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IQD CALLS Chat Saturday 11-30-19

IQD CALLS Chat Saturday 11-30-19

Sparky   ... so what I gather, Sustani wants Mahdi out... Iranian puppet,...and Pompeo talking sanctions against individuals involved with hurting protestors...seems like we are squeezing Iran in a big way... elimination of Iranian influence in Iraq, is our key...then...we rricccchhhh...

Doug_W   Go get them Iraq

chattels   Masoud Barzani: Iraq constitution changes must not undermine Kurdish rights


chattels   Iraqi constitutional reform may take aim at Kurdish autonomy


chattels   Iraqi protesters may nonetheless present Baghdad with another opportunity to encroach on Kurdish autonomy. Changing the constitution may give the government what it perceives as legal-moral authority to incorporate the Kurdish Peshmerga into the federal forces on security and stability claims.

Such a move would leave Iraqi Kurdistan without its greatest component of autonomy – its own military force. Optimists in the Kurdistan Region may hope that the civil unrest will force the central government in Baghdad to revisit Article 140 of the 2005 constitution and call for a new referendum over the status of Kirkuk province. However, the past twelve years indicates that such optimism is wishful thinking.

Dave   Howdyn folks   Wow.....interesting news day!

Dave   Mahdi resigns..Sadr appoints.Abadi to replace him.......

Dave   Could not find article in chattels posts

Sparky   Dave ...Abadi distancd himself from DAWA some time ago, I hoped this would occur

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crazy crypto   seems a caretaker government is already in place

crazy crypto   see ya mahdi   ** **

Dave   Then I should post article,,,,not sure anybody reads my posts

Sparky   Dave ... I'll read the first five words...at least..lol...

Dave   Twilight News / announced close to the current leader of the Sadrist Moqtada al – Sadr on Saturday that the latter will prevent political parties and currents , including all of his movement to form the next government after the resignation of the current headed by Adel Abdul Mahdi.

Saleh Mohammed al-Iraqi gave details of a meeting he had with Sadr and published what took place between them on social networking sites “Facebook”, and tell the latter “I did not and will not allow the return of corrupt in another dress and other names and we will prevent all parties and currents as prevented (Sadrists) from interfering in the formation of the government Commission and its law. “

The Iraqi quoted Sadr as saying, “We will pressure them and their peaceful to the judiciary to hold the corrupt and robbery, although they claim to belong to us as well as those who are outside us.”

Simultaneously, Sadr’s position launched a victory coalition leader Haider al-Abadi initiative on the current situation in Iraq.

Abadi said in a statement today that “ the continuation of our previous initiatives, especially the comprehensive initiative on 17/11/2019, and to ensure a smooth transition of power, and the proper establishment of the interim phase and the resulting structures of the permanent phase, ”

Dave Firstly:   A) From 1/12/2010 to 15/12/2019, and pursuant to Article 61 of the Constitution, and at the request of the President of the Republic, the House of Representatives shall withdraw confidence from the current government. A new government is formed with limited ministries and independent personalities, and an independent person is assigned to head it and none of its members is nominated for the upcoming elections.

(B) The Prime Minister shall be obliged to select a civilian activist as a supporter to ensure that the demonstrators are represented and to attend the people’s demands to administer the interim phase.

Second: The new government is six months old, starting from 15/12/2019 and ending on 30/6/2020. What comes:

A) Fair amendments to the electoral law to ensure the breaking of the political monopoly and ensure the rise of new and young forces and elites.

B) Formation of an electoral commission completely independent of political parties and blocs.

C) Establishing election controls and mechanisms that guarantee the integrity and free will of voters.

D) General elections shall be held. All stages of the elections shall be conducted under international supervision through the United Nations.

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Dave   Third:   The term of the three powers of the “interim” period expires on 30/6/2020. The newly elected Council of Representatives shall commence its work on 1/7/2020 and proceed with the procedures of forming the authorities in accordance with the Constitution.

