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IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday  4-1-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday  4-1-20

chattels   Iranian Revolutionary Guards: there are a lot of US movements in the region & our response to any US attacks will be severe. https://twitter.com/DavidMWitty1?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

chattels   Iraqi prime minister-designate faces challenges in gaining political support

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/03/iraq-adnan-zurfi-prime-minister.html#ixzz6IKExuvjZ

Chattels   As Iraq's Prime Minister-designate Adnan al-Zurfi struggles to secure adequate parliamentary votes for his candidacy, Iraqi political parties are uncertain about whether they should support him, find a new candidate or even keep caretaker Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi in office.

chattels   Unlike the previous prime minister-designate, Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi, who failed to form a Cabinet due to a lack of parliamentary support, Zurfi is the leader of the Nasr parliamentary bloc, headed by former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi. However, this bloc is small, made up of 27 members, which means Zurfi must negotiate with other political parties to secure votes, especially since Iraqi political parties are prone to changing their decisions in the blink of an eye.

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chattels   Zurfi knows he cannot obtain Kurdish and Sunni support without securing the Shiite camp, which has held the premiership since 2004. Therefore, he has approached Shiite parties to make sure they do not turn their back on him when it comes time to approve his cabinet. If the Shiite parties withdraw support, that would most likely lead to a Sunni and Kurdish withdrawal of support.

chattels   Zurfi is supported by 100 Shiite parliamentary members. This means his government could obtain parliamentary approval with only a small number of Sunni and Kurdish members.

He needs the support of at least half plus one of the parliamentary quorum, which is 165 members of parliament, a total of 83 votes. This means the parliament can vote on his cabinet if 165 members attend and if a half pulse one of them, which is 83 members vote for him, he will get the confidence.

chattels   However, this assessment does not seem accurate. Two parliamentary blocs — the Fatah bloc of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), and Nouri al-Maliki's State of Law, which have about 70 seats — still oppose Zurfi.

chattels   The appointment of Zurfi, who is close to the United States and opposes Iranian influence in Iraq, caught the PMU by surprise. But its adherents believe they can block parliamentary approval for his cabinet. They, therefore, support keeping Abdul Mahdi in office until early elections are held.

chattels   “Abdul Mahdi leaving his post would result in President Salih running the government," Shammari said. "[Salih's] positions are not consistent with the [Iran-friendly] policy that the parties who want Abdul Mahdi to stay have adopted. … Salih assuming this responsibility would result in pro-Iran parties being greatly exposed. This is why they are pushing toward Abdul Mahdi remaining in his post.

chattels   General elections are currently scheduled for 2022, but protesters have demanded they be held this year.

chattels   Very informative read. I have excerpted only my sense of highlights.

Chattels    US deploys Patriot air defense system to Iraq https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/300320203

chattels   A deputy for Al-Hikma announces to Nina the withdrawal of his bloc from the ongoing negotiations between the Shiite blocs on Zarfi or choosing his replacement

Wednesday 01, April 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=821106

chattels   the Wisdom Bloc today turned towards helping the Iraqi people to confront the threat of the Corona virus and left political work and negotiations between the Shiite blocs on accepting Al-Zarfi or choosing an alternative.

He stressed that what is decided by the Shiite blocs will not be the object of objection from the mass of wisdom, whether or not the acceptance of the assignment of Zarfi.

And he ruled out the conditions for holding a session of the House of Representatives during the current or upcoming period to vote on the Zorfi booth or others due to the spread of the Corona epidemic.

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chattels   Two problems according to Wisdom / Hikma Bloc ( Hakim ), the virus is more important to the Iraqi people and Parliament will not congregate during the " quarantine "..

chattels   "The Sunni forces and the Kurdish parties have given a clear message that they have not confirmed that they did not proceed to assign Adnan al-Zarfi unless there is approval by the Shiite blocs of his presidency of the ministers." http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=88992

chattels   The foregoing article would appear to confirm the analysis reported in al Monitor. See https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/03/iraq-adnan-zurfi-prime-minister.html#ixzz6IKExuvjZ

Xyz   Pennsylvania man opened fire after confrontation over coughing without covering mouth https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/490495-penn-man-opened-fire-after-confrontation-over-coughing-without

xyz   As many as 240,000 Americans could die of coronavirus even if containment measures are followed "almost perfectly," a senior U.S. official has warned. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/white-house-issues-stark-coronavirus-death-toll-estimate-n1173716?cid=sm_npd_nn_tw_ma

Wilder   I've had enough of this lockdown.

Baxter   we havent even started  first day of the month

Baxter    Virginia is locked down to June 10th

Wilder   I know. Already saying schools may not be able to start back up in the fall.

Baxter   I doubt it seriously

JoeSchmoe   I thought they were saying last night on CNN they were extending social distancing through all of april

JoeSchmoe   I heard nothing about June....GEEEEEEEEZ

Baxter    virginia

JoeSchmoe   I would think it would apply to more than just there though...

JoeSchmoe   there's just two areas in San Diego county that are, supposedly.....open for surfing. Imagine how crowded those places are!      wont be long til theyre closed too though

Baxter   all I know is Fox news said that the gov of Virginia extended their stay at home order until June 10

joeSchmoe   imagine if we rv'd during the peak of all this, and they only gave everyone a one month time frame to exchange....how many people would NOT do it because of fear of getting infected?

