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IQD CALLS Chat Thursday Night 2-13-20

IQD CALLS Chat Thursday Night 2-13-20

Deano    Does anyone here have any contacts inside the IMF?

Dave   WTO observer status not IMF ......oops

Dave   Deano THE jest is IMF would prefer BAnks make Money rather the CBI off the spread

Dave   eliminate the AUCTIONS

Deano   Yes eliminate the auctions. Do you think they're in the process right now of doing that?


Dave   ALL: THAT foreign investment flooding in……… esp from Kuwaiti conference

Deano   @Dave. I believe the banks are setting up with what needs to be done in order to benefit their citizens.

Dave   23% have bank accounts i last heasrd   Dave   Maliki has many?

Dave   how many names you figure he has?

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Deano   The true test will come out on Sunday if in fact the new seated government is approved by parliament.

Dave   Test started 14 yrs ago still no fully seated GOVT

Dave   Sunday......HMMM   then only caretaker

Young_SC   Remember with corrupt Mahdi it took him 9 months to fill his cabinet LOL

Futuremoney   you mean...fill his pockets

Dave   Young_SC FULLY...?

Deano   @futuremoney good point.

Dave   DEfense Minister......Maliki

Deano   Think about the hands that are in this pot called Iraq that belong to those outside the country

Dave   ordered all those defective bomb detectors....recollect that?

Dave   Deano RICH people generally have rich friends

Deano   @Dave that's not what I meant. But still another good point. I'm referring to Trump. What do you think is going to happen with our economy when this happens?

Young_SC   Abdul-Mahdi asked for guarantees that he would not be prosecuted before leaving office

Dave   WHY?????

Deano   Yeah he knows his days are numbered

Young_SC   http://www.ikhnews.com/index.php?page=article&id=209024

Young_SC   Those Iraqi citizens have been suffering for too long with the amount of corrupt politicians

Dave   Young_SC Maliki et-al going to commit suicide????LOL

Dave   Young_SC Us Dinarians gonna suffer longer with that note count?

Dave   Deano CALLED CURRENCY EXCHANGE AUCTION.......not digital

Dave   Digital exchange auctions ended.......KOOL   Going international KOOLER????

Dave   Bank screens flashing soon

Deano   Again. I'm a firm believer that things are happening behind closed doors that people won't know right away. But yet we have so many geniuses here that have all the answers.

Dave   Deano Closed doors of CBI

Deano   Not just CBI. My OPINION! Many doors.

Dave   Deano yeah Shabs felt the heat

Dave   times have changed...i hope

Deano   Yes. Not the same as it was 10-12 years ago like some keep referring to. I look at it like a game of chess. Pieces re being strategically placed. Once that final piece is placed, Checkmate

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Patty   Deano Thank you. https://www.exchangerates.org.uk/Iraqi-Dinar-IQD-currency-table-html But the rates "freeze" every weekend on this site, so if they actually do something this weekend would be perfect...well, first Awalli, they MPs, then budget, etc.

Deano   Look at it like this as well. When you buy Christmas gifts for family members, do you go ahead and tell them what's wrapped up???

Wilder   JPMorgan’s Role in Metals Spoofing Is Under U.S. Criminal Probe. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-05/jpmorgan-s-role-in-metals-spoofing-is-under-u-s-criminal-probe

chattels   Iraqi lawmakers confirm that Allawi's booth will be completed and unveiled next Sunday


chattels   Parliamentarians revealed in press statements, that they received invitations to attend a parliamentary session, next Sunday, where Allawi will announce his cabinet, in his cabinet for the Iraqi government, after being seen by President Barham Saleh.

chattels   Iraq’s establishment parties must back Allawi’s new cabinet https://www.rudaw.net/english/opinion/13022020

Sam I Am   chattels Do you believe that there will be an RV?

chattels   Sam I Am Depends upon how you define " RV "?

chattels   According to insider sources, Allawi is now finalizing his cabinet nominations. However, very little is known about who will be appointed to which ministry or how they were selected.

One thing that appears certain is Allawi’s intention to overhaul the entire cabinet. It is also understood Allawi has been given a free hand to pick his ministers without pressure from Iraq’s powerful political blocs.

Sam I Am   chattels I mean the CBI raising the value to $1    or even a dime

chattels   The foregoing article is one of the more positive I have read regarding Allawi's prospects of forming a government.

chattels   Sam I Am I invested with the thought that a dime would be an excellent return. I just hope that I do not lose it all at this point.

chattels   Sam I Am I have suspected for some time that a lop was a real possibility and I hope for some increase in value contemporaneous to it.

chattels   Sam I Am But, my thoughts and opinions are not favored here or elsewhere.

Sam I Am   chattels I know the feeling

chattels   Sam I Am I have noticed :).

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Sam I Am   chattels are you affiliated with any guru?

chattels   Sam I Am I had some trust and association with BGG for a time, but not any more as to him or anyone.

Sam I Am   ok

chattels     I believe that sandyf and Kap have some insights, but I do not profess to know the outcome of all this and I am skeptical of anyone who claims to know.

Zig   chattels : Years ago were you on some conference calls with BGG?

chattels   Sam I Am Are you as jaded as you seem to be or do you allow for the possibility of a return on investment in some degree ?

chattels   Zig I was.

chattels   Zig I did much of the research on Iraqi news there for over a year.

Sam I Am   chattels I'm jaded I guess. I see no possibility of any substantial return

Zig   chattels : Yes, I remember that...

chattels   Sam I Am Hard to argue or condemn you for it. I just hope to get lucky. I am heavily invested.

chattels   I am prepared for this to be a multi-generational event.

chattels   Munich Security Conference: ISIS poses ‘continued threat’ says PM Barzani https://www.rudaw.net/english/world

Sam I Am   chattels I would recommend the old adage that you shouldn't invest any more than you can afford to lose

chattels   Sam I Am I quit buying some years ago. I have what I have and I am prepared to lose it. Not happily, but the kind of potential for reward in this does not come without a high risk.

