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IQD CALLS Chat Sunday Evening 2-23-20

IQD CALLS Chat Sunday Evening 2-23-20

Dave   howdy folks......  Dave   found a neat tidbit regarding Iraqs assets in the ground being worth !5 trillion

Dave   sounds like those Oil Cos stated some exploration

Wilder   Dave 5. Or 15?

Dave   Direct: The Iraqi Ministry of Oil revealed the details of its exploration plans in the field of oil and gas fields during the coming period .

A spokesman for the ministry, Assem Jihad, said in a statement to the Iraqi News Agency, "conscious", today, Saturday, that the ministry was interested in establishing a number of seismic teams, and they were involved in internal and external courses .

Jihad stressed that these teams are currently working with the latest technologies in this field, as some of them are called two-dimensional or three-dimensional .

He explained, that the teams are conducting surveys of the lands, which are expected to include hydrocarbon compositions, pointing out that "the work of the Petroleum Exploration Company is to diagnose and identify exploration patches, and to install the discoverer so that it can then be referred to extractive companies specialized in developing these patches for productive fields, whether oil or gas.

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Dave   He pointed out, that Iraq is a promising country in oil and gas production, where oil reserves are expected more than 500 billion barrels, while proven reserves are in the limits of more than 153 billion barrels .

He stressed, that Iraq has invested only a little of the quantities it possesses, and that the ministry has set ambitious plans for the optimal investment of oil and gas wealth .

Wilder   I thought i seen something 15 trill but i could be wrong

Dave   yes 153 billion barrels on then proven......now in excess of 500 billion barrels

Dave   So now more than 4 times more than they initially figured

Dave   www.mubasher.info/news/3590246/

Dave   thought that was Good News??????  just quadrupled their oil reserves.../???

Wilder   Dave that is good news Dave. Thanks. Start drilling and punping

Dave   Like i said.........Exploration has not been pursed there for decades

Dave   Have yet to scratch the surface

Young_SC   Cabinet has to be voted in first

Young_SC   Allawi seems to want himself and kurds to be on the same page

Young_SC   They delayed it until wednesday now  Should have been tomorrow

Dave   Young_SC  Monday seems to be turning into Wednesday

Clay   Israel was attacked by Iranian sponsored militia using rockets

Young_SC   Whether its tomorrow tuesday wednesday just get them voted in

Dave   Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday?

TWWIII   Another US Gov man shoots himself dead: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistleblower Philip Haney was found dead in Amador County, Calif., on Friday, according to local authorities.: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/philip-haney-dhs-whistleblower-found-dead-police-say/ar-BB10hCrc?li=BBnb7Kz

Young_SC   The Kurdistani Democrat reveals a close political agreement with Allawi to vote on his government

Young_SC   http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=87034

Dave   Close counts in horseshoes.....yes

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Dave   Young_SC Did think quadrupling their oil reserves was ENCOURAGING ?

Young_SC   Dave im not sure

Dave   Young_SC    www.mubasher.info/news/3590246/

Dave   150 billion barrels barrels now over 500 billion barrels

Patty   Dave Are there sanctions still imposed on Iraq about reclaiming their oil?

Dave   Patty Asset freeze on banking was the biggy for me....

TWWIII   Dave I agree

Dave   awaiting Maliki et-als suicide pact agreement

Beatrice Seifert   I am from Berlin - Germany, do not speak English and do everything with a translator.

A friend from South Africa says we have to register with Bruce with our email addresses. How does that work?

Beatrice Seifert   do I have to register somewhere with my email address or am I just waiting for #800 numbers?

Clay   Beatrice Seifert people like him have been promising an RV for many years, every day,every week,every month  Be Careful

Beatrice Seifert   I understand, except for ZIM Bonds we haven't invested anything here yet, but, there are many Facebook groups from many countries


Baxter   You dont have ANY

Clay   I own some Zim but agree its not good at all  I like dinar and the dong

Baxter   The only ZIM bonds that are worth anything.. are sold to banks..in the hundred thousand dollars worth...

Dave   Clay what is a barrel of rice worth?

Baxter   unfortunately... yours are worthless

Clay   in Iraq?   50k dinar

Clay   oh barrel

Clay   100k   maybe 500k

Dave   A barrel of rice in Vietnam?????

Clay   1 -5 mil lol   dong

Dave   5 miilion barrels of rice/day.....wow

Clay   say what

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Clay   the cost of 1 barrel   in terms of the dong   is 1 mil dong maybe 5

Dave   know BEANS about Dong........your forte?

