Dinar Recaps

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IQD CALLS Chat Saturday Night 7-25-20

IQD CALLS Chat Saturday Night 7-25-20

Baxter   Old Regis Philbern died today  88

Doug_W   saw that

Baxter   News said he had more hours on TV than anyone

Baxter   Our county is now in the Red Zone for the Virus.... ugh  Ohio is up to about 1800 new infections per day....

Doug_W   wow

Baxter   the deaths arent as bad though

Baxter   did I tell you about my sister?  she emailed me yesterday and said she had received a letter in the mail saying that her results were negative for the virus..... and she has never been tested... so what does that tell ya

Doug_W   no   lol never tested Eh?

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Doug_W   were gonna have to start chatging @Dave a parking fee

Baxter   yes

Doug_W   50 dinar an Hr

Baxter   thats not enough

Doug_W   okthen??

Baxter   500

Doug_W   lol U want your dimes Eh?

Baxter   yep

Dave   1/3 OF our recent Corona cases now in people 30-40yrs old.........many requiring hospitalization

Dave   parking fees......?  got a glove box full of tickets.....lol

Dave   May be able to afford it if silver/ reach their goal of 50/oz

Doug_W   lol   what happened to ur 20.00?

Dave   hit or stick.......what would you do.......lol

Dave   checking ebay........can purchase old silver dollars fer less than 20.00

Baxter   how many ounces in a silver dollar

Dave   depends...up to 92 %     1 oz

Baxter   thats not a real good deal then   now.. I have a better deal... you can buy my DEENAR for just ten cents..   then when it hits 3 dollars... look what you will make

Dave   i did better than that.05

Baxter   I cant go lower than a dime.. so sell yours...

Dave   nickle....all day......

Baxter   then I can sell mine

Baxter   I am gonna call that place Monday and just see what they will buy it for

Dave   it was nuts10k/million or something like that?

Baxter   yep

Dave   id sell some  paid 700 ish yrs ago

Baxter   so did I .. about that

Baxter   I think I did get some for about 650

Dave   whoopow!

Baxter   but I didnt buy much at first... a couple million or so

Baxter   You know... Recaps hasnt been printing anything off of this site since Chattels left

Dave   Chattel posted the news from Iraq......

Baxter   yep

LeLe   Baxter nobody is posting to much about Iraq. People are following the political BS here in the US. They are also waking up knowing Iraq is not making a move unless the US gives the ok. Iraq is getting their ducks in a row so that they can show the US they are ready. Their PM is traveling shaking hands and making deals. Hopefully something will happen before the election. Lol.. that's my story and i'm sticking to it.

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Baxter   wow.....OHIO had no deaths today from the virus... and yet... our county is in the Red zone

Dave   many hospitaized?

Baxter   Oh.. its up some..... but the cases have been around 1500 a day

Baxter   we have had 440 cases total in our county  of 103,000 people

Dave   younger folks here now are getting very ill

Baxter   they dont seem to be here  Ohio has not had a death under the age of 59... that I know of -ohio has had 3200 deaths     but a lot of those...were old.. sick people  -plus a lot of deaths..are not from the virus.... but they are putting it on the death certificate..

Dave   younger folks partying since lifting of restrictions    few have died and many hospitalized

Dave   now talk of reclosures........thanx kids....

Baxter   it will probably be here all winter

Dave   could be years

Dave   no vaccine for the common cold

Dave   vaccine for H1N1, then H1N2 ...H1 N3

Dave   big pharm makes out large?

Dave   Shut down 2 weeks... no more H1N3?    thought that could be a bonus........

Dave   trigger a GCR now.......put me in that party mode..........

Dave   got a conspiracy tale brewing........

Dave   Big Pharm in conjunction with the Deep State to control the masses and make us co-dependent on drugs.......   Activated by Bill Gates and 5 g networks owned by the forces Cabal

Baxter   Lets hope the GCR happens before the election...I have hopes

Dave   OH.....forgot that part

Dave   got to be a good book from all of this over the years......