B) The new government formed during the first six months of its life, in cooperation with the main authorities in the country and under a time limit not exceeding the year 2020 AD to establish binding paths for constitutional amendments and submitted to the referendum before the end of 2020.

The political system and its institutions are adapted on the basis of the results of the popularly approved referendum.

Fourth: The new elected government shall, within the first six months of its life, commit to setting decisive timetables for arms control by the state, to end any military or paramilitary presence outside the framework of state institutions, and to end the files of detainees, missing and absentees in all governorates of Iraq.

Fifth: The elected government is committed, within the first six months of its formation, to reforming the judiciary and resolving the main corruption files with the assistance of the UN mission and by using international expertise. The public shall be kept informed of the results first.

Sixth: All parties and elites participating and winning elections shall be legally bound by the constitution, law and national sovereignty to exercise them, undertake to reject, combat and criminalize terrorism, violence, takfir, sectarianism, corruption and organized crime,

and to prevent any weapon or military presence outside the rule of law, and to confine the powers to extend security and protect citizens by state authorities.

Commitment to civil and political rights and duties and the values ​​of peaceful coexistence and the right to peaceful expression; to promote and support legal, institutional and social security to protect the country and its people; and to reject violence and resort to arms

Dave   There is more.....

Dave   dont wish to eat up bandwidth

Sparky   Dave ... please continue..

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Dave   Eighth: Gives confidence to the elected government on the basis of the political majority away from the sectarian component of the political system, and offers a program subject to periodic accountability, and the government is committed to develop comprehensive plans to modernize administrative and financial systems, and move towards automation, transition to e-government, and the adoption of international standards to evaluate the performance of institutions ,

The completion of the advancement of the integrated market economy, the establishment of the Al Ajyal Fund, the sovereign fund, the National Development Plan, the Iraq Vision 2030, the Poverty Reduction Strategy, the fight against unemployment, the activation of social security networks,

Expedite agricultural, industrial, commercial and banking, including the promotion of the advancement of the economic sectors of services, energy, transportation, information technology and communications, and the development of centers of administrative and professional skills of state institutions and beyond.

The elected government is committed, through comprehensive programs, to empowering youth and women in the political, economic, educational and development sectors, ensuring the rights of women and the rights of children, juveniles and the elderly and legislative protection for them, and emphasizing the implementation of the objectives of the law on the care of people with special needs.

Educational curricula in accordance with the educational development and to ensure the consolidation of the culture of coexistence and civic values ​​and national identity, and pay attention to culture, media, arts, sports and civil work The state and its society and facilities.

Ninth: The elected government and all the authorities of the country are obliged to provide legislative and societal protection to all Iraqi minorities of their religious, national and sectarian diversity, not to practice exclusion, marginalization or aggressio

Dave   Ninth: The elected government and all the authorities of the country are obliged to provide legislative and societal protection to all Iraqi minorities of their religious, national and sectarian diversity, not to practice exclusion, marginalization or aggression against them, and to ensure their compensation and return to their areas of residence, and respect their privacy.

Tenth: The elected government and all other authorities of the country shall abide by the requirements of Iraqi sovereignty, ensure the liberation of the Iraqi decision from any foreign domination or guardianship, and investigate cooperation and integration with the world on the basis of common interests in accordance with Iraqi interests and sovereignty.

Dave   Sadr announces banning all parties from forming the next government and Abadi launches an initiative

Sparky   Dave ...Imu, to continue reforms he previously started..

Dave   Sparky now with peeps dying in the streets like never before

Dave   Sadr dug his heels in this time?   or more yadda yadda?

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Sparky   Dave ...yup, could be, after all, we're talking about Iraq...

Dave   QUOTA SYSTEM needs to go......

Dave   accountability before resuming seat?   or re election

Sparky   Dave ... something tells me, this time might be different..

Dave   Sparky sadr maybe fed up?

