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IQD CALLS Chat Friday Night 4-10-20

IQD CALLS Chat Friday Night 4-10-20

kevin311312   INTELSky@Intel_Sky·15h  #BREAKING  An Iraqi military faction called kabdet Alhuda (قبضة الهدى), threatening to kill the US and British ambassador if they do not leave Iraq within 48 hours.

Futuremoney   let US leave and let another ISIS destroy them

AM kevin311312   ISCResearch@ISCResearch·16h #BREAKING: Ashab Al-Kahf, a New Khomeinist Militia, claimed a Attack against an US Army Convoy in Salah al-Din | Saladin province, Central #Iraq, made yesterday night, April 08, 2020

futuremoney   there ya go..the new ISIS

Sparky   futuremoney ...all about money and control...

kevin311312   Babak Taghvaee (B)@BabakTaghvaee1·16h #BREAKING: Ashab-e-Kahf Islamic Struggle in #Iraq which is a front for one of #IRGC's terror groups just released this video & claimed that it has carried-out a terrorist attack against a convoy of #USArmy in Saladin governorate last night. They claim they have killed #US troops!

kevin311312   Mustafa al-Kadhimi  Mustafa al-Kadhimi is a former columnist and editor of the Iraq Pulse for Al-Monitor. His writing specializes in the defense of democracy and human rights. He has extensive experience documenting testimonies and archiving documentaries associated with repressive practices.

He has written many books, including "The Iraq Question, Islamic Concerns" and "Ali Ibn Abi Talib: The Imam and the Man." Most notably, his "Humanitarian Concerns" was selected in 2000 by the European Union as the best book written by a political refugee.

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Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/authors/mustafa-al-kadhimy.html#ixzz6JDYUQwA4

kevin311312   Doug_W I saw my first full size drone fly over a couple days ago out by Syracuse, that was creepy

Doug_W   @kevin311312 did U get a picture of it by chance?

kevin311312   no I was kind of shocked it was just above the tree line

kevin311312   Dave what part of Canada are you at

Dave   Victoria BC

Dave   Clay Church on Sunday>>>>?   Churches get 1 million dollar fine here

Clay   Dave its so hard to believe but I do understand it

kevin311312   · In total, the CDC estimates that up to 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season, 647,000 people were hospitalized and 61,200 died. That’s fairly on par with a typical season, and well below the CDC’s 2017-2018 estimates of 48.8 million illnesses, 959,000 hospitalizations and 79,400 deaths

futuremoney   kevin311312 exactly they dont shut down for that..why not?

kevin311312   the sky is not falling    they just want you to think it is

Dave   typical flu wipes out 20000 peeps/yr

futuremoney   every year between 35,000 and 80,000 die and never a concern

Dave   their already in 1 month

Dave   there

Dave   futuremoney 20000

Clay   50,000   and more

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futuremoney   last eyat 61,000 died

Dave   2000-3000 die in Canada from flu   you guys have 10 times the population

Clay   right

Dave   This season CDC estimates that, as of mid-March, between 29,000 and 59,000 have died due to influenza illnesses.

Sparky   Dave ...still thinkin this must be a hoax...

Dave   so subtract 10000 from that

Dave   Sparky Wait 2 weeks......then say"told Ya"!

Sparky   Dave ...25 die...   ...2 %

Dave   2% of 350Million

Sparky   Dave ...I'm not leaving my house for the next 10 days...

Dave   14 days......   not 10

Sparky   Dave ...Ill give it 21   ...when I was 20, I was indestructable...  ...now, I know better,...

kevin311312   The object of this widespread testing is to allow physicians to offer patients the best possible care with the resources that are already available to them.

Drugs that have been previously approved for use in treating other diseases could be used to improve the condition of the hundreds of thousands of patients who have been admitted to hospitals around the world, increase the recovery speed, and reduce the number of fatalities.

Comparatively, developing a brand new drug specifically for the COVID-19 illness might take years, which is why WHO and participating countries are fast-tracking this worldwide trial of drugs that are already widely available.

chattels   The price of the dollar is still high in the local market

Friday 10, April 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=823027

Chattels   The US dollar exchange rate against the dinar increased today, Thursday.

The sale price at the exchange offices ranged between 125,000 dinars per hundred dollars, and the purchase price was 124,000 dinars per hundred dollars.

Chattels   Patty Not much news to report on Fridays, " Holy Day " in Iraq.

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Chattels   Who is Mustafa al-Kadhimi, Iraq’s third attempt at a PM?