Clay   1 mil dong is $120   we hope it will rise to just .05/dong

Dave   one tenth of a Dinar.......

Clay   yep

Zig   @TWWlll: You are the one who knows about Zim stuff, right??

Clay   if you own 10 mil it will cash out at 500k

Dave   call that toilet paper

Clay   lol

Dave   now

Dave   Cheaper i bet?????

Clay   another pretty bathroom wall paper

Dave   Whats a roll of Dong worth.......ZIM......LOL

Clay   I believe when Chinas yuan goes up so will the dong

Zig   Beatrice Seifert : We don't claim to know it all in here....but I can assure you that nobody in this room is out to scam you out of anything....

Clay   agree Zig   most have been together on sites for 8-14 years   because we dont scam

Clay   we are all here for the same reason   just alot longer than any of us predicted

Dave   Clay lol

Beatrice Seifert   I am very surprised now after what we have researched here about Geseara and the RV. It's the complete opposite.

Clay   Beatrice Seifert I believe it will rv but dont follow news that isnt true just made up

Dave   Beatrice Seifert This Place or Dinar Perspectives

Zig   Beatrice Seifert : Some people in this community will tell you anything to keep your interest and to get some of your money one way or another....please be very careful.......

Clay   very careful

TWWIII   Zig I keepo silent abt ZIM$ due to all the 'ruckes' here abt ZIM$

Dave   Just trying to have some FUN......

Clay   we know

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Zig   TWWIII : Speak your mind....lol....I see that it doesn't stop you from doing so with other stuff.....lol

TWWIII   Zig I do however read their newspaper once or twice a week bit still silent abt what I read. Although, I almost posted an article yesterday but had to work part of the day

Clay   TWWIII TWWIII y do you feel different about the Zim?

Zig   Beatrice Seifert : You will hear negative stuff about this chat as well, especially from "Gurus".....lol....they will tell you that WE are the ones who know nothing....lol....because we are a threat to them.....money-wise......

TWWIII   Clay Clay, uv seen the remarks bk to me on the ZIM in the past, itz just not worth my time to post stuff everyone curases me abt.

Dave   Clay they going to delete 12 zeros?

Beatrice Seifert   Zig ok I understand

Zig   TWWIII : Ya need thick skin in here!!.....lol....just do your own thing!!.....Jeez....be like Young_SC.....lol

Clay   TWWIII got ya

TWWIII   But I will tell that I did read that China is buying their currency & China will be paying us for the ZIM

Clay   wow that does sound interesting would have thought they would buy the dong

TWWIII   Clay They r trying to control the dong & moving a lot of factories to Viet Nam

Clay   TWWIII that I agree with

TWWIII   VN GDP is just above 6.7

Clay   the vietnameese do most of their manufacturing now

 TWWIII   Clay Yes but China is trying to buy up as much land there as possible

Clay   that I know they own most of NY already

TWWIII   Clay I try to keep up on a lot of stuff economically as possible & always have

Wilder   Clay you reckon David Lee Roth is the one who naned their currency? https://youtu.be/lN-4lX0QyZc

Dave   Wilder DONG........HMMM

Clay   Wilder ha   wouldnt put it past him

TWWIII   By the way, has anyone noticed the newer $100 bill? Look at both side carefully & see the difference from both side..,there is a message most have not seen

Clay   is there havent seen

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TWWIII   Look   see the side where the golden bell is

Clay   where   CBI?

TWWIII   see the word 'treasury'

Clay   where do I look to see it

TWWIII   itz there

Dave   Clay he be talking USD?

TWWIII   so am I

Wilder   Share   -   Conspiracy theorists have long claimed to have hidden messages in American currency. A new $100 bill was recently released. Already there are those who claim there are new hidden symbols and prophesies on that note.

Watch the video below as released by PrisonPlanet that claims there are symbols of missile strikes and massive flooding in New York

Read More: Is There a Hidden Message in the New $100 Bill? | https://lite987.com/100-bill-hidden-message/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral  . https://lite987.com/100-bill-hidden-message/

Patty   Beatrice Seifert Hi Beatrice. I got all caught up in this too...prospects of "instant wealth" and I did buy foreign currency, BUT, never more than I could afford to lose. The gurus I listened to wanted "me' to contribute to their programs, and, I did. Not much, but still contributed.

