IQD CALLS Chat Monday Evening 2-24-20
IQD CALLS Chat Monday Evening 2-24-20
Zig Mr. Kaperoni sent me a "long" email regarding what was posted today in here.....Yikes.....waiting for his permission to post it in here.....Stay tuned..
Doug_W @futuremoney Silver:$18.87
Zig Okay....Kaperoni gave me his is long so may take 2-3 posts....will take me some time....need to proof read it a bit.....later.....
Zig It will be in 3 posts making it easier to read.....
Zig FROM KAPERONI....PART 1 of 3............"I find it absolutely comical that Whitelions says she believes I'm 99% wrong... if anything I'm 99% right and I've proven that over the years, as nothing has happened for 16 plus years, yet the guru's everyday say something is going to happen and are wrong, including her nonsense...
Secondly, Whitelions says she doesn't believe me because she doesn't like the way I treat people and have not evolved and learned to treat people better which has nothing to do with the facts of how central banks runs monetary policy... Whether you like me or not the truth is central banks do nothing arbitrarily...
They are not just sitting around waiting to flip a switch... Such nonsense contradicts the whole principals of how central banks work... They are very strategic almost like surgeons in the way they manage monetary policy...
In fact, the CBI is quite inexperienced in the way that they are developing policies and have needed the help of not only the IMF but the UST just to accomplish some basic objectives such as the 2% spread or less... If you've ever looked at any professional central bank documents you will see it is loaded with formulas and how to achieve the stability or growth that they are looking for...
Nothing is arbitrary or random... Over the years it has been well documented on how countries transition... And if you believe that Iraq is trying to diversify and get away from dependence on oil, as demanded by the IMF , World Bank and others, then you have to believe that they will utilize a float to counter the pressure created as they diversify"...
Zig PART 2 of 3..........."I can't get over how people do absolutely no research or try to understand how monetary policy works and what the process is to achieve it... It's just mind boggling...
There are many articles and documents that are out that explain that a float must be in place prior to significant diversification or the creation of a private sector because it will create significant capital and inflationary pressure as a result... It is absolutely a disaster to remain pegged during such a transition.
So if you believe that they are going to diversify you must also believe they are going to float, there is no other options... Well, actually there is one other option and that is if Iraq fails at their attempt to create a market economy they will probably LOP/redenominate...
We also know that this is something that's on the table for discussion because it's been stated very clearly that they would need parliament's approval. ..Traditional monetary policy does not need approval from anyone else so there is no doubt that if the plan to create a market economy fails, they will LOP...
This is well documented over the years... I would recommend you go to the Research Library at DinarAlert and read some of the transition documents from the IMF on emerging markets, from fixed to float... They explained this process... And as I have pointed out, it is also written in the IMF Article IV Consultation with Iraq from 2013"...
Zig END OF EMAIL FROM KAP.........."Whitelions trying to bring personal opinions into the discussion on how monetary policy works is just silliness and a way to try to dismiss the facts...
It would be like stating that you don't like Trump and won't vote for him but like his policies... Nobody cares if you like someone or not and it has nothing to do with the effects of the economy... Whitelions is just hanging onto some nonsense that she's going to wake up someday and be wealthy...
It is absolutely comical because her entire group disbanded years ago because they realize there was no value in continuing the Dinar charade... She's still posting because she's still a hardcore believer that she's going to get rich overnight which can never happen or will happen...
At the pace that Iraq is getting things done it's going to take several months if not years before they have created the conditions for a market economy... And that means it will take the same months or years for Iraq to be in a position to raise the value of the currency...
If anything we should be grateful that Iraq has continued to try to develop the private sector / market economy keeping the dream alive that eventually the currency can grow or appreciate as well... Because the alternative if they failed could have been over years ago by just LOPing and moving forward... So we should give them credit for trying or at least attempting to try to diversify revenues... Time will tell if they ever succeed"...... Kap
Doug_W futuremoney Silver:$18.95
chattels The latest update on the Parliamentary session to vote confidence in Allawi and his government and consequence of failure.
Al-Halbousi: The prime minister’s mandate is up to next Monday .. and his government may not gain confidence in Thursday’s session
Monday 24, February 2020
crazy crypto okay so if kap believes we are stil months or years away? why continue his so called research is he not wasting his time?
crazy crypto is he making money?
crazy cryptomy ? is what is he gaining from this?
crazy crypto its onvious certain gurus are making money off dinarians
crazy crypto so what is his motive?
chattels The Kurds are not happy.
