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IQD CALLS Chat Sunday Evening 3-15-20

IQD CALLS Chat Sunday Evening 3-15-20

Sandyf   @Kaperoni sandyf Unfortunately Sandy you do not know what your talking about. But I will help with a few links...

Sandyf    A handful of links does not mean you have a plausible interpretation. It would be delusional to think that Iraq meets the IMF guidelines for a successful transition. Iraq is in a desperate situation, as was Egypt when the IMF forced the transition as a devaluation mechanism.

If Iraq follows the same path it will join Egypt on the list of disorderly transitions with the IQD taking many years to regain the value it has now.

Floating the currency is never going to create any meaningful return on the IQD investment.

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chattels   " Floating the currency is never going to create any meaningful return on the IQD investment." is a position that makes good sense to me. I expect that many would likely sell out with a very modest return on their investment.

If one had enough dinar to sell some and " get healthy " or even and wait for an uncertain future then maybe such is a workable wealth plan with a float of the currency.

Otherwise my expectation is that Iraq alone is too much of a mess and we must hope for some larger macroeconomic event that may inure to the benefit of the IQD.

Xyz   Asadi: tonight, the name of the person in charge of the prime minister will be announced

(Baghdad: Al Furat News) The head of the Sanad Parliamentary Bloc, Ahmed Al-Asadi, confirmed on Sunday that tonight the name of the prime minister will be announced.

Al-Asadi said in a tweet on his Twitter account, that "in the coming hours, the Seven Committee will decide its decision regarding choosing the appropriate person to form the interim government and submit it for final approval."

He added that "the challenges are common to everyone ... wasting time is not in anyone's interest ... tonight, the name of the person in charge will be announced ... and we will stand with him all for success." is over https://alforatnews.com/news/الاسدي-هذه-الليلة-سيعلن-أسم-المكلف-لرئاسة-الوزراء

xyz   Reducing the Iraqi dinar exchange rate - determinants and alternatives -

( A study by Mr. Ali Mohsen Ismail, Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq )


It is the devaluation of the official exchange rate of that currency against a reference international currency, as the number of units of foreign currency that can be obtained against a unit of the national currency decreases, while in the case of Iraq, it is intended to reduce the value of the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar And it differs from the depreciation subject to the mechanism of supply and demand in the market.

If the relationship between devaluation and reducing the trade balance deficit and stimulating the national economy is not an automatic relationship, but rather a conditional relationship with many factors and determinants, as is the experience of countries, the reduction


tman23   LMAO.... loving Sandy reply to the all knowing of monetary policies world wide Kaperoni Aka ( the floater) .... I did post the name of the Prime Minister agreed upon a few weeks ago and the name Allawi came out as the choice ... not the name I was told so here we sit with another on deck ... wanna see my shocked face .. Lol .... besides the rest of the cesspool and floaters I just never understood Kaps game ... a float is meaningless to investors and will not produce substantial gains.... yet the guy trolls 24/7 ... just doesn’t make sense .... but neither does he ...

tman23   take a look at all the CEO’s and board members that stepped down from Fortune 500 companies over the past month....more than a dozen ... something big is brewing and this pandemic was not a surprise to anyone except average uninformed Joe mainstreet

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TWWIII   A few months ago, several asked me abt how I buy silver & why...asking for a link or so. Here is a group Iv followed for some yrs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eZRIFr_mPg The speaker knows what hez talking ABT..IT IS TIME RIGHT NOW TO GO & BUY SILVER ROUNDS & BARS. U CAN BUY, AS I DO,1oz Rounds & Bars. DO NOT BUY PAPER CONTRACTS.

Doug_W   TWWIII agreed 100%

TWWIII   Doug_W Thank You Doug..I have been loading up for the past 8 days, As u know, I am NOT BUYING COINS just 1oz Rounds & bars

TWWIII   Dave No Dave, $14.02 now,

Chattels   Saleh and Abdul-Mahdi inform Al-Halbousi of the necessity of declaring the state of emergency in the country for thirty days

Editing Date: 3/15/1920 15:09 • http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=88033

Dave   still only 1 death in Canada

Wilder Baxter    https://fox8-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/fox8.com/news/coronavirus/everything-were-doing-is-to-save-lives-gov-dewine-considers-closing-restaurants-bars-due-to-coronavirus/amp/?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D#aoh=15843016681275&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Ffox8.com%2Fnews%2Fcoronavirus%2Feverything-were-doing-is-to-save-lives-gov-dewine-considers-closing-restaurants-bars-due-to-coronavirus%2F

xyz   Dave Am guessing that the 'floating guru' know as he might have floated there looking for gradual increase in freezing point :popcorn

Baxter   Wilder He just announced the closing

Baxter  as of 9 pm

Wilder   So, it's been updated?

Baxter   yes.. he is on the Ohio web site now..https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=2567391400185567&ref=watch_permalink

 Baxter    https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=2567391400185567&ref=watch_permalink

Wilder   Baxter is that link correcr?

Baxter   yes

Chattels   Coronavirus and oil price crash could plunge Iraq deeper into crisis https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/corona-oil-iraq-economy-crisis

chattels   Already three months into the year, Parliament has yet to decide on a budget plan for 2020 – and budget cuts necessitated by the plummeting price of oil could threaten to turn the annual budget tango into an exercise in futility.

“If the current crisis of oil continues, the Iraqi parliament will be unable to approve the 2020 budget plan,” Haitham al-Jiboury, the head of the Iraqi parliament’s finance committee told Rudaw English in a telephone interview.

chattels   Iraq’s 2019 plan hinged on exporting 3.88 million barrels per day at a price of $56 per barrel to fund the 133 trillion dinars ($111 billion USD) federal budget.

chattels   Jiboury told Rudaw English that if prices stabilize, he foresees a deficit of around 50 trillion dinars ($42 billion USD) – however, if prices remain this low, that deficit could rise to more than IQD 100 trillion.


Wilder   Baxter they are closing down here now. Police are everywhere. Barricading main st. All entrances to banks. Daughter said to turn on 700 wlw

KaperoniMore float talk today.

Kaperoni   https://www.almuraqeb-aliraqi.org/2020/03/15/171274/


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