Lawk Ghafuri   ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Hopes are high in Baghdad that the third time will be the charm, and that new Prime Minister-designate Mustafa al-Kadhimi will succeed where others have failed in forming a government.

Chattels   Tracing Mustafa al-Kadhimi’s trajectory reveals he is no career politician – something that has seen him garner more support from protesters than his predecessors ever could.

Chattels   “He confronted a corrupt, toxic NIS with patience and turned it around reasonably well,“ Iraqi analyst Sajad Jiyad said in a tweet.

While Kadhimi’s lack of a political base means he comes with fewer strings attached, it also means he could lack a loyal constituency were he to become prime minister, says Jiyad.

Dave   chattels we he able to form his cabinet......?.

chattels   The agreement by all Shiite political parties on a PM-designate marks an important moment, Iraqi security analyst Husham al-Hashimi told Rudaw English on Thursday.

“This is the first time the entirety of Shiite political parties in Iraq agreed on a candidate who is non-Islamist and believes in freedom, even though he might be a threatening candidate on the interests of Iranian-backed Shiite political parties, including Hashd al-Shaabi paramilitias in Iraq,” Hashimi said.

Dave   ....think not?

chattels   Dave NOt yet. He has 30 days to formulate his policy / program and cabinet.

Dave   chattels have we not heard that before?   how many times  or simply No quorum.........

Sparky   Dave ....havn;t we heard it all before,...

chattels   Query. Can he satisfy the Kurds and Sunni minorities with a place(s) in the cabinet and still avoid the stigmatization of quotas ?

futuremoney nope

Sparky   chattels ...no

Dave   Sparky All about maintaining their Immunity in my opinion

futuremoney   Dave my guess as well

Sparky   Dave ...Iranian influence...

Dave   Sparky that too   more about Immunity in my opinion

futuremoney   they would all hang if convicted

Sparky   Dave ...correct, imo...

Sparky   futuremoney ...yup...

Dave   Maliki aint going down without a fight

Dave   They said eliminating corruption wont be easy

Sparky   Dave ...and that's the rub...

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futuremoney   still cant believe the people arent revolting   17 years of no services

Dave   sadr jumped ship

futuremoney   he was corrupt as any

Dave   It will take a Coup in my opinion....gave up on those politicians

Sparky   ...young peeps gotta stand tough...or, this is goiing nowhere...

futuremoney   yep   our only hope imo   every country has turned their backs on Iraq

Sparky   ...hope they get up the balls...

Dave   futuremoney you mean gave up?

futuremoney   yes

Dave   lets Invest in That?

Sparky   ...rich country...it is theirs to takte...

futuremoney   you seen it when they had the "kuait Conference"..countries donating billions of dollars..then they all backed out..not one penny

Sparky   ...or, be lead by the nose of Iran...

Dave   Sparky Maliki's net worth.......60 billion usd

Sparky   Dave futuremoney ...got a funny feeling about covid19...

futuremoney   all off the backs of the people

Dave  Sparky Leads to the GCR.....?

Sparky   ...to take out Iranian *...

Dave   Why not Maliki.....much easier

Sparky   ...we know Maliki is the bad apple...

futuremoney   hes the * tree..

Sparky   ...lots of **** happenenin with cororna ordeal...crash and burn? i don't know..

Sparky   ...maybe Bax is right......or Kap, with the float theory...I know nothing...

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Sparky  Doug_W ...what is our exit strategy ?

Doug_W   do a currency exchange Dinar for USD when this thing finally moves our way

Sparky   Doug_W ...good answer...

Futuremoney   when... is the operative word  soooooon  ..in the coming days

Sparky   Doug_W ...I detect some optimism in your words...

Sparky   ...and, that's good enough for me today...

Doug_W   futuremoney postponed till Saddam returns back in power

Francis Albert   Here's a well written piece on the probable results of electrical influences on classic "Influenza". https://nourishingtraditions.com/is-coronavirus-contagious/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=how-to-protect-yourself-from-coronavirus-or-any-virus_1&mc_cid=f9ef38c7b1&mc_eid=e08ab2e1e6

Francis Albert   Evidently Z was not able to close the deal, so bring in our next choice off of the bench from coach Trump.     Z....the PM that just stepped down in Iraq.

Patty   Francis Albert That article is very interesting. Thank you.

Francis Albert   Yes Patty, I suspect there's soooooooooooooo much false information on this Corona thing...would make the Average American, and person for that matter, head's explode. I would bet the farm it is all about training people to do what the USG says, and you'll be fine.