The presidencies of Kurdistan and the leaders of the Kurdish political forces are calling for Allawi to reconsider his performance and his approach
futuremoney kurds are never happy...
crazy crypto agreed
crazy crypto kurds are being turds right now
crazy crypto lol
futuremoney lol
futuremoney bunch of whiny cry babies
chattels crazy crypto It would be interesting to know what Kap's upside / best case scenario may be.
crazy crypto chattels yes it would
crazy crypto not sure why he is in this lol seems his scenario may be a losing one
crazy crypto if we are to wait years for a slow rise who knows
chattels 2-23-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I am very optimistic with this investment I just don't buy into the overnight RV/RI...
chattels I was advised years ago that the currency speculation in the IQD was not a scam per se, but that one would likely have a better return in the stock market over time.
chattels I ignored that advice and here I am ten years later.
crazy crypto heres the thing this hasnt been overnight heck most of us have been in this for years or a decade
crazy crypto wish i would have caught the boat in bitcoin years ago when it was dirt cheap to buy
crazy crypto some were instant millionaires ive spoken to a few in my inner circle through trading bitcoin
chattels If the outcome of all this is a lop and even with doubling the value of the dinar attendant thereto then I would have done better in the stock market in retrospect.
crazy crypto yep
chattels If there is to be only a gradual appreciation in the value of the dinar then who is going to stay in it for another ten years ?
crazy crypto most would be dead lol some anyways kap might
chattels crazy crypto I am a good candidate statistically for death before value.
Zig @Patty: I know you were interested in reading Kap's email....scroll up a 3 parts....
crazy crypto can pass it down i guess but i dont think that wil be the case at least i hope not
chattels I have often wondered aloud whether any significant increase in value would be a multi generational event.
crazy crypto well it can be depending on ow much you have in dinar
chattels Which begs the question of the return on investment.
crazy crypto u make some and pass the rest down?
chattels crazy crypto I bought enough, I thought, to get well initially and wealthy later.
crazy crypto nice well i didnt but i have enough to make some good money and invest
chattels It is all a crap shoot whether Kap is correct or not.
crazy crypto yep
crazy crypto hes the only one with the float theory
chattels Which is why I do not anguish over his opinions or certainly others who have been clearly wrong. I am in it and the die is cast.
crazy crypto true i just feel we need this gov seated to expect any reforms for the citizens
chattels crazy crypto This government will have the same Parliament. Unless there are elections and a new Parliament, I am not optimistic for the near term.
crazy crypto many say we wont see anything untill iranian influence is gone i personally dont ever see it going away completely
chattels crazy crypto Agreed.
crazy crypto iran wil always be around
crazy crypto no way around it
chattels crazy crypto It may require the passing of the current political elite who obviously are more interested in themselves than the nation / people.
Wilder If Kap is no longer invested why worry about it. Obviously many of us is in this for the chance.
crazy crypto i agree but what gov isnt interested i their own agenda?
Chattels crazy crypto If popular opinion is forceful enough then there can be change / improvement. I think.
chattels Wilder I think that Kap is still invested.
chattels crazy crypto I hope.
chattels Al-Sadr: If it were in my hands, I would put the politicians who insist on quotas in a garbage bin Monday 24, February 2020
chattels Baghdad ( NINA ) - Speaker of Parliament Muhammad Al-Halbousi expressed his surprise at the insistence of President Barham Salih on violating the constitution.
He said in a televised statement that: What is also surprising is the repetition of what happened in 2006 from the candidacy of Mr. Barham Salih to Mr. Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi for the Ministry of Communications, and now the matter is repeated and he nominates him for prime minister.
Al-Halbousi added that: independents who are far from the parties are the best option for the current conditions, indicating that the Prime Minister-designate did not specify a date for the early elections, and his intentions were not clear in his government program.
He explained that: There are two criteria for the new government, is it for a period until 2022 or one year for the holding of elections? And is its mission to impose security and hold early elections?
Al-Halbousi stressed that the decision to hold early elections is a political decision. It is not possible to talk about dissolving parliament without specifying the date for early elections.
He stressed that the first step of the new government is to impose security and set the date for the elections.
chattels The dissolution of Parliament disenfranchises them all. They are in no hurry for a new government or elections
Wilder I have a customer that has 3 computers in his living room so he can monitor his stocks continuously. Happy one minute and cursing the next. Am i just as bad? Braindamage.