After a few years of listening to the same excuses why we didn't have those "800#" yet, I started to catch on. One of the Gurus was really too political for me. He was interesting but always the same thing. So I backed off and am very glad I found this site. I hope you enjoy it also.

TWWIII   Clay The left side say FED Reserve, the right side with the "GOLDEN BELL" say TREASURY...the beginning of the gold backed currency.

Clay   thanks buddy

Wilder   TWWIII is that the right one?

TWWIII   Wilder Yes but just one of several

Wilder   Ok. Thanks.

Dave   lots of hidden messages.... http://www.jemome.com/p-camel-logo-hidden-message-181477/

Zig   Speaking of Kaperoni....lol....he just emailed this to me: "There's a new document out on the CBI website that talks about the economy, inflation and plans for the dinar which is 25 pages when translated and it's pretty clear that there is no intent to RV the currency. LOL.

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You might want to give that link to your followers who still believe in the guru nonsense....To summarize , they make it pretty clear that the growth of the dinar will be based on the growth of the economy. Which is what I've been saying for a long long time. Kap..


Zig   cbi.iq/news/view/1434

Wilder   Zig did you see the article?

Wilder   Dave You here?

Wilder   BossHog i couldn't get it to open.

Wilder   LoL

Wilder   BossHog it's one if his Fact deals. Do your own research kind of things

TWWIII   Hey TW, Email today : package sent out today from Kuwait. As the prevailing winds from Saudi the desert locus is just starting here. Nothing bad yet. Originally started in Egypt but as the prevailing wind currents shift we see some BIG locus here, not a lot yet.

Here is copy & paste for u: Adnan Al-Khan, director of the Saudi Center for Locust Control and Research, Ministry of Agriculture, said: “These desert locusts are still immature and are forming into swarms. These swarms are expected to reach the north coast of Saudi Arabia and start hatching there,” he said...

The bank, by the way, has the official Kuwait Seal & said "...there should be no interruption for delivery to WA state via DHL..." Enjoy the package [shhhh] by the way, there are many here that review your chat room. Some have no idea.

KRmMS   As long as the Iranians have people trying to control the FBI, avid influence monetary policy, I would expect propaganda and documents not mentioning a reinstatement, Iranian infiltrators will do their best to continue the currency auction. I think Kap is part Iranian! And trying to demoralize us all!

KRmMS   ..... Control the CBI....

KRmMS   I corrected that a dozen times!

TWWIII   KRmMS good going

KRmMS   If anyone can't be positive, they should chat somewhere else in my humble opinion

KRmMS   Thank you, TWWIII

TWWIII   KRmMS mayb some have ZERO members/audience to chat with so all they do is troll just to pizz ppl off, post n run

KRmMS   These delays and postponements are demoralizing enough... COME ON ALLAWI, kick it on through!!

KRmMS   Please join me in prayer for the Good Lord to grant Allawi strength and wisdom to be triumphant over the Iraiqi espionage agents of Iran that are guilty of treason to Iraq and should be hung

TWWIII   KRmMS I do often, but not in a shellfish way but for humanity so I & my family are good humanitarians with our blessing. To become their blessing. We can live well just on the interest return just like J C Penny did

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Wilder   Earthquake kills at least 9 in Turkey, injures many in Iran. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-51603400.

Wilder   Coronavirus: Venice Carnival closes as Italy imposes lockdown. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-51602007

Matt   Wilder Wow Italy

Zig   Wilder : Nothing seems to be obvious to read via Kap's link so I have asked him to expound.....provide something we can easily read, etc.....

Wilder   Matt here's another one. Iraq has a problem with insurgents from Iran with causing hostility but. Here because of thr virus >>>>Iran said on Sunday it had 43 confirmed cases of the virus, most of them in the holy city of Qom. Eight of those infected have died, the highest number of deaths outside China.

Iraq, Pakistan, Armenia and Turkey have closed their borders with Iran, and Afghanistan has suspended air and road travel to and from Iran

Wilder   Iraq needs to do a better job.

Jo   The average temperature on Venus is 864 degrees Fahrenheit (462 degrees Celsius). Ya so lets go to Venus NASA Idiots! We are paying for this B* peeps. I'm not buying it! but the sheep are unbelievable. https://www.google.com/search?q=venus+temperature+range&oq=venus+temp&aqs=chrome.2.0j69i57j0l6.8366j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Wilder   Jo maybe they beed to go. Get a nice tan

Wilder   Need

Jo   Wilder Burn up in a 1/2 second sounds fun... Talk about going to HelI wish they would hurry up and go just don't ask for my tax $

Wilder   Jo Thats a good one. lol

Jo   Sci Fi is Fiction not fact. And theory is also not fact.