Baxter   ha... NONE

JoeSchmoe   I would sport up in total hazmat gear!

Baxter   SO WOULD I

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Patty   Doug_W This is sure going to be a bumpy month or two. I think the 50 (or so) tribal casinos in just the state of Washington will be putting their employees of furlough about April 7th. so employees can start to collect unemployment - but I don't know if that also applies to tribal employees.

Baxter   HERES ONE FOR YA: MARCH 31, 2020   WORLD OIL NEWS   NEW YORK (Bloomberg) --Oil is selling for less than $10 across key North American hubs as the global demand shock from coronavirus leaves crude with nowhere to go.

The coronavirus pandemic has hit demand so hard that as benchmark futures plunge to lowest in 18 years, oil is backing up throughout the distribution system, raising the prospect that producers will need to shut in wells. Some of the hardest-hit areas have been those thousands of miles from export terminals, which would provide the possibility of escape, either to foreign markets or onto tankers as floating storage.

Refiners across the U.S., including PBF Energy Inc., Valero Energy Corp. and Phillips 66, are slowing fuel production as restrictions on travel and work has reduced gasoline and jet fuel demand to a trickle. North Atlantic Refining Ltd will be idling its 130,000-barrel-a-day refinery in Newfoundland, Canada, for two to five months due to the outbreak.

The market is groaning under the weight of this oversupply so much so that U.S. midstream operators such as Plains All American Pipelines have asked their suppliers to reduce oil production because storage capacity is reaching its limits.

Bakken crude in Guernsey, Wyoming, sank to a record-low $3.18 a barrel Monday, according to data compiled by Bloomberg, while Western Canadian Select in Hardisty, Alberta, was worth just $4.18. Even oil in West Texas is as cheap as it’s ever been. West Texas Intermediate in Midland was $10.68, just above its all-time low from 1998. And it’s lower-quality counterpart, West Texas Sour, slid to a record $7.18, the lowest in data going back to 1988.

Baxter   WE MAY SEE 50 cents a gallon

Doug_W   wow

Baxter   Russia and Saudis are killing each other... if this keeps up... Iraq will not exist

Baxter   Looks at that.... 3 DOLLARS A BARREL

Doug_W   1910 prices

Baxter   This could kill our oil industry

Baxter   They cant produce gas at those prices...and Russia knows it

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Doug_W   we have no alternative but to Wait n C

Baxter   yep    Three dollars.... for a 55 gallon drum of oil...

Doug_W   that is economy busting price

Baxter   sure is

Baxter   cant do it

Baxter   cheaper than water   much cheaper

Doug_W   cheaper than a pin t of beer in Canada which is 5 bucks

Baxter   I think the US needs about 32 dollars a barrel to break even... to produce gas

LeLe   Gas can be free. We can't go anywhere.

 Dave   oil cheaper than coffee........go figure????

Baxter   3 dollars a barrel yesterday

 Baxter   it will shut down our refineries.. for sure

Dave   Thats for that that tar sand mud i think.....not light crude?

Baxter   correct.. light crude was about 9

Dave   their goes our economy

Baxter   yep

Baxter   Trump is gonna have to keep foreign oil out of the U S

Dave   got that Tranlinks pipeline going again........

Baxter   saw some film last night on Fox..of oil tankers sitting off of the texas coast... you wouldnt have believed it

Baxter   miles of them   no where to unload....

Dave   OPEC....?????

Dave   We dont need em!

Dave   Flooding the market

Baxter   yep

Dave   Thought Opec had rules

Baxter   dont know

Baxter   Russia quit OPEC   from what I have been reading   they are feuding with the saudis....

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Dave   9 bucks a barrel.........Never been that cheap ever?

Baxter   I dont think so.. cheaper than water

Dave   With all the fracking going on in Saudi....tells me they may be depleting their capacity

Dave   9 million barrels a day full bore for decades

Dave   Brent Crude 20......Seems to me their MO is to kill us

Baxter   yep...   thats the deal   oil companies will have to shut down....

Dave   FREAKING~!!!!

Dave  Rain Drops and Roses Whiskers on Kittens,,,,,,,,Better?

Doug_W   just B urself

Doug_W   West Texas Intermediate crude lost 21 cents, equivalent to 1.42 percent to $ 20.20 a barrel

Dave   Doug_W and intermediate crude....costs a least 10 bucks/barrel to process....coffee cheaper

Dave   we should start growing coffee  how many cups of coffee in a barrel........

Doug_W   figure it out Dave 8 oz in a cup 128 oz in a gallon 55 gallons to a barrel

Francis Albert   "Dinar Land" is famous for, with a track record of fantasy news that is not going to happen. The Latest: The UST will take over the FED. Sorry, as much as we'd love to see this.... No more borrowing, no more new debt. It's not going to happen Does anyone really think the people who own and control Dollar Inc. that started the First Bank of the United States in 1793, and are just going to fold up shop after 200 years of being the banks of issue?

Doug_W   @Baxter were U just listening to FOX?

Doug_W   said this is coming at us like a bullet train STAY home

Doug_W   Tucker Carlson said it excaped from "Bug factory" or Bio lab in CHina

Baxter   no i didnt   i have heard that before though

Doug_W   WHY were they bio engineering viruses???

Doug_W   onhly one reason I know of

Doug_W   nukes destroy so there are NO spoils of war viruses leave it intact


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