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IQD CALLS Chat Thursday Night 1-9-20

IQD CALLS Chat Thursday Night 1-9-20

chattels   Has the time come for US-Iran negotiations?   Ali Mamouri January 9, 2020

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/01/iraq-iran-us-ain-asad-anbar.html#ixzz6AX1Trnlg

chattels   The call for an end to using Iraqi territory in the US-Iran war no longer seems realistic or binding until a strong Iraqi government comes into power, taking serious legal and diplomatic action against both to stop the use of Iraq as a battleground.

​In such circumstances, the only way to prevent Iraq from falling into the abyss is a serious US-Iran negotiation that solves not only the nuclear issue but also their disagreements over the region’s conflicts.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/01/iraq-iran-us-ain-asad-anbar.html#ixzz6AX1zOdfx

Chattels   Iraqi Saraya Salam militia: our revenge for the blood of the martyrs will be the expulsion of US forces.   http://mobp.as/Lrmmq

chattels   US President: we have doubts about what happened to the Ukrainian aircraft in Iran.


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chattels   7:13pm in Baghdad and Tahrir Square is gradually filling up for tomorrow's anticipated revival of protests. Tomorrow's theme focuses on rejecting all foreign interference. #IraqProtests       https://twitter.com/TheOmarHabeeb

chattels   Thursday, January 9, 2020  Funerals for Iran’s Gen Suleimani And Hashd Leader Muhandis Used To Attack Protesters


chattels   Pro-Iran Hashd groups took the deaths of Iranian Revolutionary Guards Quds Force Commander General Qasim Suleimani and deputy head of the Hashd Commission Abu Muhandis to attack protest sites in southern Iraq. This comes as demonstrators are still suffering from kidnappings and assassination attempts.

chattels   Security forces fire live bullets on the Karbala protesters


chattels   UN delegation in Iraq demands that security forces stop using live fire against protesters. https://twitter.com/Newsofiraq/status/1215305951072399360

chattels   https://twitter.com/DavidMWitty1?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

chattels   With our last issue out, those of you who have read our long analysis of last month's futile effort to form a new government in Iraq will be happy to know that Sadr is trying to restart the process.

chattels   I am now thinking that the best solution might be to just declare Abd al-Mahdi's resignation illegal & make him stay in office. The only regulation of the PM's resignation, the cabinet bylaws, required the PM to resign to the president, not parliament. He violated that rule.

chattels    https://twitter.com/UticaRisk

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chattels   WHERE WILL U.S.-IRAN TENSIONS PLAY OUT? AN INTERVIEW WITH IRAQ’S PRESIDENT By Robin Wright, January 5, 2020. https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/where-will-us-iran-tensions-play-out-an-interview-with-barham-salih-iraqs-president?verso=true

chattels    Kirk H. Sowell @UticaRisk  ICYMI this interview with @BarhamSalih is important to read. He doesn't say much beyond what you would expect, but still worth your time. https://twitter.com/UticaRisk

chattels   TV news reporting that Ukranian flight was downed by Iran. Likely mistaken for US counter attack.

chattels   The most important decisions of the Supreme Judicial Council in the first session of 2020

Editing Date: 9/21/2020   http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=85938

GCR_Decider   Hi all GCR community

GCR_Decider   to all Zimbabwe money note holder: here is the hard truth: I am the decider who will decide how much money do you guys will receive and the method.

GCR_Decider   what most info and scenario made by some groups then displayed on the internet like inteldinarchrono, thebigcall,etc. are just the dream, the plan of some people who do not want to contribue to the society but want become rich ovenight

GCR_Decider   All people will have 2 chance to receive the blessing, the first one is already going on and will be close in next 5 days on January 15t 2020, while the second one will occur after that.

GCR_DeciderThe only method payment you will receive is cryptocurrency.

GCR_Decider   The only way for you to receive is you must apply and fill application on giveaways program at freejoy.aimoo.com

GCR_Decider   there is no other way

GCR_Decider   you can choose and decide by yourself about what info I've just given whether real or not, it is up to you.

GCR_Decider   I hope people who "control" GCR website/blog will send this info out for people to have a choice, whether rumor or not.

chattels    World Bank warns of global debt crisis following the fastest increase in borrowing since the 1970s



GCR_Decider   The "funds" will come from this https://theworld.data.blog/2020/01/09/how-any-nations-can-remove-all-international-sanctions-by-themselves-without-using-any-forces-bronze-key/

GCR_Decider   you can read the content and guess the outcome and have your own prediction, own choice

GCR_Decider   While the other part of the GCR which is relate to SWIFT system, you will see the truth once I release the Silver Key.

GCR_Decider   Have fun, bye !

chattels   Sadr calls for the formation of a government within 15 days and advises the demonstrators: Stop stubbornness    LINK

chattels   Courtesy IQD Team

Wilder   Israel launches attacks against Iran backed troops. PARTY TIME.

chattels   Wilder Link ?

Wilder   Tensions continued to climb in the Middle East Thursday evening as reports of another air strike have been confirmed, but this time, it was the Israelis doing the shelling.

According to reports by domestic and western media, the Israeli air force carried out an attack against an Iran-backed militia reportedly headquartered on the border between Syria and Iraq. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/israel-bombs-weapons-depot-run-iranian-militia

Wilder   https://www.timesofisrael.com/report-warplanes-target-weapons-shipment-on-iraq-syria-border/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

Wilder   Explosions were reported late Thursday at a base near the Iraqi-Syria border thought to be used by Shiite militias, in what was a suspected airstrike.

Reports in Arabic-language media indicated the attack took place near Albu Kamal, Syria, just west of the border with Iraq at al-Qaim. The area is thought to be a key smuggling corridor used by Iran to ship weapons to Syria and Lebanon. From link abovementioned.


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