now agree this was a man made scam

Clay   China wanted to rid society of the elderly and sick

Clay   they didnt expect it to leak to the rest of the world

Baxter   I believe they wanted to bring the rest of the worlds economy down with them...

Baxter   and they sure did that

Clay   yep

Baxter   I think Trump should boycott China altogether... let them fall

spankie   I think China economy very bad now- no ones buying from them- angry

Clay   they will pay

Clay   no one will want to trade anymore

Baxter   we can sell our farmers grains to someone else

Baxter   and the crap China builds and brings into this country.... OMG

spankie   baxter - china is dumping product for money

Clay   the horror they spread throughout the world will not be forgotten

Clay   they will sink

Clay   and fast

spankie   walmart shelves empty cause much is china goods

Baxter   spankie thats for sure

Baxter   Our Walmart has nothing...

Clay   still no TP on shelves

spankie   they are making a message that its trumps fault-

Clay   people know better

spankie   if they can trash the economy trump will look bad-

spankie   he could have done another cash for clunkers-

Baxter   Gee... I remember that...

spankie   or revamp the med system - which is now un affordable


https://covid.joinzoe.com/us   COVID Symptom Tracker

https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


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