Sam I Am   chattels I had 8 million in 2010

chattels   Sam I Am I appreciate your concern for me and others. I have never advised anyone to buy or sell.

chattels   Sam I Am I and my immediate family hold about 60 million.

Sam I Am   OUCH

Sam I Am   chattels I say this with all respect, you are over invested

chattels   Sam I Am So, i am a bit impatient when I am attacked in here as being negative. I prefer realism.

Sam I Am   chattels I'll Zip it now :censor:

chattels   Sam I Am We shall see.

chattels   Sam I Am If it increases in value to a penny or two then one needs a lot to make a good lick.

Baxter   Chattels... thats the way I figured it as well... a dime would be exhorbitant

Sam I Am   chattels That was my logic. I never thought it would hit $1. I figured a dime so I bout 8 mil

Sam I Am   But then I learned how currency valuation works and I sold all but 140K

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chattels   I invested in the hope of getting lucky. I have never claimed to be smart.

chattels   Sam I Am I am a big boy. I will live with the consequences of my decision(s).

Sam I Am   chattels okie dokie

chattels   Sam I Am Again, I appreciate your concern for me and others.

chattels   In Iraq, K-1 Base in Kirkuk Province attacked by rockets. Heavy concentration of helicopters over base following attack. Base hosts US forces. https://twitter.com/DavidMWitty1?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

chattels   Allawi's mission in forming the government is a difficult, if not impossible, task

Thursday 13, February 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=812428

chattels   Architecture / NINA / Former Member of Parliament Mohamed Saadoun Al-Shyoud saw that the task of the Prime Minister-designate in forming the government is a difficult one, if not impossible, in light of the political blocs ’adherence to partisan, sectarian, and visual quotas.

Sam I Am   chattels Your Welcome

chattels   Time for Tucker Carlson. Be back later.

Zig   That was one of the best conversations I have ever seen in here...for many reasons... :)

Matt   Market Prices Down some today see numbers here https://www.iqdcalls.com/Markets.html

Wheresmyrv?   Zig I agree, kudos to chattels and Sam for having a good conversation here

TWWIII   Zig I applaud both Chattels & Sam I am for such a great conversion, thanx guys

chattels   Muhammad Al-Khaldifi, said earlier, that “the ministerial cabinet of the prime minister-designate is ready, adding that“ Allawi will inform the president and the resigned prime minister and ask the parliament to hold an emergency session for the purpose of voting on the ministerial cabinet. ”


chattels   We may know whether Allawi has a viable government as early as Sunday.

chattels   Fresh currency fears loom over Turkey

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/02/turkey-fresh-currency-fears-loom-over-turkish-economy.html#ixzz6Dtoj6C3V

chattels   Currency manipulation strikes me as very complex and is hardly intuitive.

chattels   ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iraqi women joined anti-government activists in Baghdad’s Tahrir Square on Thursday to demand equality and reject Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr’s demand for gender segregation of protesters. https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/130220202

chattels   Sadr attacked the all-female march on Twitter, calling it sinful, immoral and licentious and against Iraqi values, likening it to religious extremism.

chattels   Unlikely that Sadr will end up on the " right " side of history in all of this, eh ?

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Kaperoni   Hello

Kaperoni   Here is a question from 13 Feb 20, 04:33 PM Young_SC  Where do you get 48 trillion dollars to cover that budget that is about to come out??

Kaperoni   The budget is not 48 trillion, it is over 148 trillion!

Kaperoni   The way they are trying to accomplish this is about $100 trillion is the (regular amount each year) from oil sales and the additional 48 trillion is part of a new public/private partnership which was designed to kick off the private sector and rebuild the infrastructure.

There are several articles on this concept from last July-Nov or so that came out. It is not a RV or any other guru nonsense, just a plan to bring investors into Iraq to rebuild and have it financed/coordinated with the help of the GOI.

This is risky of course and recent talk is to modify this budget before it is passed as a result of the protests, delays to next year. Time will tell what they decide to do. But the idea was good at the time.

chattels   Kaperoni good evening

Kaperoni   Hi chattels

Kaperoni   I will go back and try to find the article describing this partnership but may take a while.

chattels   Kaperoni I recall it generally and as we know, unless and until the budget is passed into law, Iraq is treading water with the payment of salary and wages.

Kaperoni   probably going to be a revised budget anyway, which will upset many

chattels   Haven't heard a word about Kurdistan sending any oil to Baghdad. Waiting for that to blow up again.

Kaperoni   I think they did

Kaperoni   not certain but read something last week

chattels   The budget agreement, again, which the Kurds say they can / will abide by this year, has been on hold with the government transition from what I have read, but ......................

Kaperoni   wouldnt be surprised

chattels   I did read some encouraging news about the Kurds and Sunnis moderating their constitutional and quota positions in the new government.

chattels   Representatives told the " Nina " reporter , "The formation of the interim government that Allawi will present will include 23 ministerial portfolios instead of the 15 portfolios Allawi had previously proposed on the first day of his assignment." https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=812380

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / The political blocs have informed their representatives in the House of Representatives that the Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Allawi is in the process of offering the names of several candidates to each ministerial portfolio in the formation of the interim government, to ensure that the vote is as far as possible to give confidence to his incomplete cabin yet. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=812367

Kaperoni   We will see. its all talk at this point and we will see if they vote to approve him and his cabinet

Kaperoni   I have my doubt since he and Maliki do not get along


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