Francis Albert   I've been doing talk shows on the subject for two months interviewing highly credentialed Souls around the World. I don't have a lot of time, it is up to you to do your own deep research...and do realize that 95% of the media is controlled by the same group(s) that are staging this Event.

Sparky   Francis Albert ,,,    ...talk shows?

Patty   xyz What an eye opener. Thank you for posting this. It is all so overwhelming and evidentially I haven't even been able to imagine the depth of this pandemic. So many are gone.

Sparky   Patty ...stay home...be safe...

Francis Albert   The testing is bad science...not in the least accurate. Doctors have been ordered to check "Corona Virus" as death in hospitals for all deaths. Something is going on with the lungs/oxygen deprivation that is NOT related to any virus. ( many docs are saying this. much more. Nothing is as it seems

Sparky   Francis Albert ...you had me for a minute..

Sparky   Francis Albert ...respiratory...

Doug_W   I want my 1200 dollars and I want them NOW

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Patty   Francis Albert I do agree that the testing is NOT accurately reported. That one little article put out by Washington State Dept of Health couldn't give an update because they had to remove 2,000 duplicate reports alone. It did not state which reports had been duplicated

Patty   Francis Albert The Dr. today on TV said that simply by rolling the patient over on his/her side or stomach took the pressure of the lungs off the heart and was making a difference in the recovery rates. Leaving the patient on the back wasn't working quite as well.

Dave   Bax........received Govt monies........

Dave   2 k in bank

Baxter   Dave got your cash eh... good deal.. wanna buy some dinar for a dime?

Dave   Baxter have too many 5o dinar notes already

bif   baxter i want the 50 iqd notes  @Baxter You still have 50 IQD notes?

Sparky   bif ...I do......you wanna buy them ?

bif   there was a turn in notice from xchange america in 2015

Sparky   bif ...yup......still holding...what do you need ?

bif   i have the email. i save a few of them. i turn in 2 mil to them for exchange 25000 notes   back in 2015

Bif   Are they still good.   i have the email if you want to see

Sparky   bif ...could probably exchange them at the CBI...

bif   check this out

Sparky   ...warkabank.iq...

bif   free 50 Dinar Note Exchange

Our corporate power house Xchange of America will be exchanging all Iraqi Dinar 50 denomination notes FREE of CHARGE, as a coutesy to all Dinar holders worldwide. They have April 1st as a deadline, but the guy told me they will accept up to April 15th.   Instructions:

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1. Go register at www.xchangeofamerica.com as a new customer.

2. Write a letter requesting to become a client of XOA (giving you access to all 9 locations nationwide and our products and sevices) & include the LETTER with your currency you are turning in.

3. Send your currency to us (along with letter) and RETURN ADDRESS. Currency must be sent by a trackable method. Without letter, currency will be rejected. Send to our corporate office at the following address:

819 S Federal Highway  Suite 100   Stuart Fl 34994

4. We will exchange your 50 notes for 250, 500, 1000, 5000, 10,000, & 25,000 FREE of charge. XOA will round to closest note or denomination (NO CUSTOM REQUESTS)

5. Your new notes will be mailed out (Please give 2 weeks for processing and receiving)

6. If you are already an XOA customer please make sure you indicate so when you send your 50 notes in.

Xchange of America is doing this for all Dinar holders worldwide. NO matter where you bought your 50 notes from. We are doing this as a worldwide "Good Will" gesture.

We welcome you in advance to the Xchange of America Family, the most powerful currency exchange brand in America.  Robert Hoffman President and Founder. Toll Free: (888)-7-XOA-XOA

bif   this was back in 2015

Sparky   bif ...only worth a nickle...

bif   i know but i got 25000 note. them 50s are heavy to carry lol

Sparky   ...to break it down...a 25K note is worth about 20 bucks...

bif   right at this time

Sparky   bif ...got tons of that pink stuff...

bif   i have some the rest are electronic

Sparky   ...I got both,,, Warka,...

bif   me too warka and credit bank of iraq

Sparky   ...you have a Warka account ?

bif   brokerage too

bif   yes i have one

Sparky   bif ...me too.....havn't checked it in years...supposed to be 8%, since 2011...

bif   you will need a new password

Sparky   bif ...warka bank and Finance...tied into the ISX I believe

Sparky   bif ...yup,,,they charge for that...

bif   they are not

bif   yes they charge 15000 iqd

Sparky   bif ...not tied into ISX?

bif   Warka online banking is working but i dont trust it

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Sparky   ...basically a brokerage house...

bif   warka transfer all stocks to the ISX

Sparky   bif ...I just let that ride...

