IQD CALLS Chat Thursday Evening 10-31-19
IQD CALLS Chat Thursday Evening 10-31-19
Dave The MPs are evading arrest warrant demands.......promising rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens instead......
mikexx Iraq protests: PM Adel Abdul Mahdi 'will resign if replacement is found
Dave mikexx Kool .....not really what protesters want.......
mikexx and the beat goes on
Dave shall see......
Dave Provisional Govt.... then New Elections......then how many yrs to seat the GOVT?
Clay they need Sadaam back
Clay thats all they know is living under dictatorship
Dave better with him...than what they have now
Clay same with Libya and Syria
Clay now its Sunni (ISIS) against *
Clay Dave agree
Dave Clay Trump not an Autocrat?
Wheresmyrv? Clay agreed
Clay plus would have kept Iran in check
Dave Clay have they given us anything yet to be enthusiastic?
Clay Dave nope
Clay same O over and over
Dave Maliki in handcuffs then i will start to get excited
Francis Albert I would encourage not so much pessimism. The CBI is all that matters here. The government over there, just like any government will always be screwed up.
Remember, the idea of a "Fully seated government" was always just guru stuff to hand another carrot out for their followers. IMO, this never was a problem. It just wasn't time for OH, so many reasons. You all are fine.
Dave thought they voted days ago on lifting Immunity
Wheresmyrv? Francis Albert I hope you are right
Francis Albert I know I'm right
Dave Francis Albert Thats why that Kuwaiti Donor Conference went sideways?
Francis Albert Above my pay grade Dave. Not sure about that
Clay Francis Albert I think youn are right
Dave Francis Albert Sideways due to Rampant corruption
Clay no worse than here Dave
Francis Albert Well, think about the corruption in USG and multiply it by 10 for Mid East. These people have been battered around for so long..they get their hands on money and can't help themselves...and the people are treated terribly. It's just a shame what the West has done to that place the last 75 years.
Clay disrupting a good thing
Dave 1 trillion usd.....since Maliki.......??????
Clay Shoulda never got involved
Francis Albert Long ago there was just Arabia. So, this clan called Saudi wants the place for its own, goes in conquers it and re names it Saudi Arabia. This energy in in their DNA
Dave Clay should check out the World corruption list...USA is not close to the rest
Francis Albert Because they and their friends make the list up :)
Dave yes Bald politicians claiming 100 haircuts.......rampant corruption here
Francis Albert Keep in mind, Dollar Inc. runs the show World Wide right now. Central Banks, U.S. IMF, World Bank, BIS, U.N. The EU...
Francis Albert Dave, how about Rumsfeld announcing Defense Dept can't account for, I think it was, 7 Trillion Dollars the day before 911. Check it out if interested.
Clay Dave I know
Clay but still very corrupt
Clay politicians
Clay they all get rich in office
Dave Clay no even close on the order of magnitude
Clay I understand
Clay but our morons still send them $ knowing that
Clay the arabs
Clay and we get nothing for it
Clay they still hate us
Dave Clay not yet?
Dave Clay bombed them into obscurity looking for WMD
Dave and Chaney owned Haliburton......Hmmmm
Clay yes we did
Clay yes he did
Dave and then slapped with Sanctions,,,,,,
Zig "Francis Albert" "I know I'm right".............Now you sound like Kap..... ;eye roll;
Baxter 10-31-2019 **** Dinar Guru Newsflash **** According to CNN and other news outlets Iraqi Prime Minister Mahdi has agreed to resign from his position. He will step down next week after parliament passes needed election laws and a new government is in place. Stay tuned as the gurus chime in to discuss the impact this news will have on the dinar...
Baxter 10-31-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni With confidence in PM Mahdi failing, talk of him resigning is everywhere. We will just have to wait and see if it's true or not.
Baxter The Government that was elected a year and a half ago... is STILL NOT IN PLACE... SO FUNNY
Zig I really am enjoying being in this investment..... 'happy-dance
Baxter ME TOO..... I LOVE IT....
Zig Thanks to the person who told me about it.....LOL
Baxter Yep... I thank him every day.... LOL
larrykn Baxter the RV must be close now lol :laugh
Baxter I can see it coming over the horizon...
larrykn the talk will be all over dinar world tomorrow.
Baxte rI can see it coming over the horizon...
larrykn the talk will be all over dinar world tomorrow.
Baxter oh.. Im sure... especially on a Friday
Baxter Friday is PUMP DAY
larrykn yes the news will be built up big time
Baxter yep
Baxter count on it
larrykn I'll take the day off just to listen to it lol
Baxter oh goody...
Baxter Be back later maybe
Zig I don't think there has ever been anything like this as far as an investment being discussed online....the number of chats and forums....calls.....videos, etc.....maybe I am wrong.....can anyone think of anything similar??.....and the length of time spent on it as well.......
biff Party on Zig