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IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 5-6-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 5-6-20

Baxter   I see where Iran deleted 4 zeroes from their currency.... UGH.... not good...not good at all..

Baxter   Iran Lopped it looks like Doug

Foxmulder   Baxter interesting about IRAN

Baxter   yes... I hope Iraq doesnt do that   we are finished

foxmulder  Baxter after all these yrs ! For that to happen . Be just our luck

Baxter   yep   Im shakin already

foxmulder   Baxter well even selling back I'll still make a few bucks

Baxter   Im not so sure with a lop

foxmulder   Baxter me either  We can keep on hoping

Baxter   all we can do.. yep

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Baxter   wanna see something wild? this is a new 5G Phone ringing..with steel wool placed around it..


xyz   Mysterious Coronavirus-Linked Syndrome Spreads From London To New York


An unusually deadly coronavirus-linked respiratory syndrome initially observed among a cluster of children in the UK has apparently popped up in New York City, according to local media reports.

ABC 7 says a group of 15 children in NYC have been hospitalized with unusual symptoms similar to - get this - toxic shock syndrome, or Kawasaki Disease. The symptoms include inflammation of the blood vessels, including coronary arteries. While there have been reports of COVID-19 causing heart attacks in some patients with certain preexisting conditions, this level of damage seems unusually severe. COVID-19 is also not usually very aggressive in young children. Other symptoms include fever, rash, abdominal pain and vomiting.

However, not all of the 15 patients tested positive for the coronavirus. Only 4 tested positive outright, while 6 tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies, meaning they had likely been previously infected.

On Long Island, Cohen's Children Hospital has confirmed 25 kids have been hospitalized with Kawasaki-like symptoms; 11 of them are in the ICU. The county health commissioner in Nassau described their condition as "concerning."

foxmulder   Baxter have seen there is alot of concern about 5G

Baxter   I know... look at the electicity off of that thing

Xyz   ZIM update for GCR freaks ....

Zimbabwe Begs For Aid To Avoid "Collapse" https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/zimbabwe-begs-aid-avoid-collapse

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xyz   Scientist Whose Doomsday Models Sparked Global Lockdown Resigns After Breaking Quarantine To Bang Married Lover https://www.zerohedge.com/health/scientist-whose-doomsday-models-prompted-worldwide-lockdown-broke-quarantine-bang-married

Xyz   5-6-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...So the prospects of an RV sooner than later are good. ...I want everyone to know I do not mean that as soon at the government is announced they are going to RV.

Xyz   5-6-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Iran apparently decided to delete 4 zeros ... that is what the CBI is also considering

Baxter  UGH.... NOT GOOD

Baxter   Did you see on the news last night..that some Wendys restaurants are taking Hamburgers off of their menu..as they have no hamburger

Doug_W   no

Baxter   yep...

Baxter   30% of wendys dont have any burger

Doug_W   makes me glad we buy in bulk and freeze ourts

futuremoney   yes..we are going to see massive food shortages coming up...not going to be pretty

Baxter   no. its not   farmers here are selling live hogs for 50 cents a pound..

Baxter   one big farmer normally sells 75 hogs a day to produce... he cant get rid of them

futuremoney   wow

Baxter   so he is selling them at 50 cents a pound   ridiculous....

Doug_W   at that price U could afford to buy and butcher one by urself IF U have a freezer

Baxter   showed on the news last night...people with trailers loading them up... some guys that cut up deer... are butchering them

Doug_W    there ya go

Baxter    milk is the same way... they are dumping milk in farm fields...

Doug_W   Dairy farmers work on small margins as it is that will bankrupt them

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Baxter   yep...   the milk trucks have no where to put it...and it cant be kept long.. so they are just dumping it

Doug_W   I have seen that during blizzard of 77/8

Baxter   speaking of blizzards.. it could snow here Thursday

Doug_W   amazing

Baxter   its nuts..29 here friday night

Doug_W   we are under a fire weather watch   Leesburg too

Baxter   figures..   hurricane wont get it... fire will

Baxter   they say this may be a huge hurricane season

Dave   Iraqi govt passed.......almost........?

Dave   2 ministries yet to fill......Foreign affairs and finance........they have until the 9th to complete?

Dave   Iran deletes 4 zeros........sanctions must suck for them......What does this have to do with Iraq.....CBI has mentioned deleting 3 of them?