Wilder Give me a nickel and let them float.
Young_SC New Generation": We support the formation of an independent Iraqi government away from party nominations, including "Kurdish"
Baghdad – news The "New Generation" party, headed by Shaswar Abdul Wahid, confirmed today, Monday, its support for the formation of an independent Iraqi government away from party nominations, including the "Kurdish".
Abdul-Wahid said in a tweet on Twitter: "The movement of the new generation as part of the Kurdish street, which 65% of its voters refused to participate in elections, supports the formation of an Iraqi government that represents a response to the requirements of the street away from party nominations."
He added: "Including the Kurdish parties that pretend to falsely represent the region and monopolized the Kurdish decision with money and weapons and allegations of nationalism."
Young_SC That link is a perfect reason why i tell people to be careful of what news articles to choose to believe in
Young_SC Previous articles that Chattels posted stated young people or most do not support Allawi's independent goverment but that link says otherwise
Young_SC Corrupt iranians who have certain corrupt iraqi officials will tell them what to say in the news at times
Young_SC I already stated 2 weeks ago Allawi is for the people
Young_SC Dave yup Afraid so Dave
Dave All have something to sell
futuremoney Young_SC hope you are right
Dave Young_SC I tend to dismiss articles from those who wish to remain anonymous?
Young_SC Dave true
Dave wait and news
Dave or those coming from some economist that is not employed by CBI
Baxter SO... R WE RICH YET
Dave research to be continued
Baxter What excuse will it be this week... Parliament.. Laws not done...IRAN.. the CoronaVirus.. ..a New Virus.. Trump...Riots in the streets... and on..and on
Dave I am still not sure if Iraq is entirely out of Ch7 sanctions....
Wilder Stock markets going down. -829 pts
Baxter Stock Market down 1030 points
Baxter coronavirus
Dave SILVER almost 20.00
Baxter Italy is shutting down its borders
Wilder Baxter their calling it the coronavirus crash.
Wilder Baxter said its in the Holy Land now. Virus
Wilder Poor Israel. Locust swarm. Bombs from the Palestinians and now the coronavirus all at the same time
Wilder China's talking about doing away with the currency to keep from spreading the virus.
Doug_W Silver:$18.77
Dave 18.86 earlier....
Dave Wilder How your seen the traffic in Chinas major cities.......
Wilder Dave What I seen there was none
Dave same pretty much with industry
Dave Markets crash rare metals go up
Wilder Dave That's the sad part about it
Wilder Dave we prosper while others suffer
Dave Wilder just a few of us silver hoarders
Dave Learned playing in the stock markets is an exclusively rich peoples game
Wilder Businesses ‘Getting Killed’ on Russian Border as Coronavirus Fears Rise
No one in a Russian city 600 yards from China has been infected as yet, but businesses are shriveling and China’s image as a benign force is being eclipsed by a more anxious vision.
Dave the common cold kills one in a thousand......flu......1-2...........this not much more deadlier.......80,000 reported cases........those are only those that are sick enough to go get checked out
Wilder I pray that's the way it is.
Dave Wilder H1N1 was deadlier
Dave SARS.....
Wilder Mayve this is all a hoax?
Dave Wilder Big Pharm needing a cash infusion
Clay doubt it
Dave Clay Recollect H1n1 from a few yrs back?
Dave Made enough of that vaccine.....they used it for the next how many yrs?
Wilder That article I posted yesterday STATING THEY HOPE TO HAVE A VACCINE by end of year.
Clay yes I remember
Dave then it would have mutated...vaccine useless
Clay just like flu vaccines
Dave Worry about Spanish Influenza
Clay 40% effective if that much
Dave H1n1 now
Dave think not Clay
Dave By the time H1n1 made it to Canada it was much less dangerous....mutated
Dave Or us Canucks much more ROBUST
Patty Wilder So they're also mentioning the US as possible originators of the virus...and also suggesting that a few shots of vodka should knock the virus out.
Clay Dave less you think could be just know I never nor my family takes the shot
Dave Patty MOMMA used hospital Brandy......
Clay ineffective and pure poison
Dave Clay sooner safe.....yes
Clay hopefully
Clay pharma companies make billions with that vacine
Clay a total fraud
Dave if i had cystic fibrosis or severe lung issues.....
Clay thats different