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IQD CALLS Chat Sunday Afternoon 11-17-19

IQD CALLS Chat Sunday Afternoon 11-17-19

 chattels   Protests put Baghdad-Erbil oil and budget talks on ice

As anti-government demonstrations alter Iraq's political landscape, the KRG has been forced to temper its ambitions to negotiate a durable financial relationship with Baghdad. https://www.iraqoilreport.com/news/protests-put-baghdad-erbil-oil-and-budget-talks-on-ice-42252/?utm_source=IOR+Newsletter&utm_campaign=cf755c5e1a-Weekly_Edition_RSS&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f9870911e6-cf755c5e1a-192866317

chattels   ERBIL - Leaders in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) are fundamentally recalibrating their strategy for engaging with the federal government as a massive protest movement causes upheaval in Baghdad politics.

As recently as September, the KRG had been pursuing negotiations to holistically address more than a decade of disputes over oil rights and revenue sharing. Now, Kurdish leaders fear they cannot even strike a 2020 budget deal, raising the risks that Baghdad could stop making monthly financial transfers that are essential to the KRG's solvency.

chattels   Protesters being killed by 'third party', not Iraq’s security forces: defense minister https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/16112019

chattels   Iraq’s defense minister has accused an unspecified “third party” of killing protesters to ignite violence with the security forces in the streets and cause national “instability”, as protests in the country’s south and center continue.

chattels   Iran and Turkey are killing protesters in Iraq and Syria https://www.rudaw.net/english/analysis/17112019

chattels   Nice " neighborhood ", eh ?

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chattels   A plot by Islamic terrorists to blow up the Eiffel Tower has been uncovered. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-507760/Terror-plot-blow-Eiffel-Tower-uncovered.html

chattels   What a destructive people.

chattels   BAGHDAD / NINA / The exchange rate of the dollar fell on Sunday, slightly in the Stock Exchange struggle, and stabilized in other local markets. And the prices of the Stock Exchange struggle - Baghdad 120.600 dinars per 100 dollars, while prices were on Saturday 120.700 dinars.


Stever   Does anyone know if there is a difference between Zim Bonds and Zim Currency, would they be valued the same

Matt   Stever Welcome - I inherited some zim I think they're the same? I have $100 trillion notes I'm not in the total know neither is Doug obviously LOL. I'm not counting on it though nor any of this but you never know? I say be diversified as US US dollar could very well crash -

Matt   Putin Says "The US Dollar Will Soon Collapse" https://www.iqdcalls.com/other.html

Baxter   The Zim ... is worthless..... no wait.... you can use it for wallpaper....

Doug_W   I agree but everyone is entitled to their opoinion

Doug_W   so I didn't wanna "step on" them

Crazycrypto   Source: The sale of dollars in the central bank stopped blocking the arrival of large fake funds to Iran

17 Nov 19, 11:29 AM Crazycrypto   A halt to the dollar's sale at the central bank has prevented large fake funds from reaching Iran, an informed source said on Sunday.

"The central bank is wasting money that can build 200 schools and 50 hospitals each year because of the currency auction," the source told Al-Ikhbaria.

"The currency auction gives fake commercial agencies millions of dollars a day without any restriction," the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

He added that "stop selling the dollar in the Central Bank in the past days because of demonstrations and new measures prevent the arrival of large fake commercial funds to Iran through its intermediaries."

Crazycrypto http://www.ikhnews.com/index.php?page=article&id=202435

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Crazycrypto   seems IF true this is HUGE news

Crazycrypto   cutting off millions through the currency auctions

Crazycrypto   to Iran

Baxter   thats what it does.. for sure..

Baxter   like an open checkbook

Crazycrypto   yep    its a start

Crazycrypto   to hurt iran even more

Crazycrypto   and sustain wealth for the citizens

Baxter   it doesnt say that they are going to stop the auctions though.. does it?

Baxter   they had one yesterday

Crazycrypto   says their has been a halt

Crazycrypto   to the dollar sale

Baxter   well they had one yesterday

Baxter   162 million worth

Crazycrypto   not sure this is a new article

Crazycrypto   for today

Baxter   well.. we will see tomorrow

Sam I Am     LOL. Good old clueless Randy. Trump has absolutely zero interest in the dinar.

Sam I Am   Dave Good morning

Dave   rumor has it that air force one is full of dinar

Sam I Am   yep that's a rumor

Dave   old rumor......

Dave   heard that he was a whale yrs and yrs ago

Sam I Am   That was from a pumper site

Dave   oh..... you mean from Gurus

Dave   those Dems would of chimed in on this if true,,,,,,

Dave   conflict of interest

Sam I Am   https://dinarvets.com/forums/index.php?/topic/19359-donald-trump-and-the-rv/  

Sam I Am   The link no longer works but that's where the rumor came from

Sam I Am    Here's the archive of it https://web.archive.org/web/20091228004752/http://blackhillsportal.com/npps/story.cfm?id=3572



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