Wilder   Jo big business.

Jo   Wilder BIG B$ Also The atmosphere of Mars is about 100 times thinner than Earth's, and it is 95 percent carbon dioxide. Here's a breakdown of its composition, according to a NASA fact sheet:

Carbon dioxide: 95.32 %   Nitrogen: 2.7 %   Argon: 1.6 %   Oxygen: 0.13 %   Carbon monoxide: 0.08 %

Also, minor amounts of: water, nitrogen oxide, neon, hydrogen-deuterium-oxygen, krypton and xenon

Jo   Sounds fun LOL unbelievable people think it's cool we are trying to go there. Why don't we try curing just one disease first Just one

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Jo   "Health" Care also big business Should be called "Money" Care

Wilder   Jo Absolutely an Amen to that. They claim they cant trace this coronavirus until the infection shows up. This is going to get ugly.

Jo   Wilder They are trying to control us more like 911 now they could do away with cash for instance because they could say it caries coronavirus

Jo   Hope not but?

Wilder   There was an article i seen somewhere that it can take up to 30 days for infection to show up. Holding in quarantine what? Two weeks?

Wilder   Alot going on in this link. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-51602007

Jo   Wilder Truth is hard to know now days

Wilder   Thats with everything. But we know who holds the future. Right?

Jo   Right

Jo   Apparently its all part of the Spiritual warfare?

Wilder   But some researchers say it may be as long as 24 days. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-51048366

Wilder   Hoping to cone up with a vaccine by the end of this year. In same link above

Patty   Zig You're just to fast for me. I didn't get a chance to read it.

Patty   Zig oh yes. Before it's news. My dear friend since the 2nd grade reads that also, and forwards it to me. Besides the spelling errors, it seems to be mostly doom and gloom.

KRmMS   Wow interesting that Iran has more deaths from corona than any where else, and second to China

KRmMS   I wonder if they had a visit from a virologist from the Virology lab lb in Wuham?

TWWIII   KRmMS did u go & look at the TREASURY notice on the newer $100 bill?

KRnMS   No, TWWIII, ignorant of that   What's up?

TWWIII   KRnMS The right side has the FED seal & on the right side has the GREEN TREASURY SEAL. Must be a hint on whats coming IMHO

KRnMS   Hmmm

TWWIII   OPPPS The right side is the GREEN TREASURY SEAL...Lrft side with the FED SEAL

KRnMS   Just hope Wednesday Parliament meeting IS IT

TWWIII   well this will be my 6th yr waiting but my biz must continue

Young_SC   KRnMS It got delayed because of him wanting him to be on the same page as the kurds

Kaperoni   KRmMS I am very optimistic with this investment I just don't buy into the overnight RV/RI nonsense. Not how currencies work not how monetary policy works.

Kaperoni   The truth is if the currency is ever going to go up in value it's going to be as a result of the growth of the economy and Iraq. It's not going to be some magical overnight nonsense but the gurus keeps stating. You think they get tired of it but I guess they're making a lot of money so they're going to keep saying it over and over and over again but the fact is it's never going to RV or RI

Kaperoni   Zig Hi Zig, because for one it is not how monetary policy works. And the CBI is not a joke. They are a professional organization utilizing professional techniques to manage and control the financial system in Iraq. Two, there is to much currency in circulation.

Three, Iraq's total mineral net worth is 15 - 16 trillion dollars. At the current dinar in circulation, a 1 to $1 RV would completely bankrupt the country literally 3 times the entire worth of minerals including oil.

Four, such an event would completely throw the entire financial system into chaos in Iraq.

Five, monetary policy is a group of tools that support the demands of the financial system. A RV or RI completely circumvents that process. For example the CBI generates revenue from the buy/sell of currency.

It also reserves the right to raise or lower the value to counter inflation or deflation from time to time if needed. A RV would not only create chaos, but would prevent the usage of those tools.

And lastly a currencies value is determined by market forces. Not some random or arbitrary value. That is 6 solid reason the dinar could never and will never will RV/RI. Our only hope is a gradual appreciation directly related to the success of the private sector/market economy.


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