Dave   figured we would have liked to see pressure on Iran?

Dave   psuedo good news?

Doug_W   No that was it

Dave   Iraq govt passed 2 ministries short though

Doug_W   its NOT like we have ever seen this scenario before over there

Dave   Doug_W affirmed a PM.....

Biff   Doug Dave Quarters soon

Doug_W   biff noooo

Dave   Doug_W Says who?

Doug_W   I didn't do it

Dave   biff happy to see a nickle.......

LeLe   It's going to be rough. But America will bounce back bigger and better. Making America Great Again.

Xyz   Iraqi parliament expected to meet quorum to vote on Iraq's PM-designate Kadhimi's


Iraq's economy to shrink by almost 10 percent in 2020: World Bank

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Iraqi military launches Saladin operation after spate of ISIS attacks

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — A senior Kurdish official in Baghdad is optimistic that Iraqi parliament will meet the mandated quorum to vote on prime minister-designate Mustafa al-Kadhimi's proposed cabinet Wednesday night.

"It is expected that the parliament will meet quorum and Kadhimi's cabinet will be voted on," Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament Bashir Haddad told Rudaw TV just hours before the scheduled vote.

Iraqi parliament speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi called on MPs on Monday night to head to Baghdad for an emergency session to decide on Kadhimi’s proposed cabinet at 9 pm on Wednesday.

Haddad does not expect the entire list to be approved, but says that Kadhimi can still be given a vote of confidence if just over half his list passes.

"It is not necessary for the entire cabinet to be approved. We have received the names of 20 ministers. Even if we are able to approve 12 to 13, it is constitutional. The cabinet can pass if more than half of the ministers are approved," added Haddad, who noted that they are yet to receive the names for the foreign and oil minister positions.

Kadhimi's proposed cabinet includes 12 ministers from the Shiite parties, six from the Sunnis and three from the Kurds, and one from a minority group, according to Dana Katib, a Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) member of parliament in Baghdad.

"The Christians are likely to receive a ministry dedicated to the minorities," Katib told Rudaw English on Wednesday.

Kurdish leadership has already unanimously thrown their support behind Kadhimi, with the deputy speaker calling it “unwavering.”

Haddad says it remains unclear as to which ministerial posts Kurds will receive.

The Kurds, predominantly represen

Xyz   A parliamentary source: The session was not held yet to continue the meetings of the blocs LINK

xyz   5-6-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [So what is the hold-up?] I don’t think there is a hold-up

Xyz   Time: 05/25 2020 00:07:28  The Speaker of the House of Representatives opens the session with a quorum of 233 deputies and the national anthem is played

{Baghdad: Al Furat News} The parliament held this evening, Wednesday, in the presence of 233 deputies, the session of voting to grant confidence to the government of Mustafa Al-Kazemi, who is in charge of the prime minister.

The Presidency of the House of Representatives rang a bell to enter the extraordinary session hall to initiate it and began playing the national activist and reading al-Fatihah.

Members of the House of Representatives began to enter the Great Parliament session hall to vote on the new government headed by Mustafa Al-Kazemi.

The vote to give confidence to the Al-Kazemi government is scheduled for today’s session.

kevin311312   The Baghdad Post@BaghdadPostPlus #BREAKING| The #Iraq|i #Parliament approves the ministerial candidates for the ministries of the interior and defense 
kevin311312   Alephא@no_itsmyturn #BREAKING  Mustafa Kadhimi is officially the Prime minister of #Iraq

Xyz   From DELTA...THE NEW PM [Al-Kazemi] IS GIVING A SPEECH-- Kazemi: Early elections, limiting weapons, and preventing the use of Iraq as an attacking field are our most important tasks Parliament begins voting on the cabinet and gives confidence to Education Minister Nabil Kazim  --

Parliament votes stubbornly as Minister of Defense -- VOTING STARTING ONE BY ONE  -- Vote on Ali Abdul Amir Allawi, Minister of Finance -- The House of Representatives votes on Othman Al-Ghanmi, Minister of the Interior -- the House of Representatives votes on Khaled Najm Battal as Minister of Planning


Al-Kazemi’s government officially won the confidence of Parliament  -- BOOM SHAKA BOOM

https://covid.joinzoe.com/us   COVID Symptom Tracker

https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


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