Baxter   I could write a book on the DEENAR.. thats for sure

Dave   seriously... collaborate...#1 best seller

Baxterit could be

Dave   its there.......

Baxter   Do you remember that Guru JohnnyWG....??

Dave   no   quit gurus 10 yrs vago

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Baxter   he was popular about 5 years ago.... for about six months

Dave   we have plenty sagas to throw into the plot

Baxter   OMG   thousands of quotes

Dave   we have it all.....just to connect the dots

Baxter   Never forget OKIE.. when he said the rate was 4.35..and was on a sign on the outside wall of the CBI..

Dave   contractor tier 1 rates of 32

Baxter   boy oh boy

Dave   to quit my day job and write a book........

Baxter   we have some real dandy gurus...

Dave   SAM!!!!!

Baxter   OH.. I wish he would come in here

Dave   he is

Dave   Sam I Am purchasing deenar lately?

Sam I Am   Johnny WG got busted when his photo appeared on a dating site

Baxter   there he is..

Baxter   Sam I Am didnt he have something go wrong with his eyes?

Baxter   SAM... have you seen this https://www.banknoteworld.com/iraq-25-000-dinars-banknote-2015-p-102b-unc.html

hspohio   only have one though...

Baxter   I called... yesterday... its legit

hspohio   yeah, sellin, not buyin

Baxter   Im gonna call back Monday and see what they would buy it for

Dave     Sam I Am yeah...me and Baxed thought about you the other day

Sam I Am   Don't know, Baxter   But once I told everybody his name he went away

Sam I Am   John Greenhalgh

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Baxter   Sam I Am I am pretty sure he did...... at least one eye

Sam I Am   Dave - define "lately"

Baxter   HA.. he may be now

Sam I Am   I last purchased in 2010

hspohio   I don't remember him

Dave   Sam I Am me too

Dave   700/million

Baxter   Ebay is around 2000 a million now

hspohio   oooooo, what a deal...

Baxter   HA

Sam I Am   Interesting. I heard that dealers were having problems with getting dinar

Baxter   they have none

Doug_W   only promises to get more

Dave   3000% ROI aint bad

Baxter   Did you see this Link Sam... https://www.banknoteworld.com/iraq-25-000-dinars-banknote-2015-p-102b-unc.html

Sam I Am   yes

Dave   Sam I Am check ebay

Baxter   that 10 grand a million

Baxter   highest i have ever seen

hspohio   still not enough

Baxter   nope

hspohio   waited this long. what's another couple of weeks? HA!

Sam I Am   So are you guys selling now?


Dave   Baxter glad you didnt sell out?

Baxter    No Sam

hspohio   Sam I Am no way

Dave   me either

Sam I Am   I would if I were you

Dave   HA

Sam I Am   once the supply chain is back up the price will drop

Dave   10k/million...id sell some......

Baxter   I dont think the supply chain will come back

hspohio   I'll wait

Baxter   Dealers have NONE

Dave   ebay sells...?

Doug_W   Dave yes

Baxter   about 2 grand a million right now Dave on Ebay

Sam I Am   You guys think the price increase indicates a revaluation in the near future?

Dave   SAM......?

Doug_W   who knows

Dave   glad you never convinced me to sell

Dave   Sam I Am CBI....still at 1190 tooooo

Sam I Am   Well if you're in a profitable position now I congratulate you

Dave   wanna buy some Sam...cheap limited time offer just fer you

Sam I Am   The strategy was never "hold on to the dinar until a pandemic breaks down the supply chain and pushes the price up due to a lack of supply"

Sam I Am   but a profit is a profit

Dave   dont care

Sam I Am    so congrats

Baxter   Sam I Am how is this Pamdemic where you are>>

Sam I Am   best to take profits while you can

Dave   yes profit....dont care how

Sam I Am   Baxter I'm in Oklahoma so we're good

Baxter   Oh..OK


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