Dave   Now ironically he may be the leader of the party ,but has no seat

Sparky   Dave ...and Sistani ... dynamic duo...

Baxter   DOBBINS scores another TD... Ohio State 56... Michigan 27..... 6 min left

Sparky   Baxter ...yup, you called it Bax...by 30...

Baxter   yep

Dave   like I said not sure if peeps read news posts LOL

Baxter   you have a link for that dave

Dave   Baxter https://search4dinar.wordpress.com/

Sparky   Dave ...best Shi ite I recall reading..

Baxter   thx

Dave   3rd article down

Sparky   Dave ...lots of electoral rhetoric in that article...

Dave   “I did not and will not allow the return of corrupt in another dress and other names and we will prevent all parties and currents as prevented (Sadrists) from interfering in the formation of the government Commission and its law. “

Sparky   Dave ...yup... liking that statement...

Dave   Sam ....you figure Iraq maybe committed now in getting some implementation Done?

Dave   Sparky yeah gotta get those notes off the streets

Sparky   Dave ... security, stability, and a fully seated government...per Shabbibi...

Dave   Sparky as per any nation

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Sam I Am   Dave I don't know what implementation you're referring to, but if you mean RV then no ... there's no RV coming. Maybe if inflation becomes an issue they're raise the value a few %, but the IQD will never be worth more than 1/10 of a penny even if Iraq is transformed into paradise overnight.

Sparky   Sam I Am ...are you sure ?

Dave   Sam I Am oh so you do not follow the news developments?

Sam I Am   Sparky YEP

Sam I Am   Dave No need. The money supply and the reserves are all you need

Sam I Am   It's simple math

Sparky   Sam I Am ... development will drive the value...imo...

Dave   Sam I Am How many fils for that coke?

Dave   a wheel barrows worth!

Sam I Am   Dave There are no fils

Sam I Am   don't know how many times I have to say that


Sam I Am   they did away with fils years ago

Sam I Am   they only use fils as an accounting device

Sparky   Sam I Am ...filsadelphia...Pa...

Sparky   Sam I Am ... historically, they have used fils and LD's, ...when things finally settled down, they will again...imo...

Sparky   Sam I Am ...they are currently not even using their own currency...to the extent that they should be...

Sam I Am   Sparky That's true. They want to de-dollarize via redenomination

Sparky   Sam I Am ...that is fine with me, with gradual rise from go...triple my investment, easy...imo...

Dave   Sparky Sparky opinions not required if you follow CBI

Sparky   Dave ... I'm just thinking, this is nearly no lose situation... with patience...

Dave   Sparky CBI has a vision....the politicians only care for themselves...namely IMMUNITY

Sparky   Dave ... totally agree..

Sparky   Dave ...time for new young bloods...

Dave   thought that in last election with those technocrats....but that Quota system

Dave   Maliki remains King

Sparky   Dave ... I think noose may be tightened on that d bag...

Sparky   Dave ...his paid twerps will probably sell him down the river for a slice of pizza...if offered immunity from prosecution...

Sparky    Dave ... albeit a shi ite load of twerps...

Dave   --s2h

Sparky   Dave ... I have little patience for radical Muslims...

kevin311312   Dave thanks for the news that was great

Sparky   Dave ...kill the infidel... what type of crap is that...and whose God do they serve ?

Dave   Maliki aint the only one,,,,,,,,Many multi billionaires.......

Dave   Allawi Talabanis Najafi etc etc

Sparky   Dave ... probably mitigate, not eliminate corruption...

Sparky   Dave ... even that would be a huge step forward...

Dave   talking like ....ALL of them

Dave   Where did you get That!

Sparky   Dave ...yup... everyone's getting fat, except for the citizens...

Sparky   Dave ...oh, I stole it from the CBI...is that wrong ?

Sparky   Dave ... everyone else was doing it...blah blah blah...

Sparky   ... allocated project funds going straight into the pockets of the corrupt ministers...

Baxter   Yep


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