Sparky   ...was option to go 10 % long term...

bif   i transfer my stocks to Al Karmal Brokerage

Sparky   ...checked the website a while ago, quoted much less,,,...I'll check it, thanks...

Sparky   ...CD...10 %   ...that was back in 2011

bif   i have copies of all my stock certs, yes 10%

bif   the online banking has a malware warning

Sparky   bif ...unheard of rates here in the states...

bifi know brb supper

Sparky   bif ...honestly, havn;t even checked it for years...

bif    please the info on warka brb

Baxter   a few gas stations around here are at 89 cents a gallon... and 55 cents of that is tax

Baxter   most are right at a buck

Sparky   Baxter ...fill up now brother, these prices won;t last...heard Trump got involved in Suadi/Russia...prices will be goingup very soon...

Baxter   I saw that.. they need to go up   gonna lose a lot of jobs if they dont

Sparky   Baxter ...i believe that is why T got involved,,,

Baxter   yep

Sparky   ...suadi did flood it though,...  Russia and Suadis were battling...pre and post covid19

Sparky   ...covid19

Sparky   ....Suadis are anti Iran...

Sparky   ...flood and starve,,,

Baxter   watching the news... what gets me about this virus..is the huge lines at the food banks.... its crazy..

Baxter   thousands upon thousands lined up

Baxter   you should have seen the line in chicago... it went on for miles

LeLe   Baxter Seattle gave out 2 $400 Food Vouchers to low income families. And the food banks are running low.

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Kaperoni   More float juice today!   Wonder why no RV talk? lol

Kaperoni   1-Economy   With the significant drop in oil prices, Iraq faces a major problem that may prevent it from paying the salaries of its 6.5 million employees and retirees, according to statements made by the Minister of Finance in mid-2019 .

International oil prices fell to the lowest level in 18 years, after demand for the product fell due to the Corona pandemic, and also because of a "price war" between Saudi Arabia and Russia that dumped markets  

Without salaries, the market could cripple Iraq, but the problem may be much deeper, according to economists who spoke to Al Hurra .

The burden of government expenses was very heavy on Iraq even before the oil crisis, and the solution was to reduce it, but the rentier Iraqi financial system prevents this, so the other solution was to float the dinar, according to these experts .

Floating a dinar means abolishing state support for the currency by selling it at subsidized prices in the exchange market, which did not happen .

According to these economists, "the economic crisis will be the most important thing facing the Prime Minister-designate," especially at a time when the country faces great potential for recession due to the disruption of measures to prevent the spread of Corona disease, for economic life .1-Economy

With the significant drop in oil prices, Iraq faces a major problem that may prevent it from paying the salaries of its 6.5 million employees and retirees, according to statements made by the Minister of Finance in mid-2019 .

International oil prices fell to the lowest level in 18 years, after demand for the product fell due to the Corona pandemic, and also because of a "price war" between Saudi Arabia and Russia that dumped markets  

Without salaries, the market could cripple Iraq, but the problem may be much deeper, according to economists who spoke to Al Hurra .

The burden of government expenses was very heavy on Iraq even before the oil crisis, and the solution was to reduce it, but the rentier Iraqi financi

Kaperoni   The burden of government expenses was very heavy on Iraq even before the oil crisis, and the solution was to reduce it, but the rentier Iraqi financial system prevents this, so the other solution was to float the dinar, according to these experts .

Kaperoni   https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ar&u=https://www.nrttv.com/Ar/News.aspx%3Fid%3D25048%26MapID%3D2&prev=search

Kaperoni  I look and look for RV/RI juice. just cant find anything. lol

Kaperoni  Happy Easter

Patty  Kaperoni Thank you for trying Kaperoni, and Happy Easter to you too

Sandyf  @Sparky sandyf ...IQD float now, devalue, then ride the tide back up... ...just a thought...

More than a thought, what the IMF would be looking for, some sort of 10 year plan.

Ignore Kap's claim that "most currencies around the world already float so they are priced by supply and demand". Less than 50% of the world's currencies are on any kind of float, and most of those are on a "managed" float, certainly not "managed" by supply and demand.

Patty   Dave Hi. I've been plagued by an explanation of why we were hit first with the virus. Both of our countries have a lot of visitors from China, and I've heard China owns a lot of businesses and properties in the US. Do they own a lot of Canadian properties also?.


https://covid.joinzoe.com/us   COVID Symptom Tracker

https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


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