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IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 4-22-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 4-22-20

Doug_W   2020 forecasts for #Iraq: https://twitter.com/GebeilyM/status/1252549467506704385

Probable that the real numbers will be even worse than this. The disaster facing Iraq cannot be understated


-Clock ticks for@MAKadhimi  to form govt: 3 days to Ramadan, 4 to sanx waiver ends


Economist: The situation in Iraq is very bad, and salaries need to be cut

Editing Date: 4/22/2020 0:00 • 128 times read •


Legal expert Ali Al-Tamimi revealed, on Tuesday, a set of legal decisions that the government can take to address the financial crisis and the collapse of oil without compromising the salaries of employees.

Al-Tamimi said in a statement, “The government can take a number of decisions that have a legal effect to alleviate the current financial crisis by stopping the government appointment for a period of at least 5 years and allowing the private sector to work in the Iraqi market, as well as adopting the ministries’ productivity policy to feed a treasury. The state, for example, the Ministry of Education collects contributions, fines, fees, and other sums from private schools and kindergartens, as revenue for the state.

He added that "all these measures can be taken to reduce the current financial crisis."


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Kurdish leader said the independent Mahmoud Othman , the Kurdish blocs in the House of Representatives will support Prime Minister - designate Mustafa Kazemi, pointing out that the special ministries component Kurdish will change. "

Osman said in a statement to Nina / that the ongoing negotiations between the Kurds and Kazmi gave positive results, There is a possibility to solve the outstanding problems between Baghdad and the region under his new government, pointing out that Al-Kazemi told the Kurds that the m

Doug_W   262 Iraqi forces have been killed and wounded since the beginning of this year


Doug_W   https://www.rudaw.net/arabic/middleeast/iraq/2104202024

Doug_W   Abdul-Mahdi comments on the delay in forming the government and calls for "compromise solutions"   https://www.rudaw.net/arabic/middleeast/iraq/2104202026

Doug_W   https://www.rudaw.net/arabic/middleeast/iraq/2104202026

Baxter   A delay in the forming the Govt..... why who would have thought that??

Doug_W   NOT me~~

Xyz   EXPERIMENTAL CORONAVIRUS TREATMENT COLCHICINE TO BE SENT TO PATIENTS' HOMES HOURS AFTER COVID-19 DIAGNOSIS https://www.newsweek.com/experimental-coronavirus-treatment-colchicine-sent-patients-homes-hours-after-covid-19-1499093

mod   The mainstream media is absolutely the enemy of the people.

mod   Did mainstream media tell us about this.

Bill Gates is buying everyone off his agenda is Depopulation - SEE Georgia Guide stones. "MAINTAIN HUMANITY UNDER 500,000,000 IN PERPETUAL BALANCE WITH NATURE"

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futuremoney   Gates is a modern Hitler

futuremoney   when you are born, get tested for intelligence , bacterial resistance etc...if you dont cut it...you are eliminated

mod   Georgia Guide stones are not a "conspiracy" they are 15' stones with 10 rules in 8 different languages.

mod   Did mainstream media tell us about Event 201? https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201 a test run of this nearly exact scenario in Oct 2019. This is a PLANdemic not a pandemic

mod   Everyone needs to get past the politics B* that is designed only to divide all of us.

mod   CornHolio Virus The cases & deaths # are not accurate as they are counting everything as cv-19 such as heart attacks, strokes, respiratory failure, etc.. sometimes even twice. CORRUPTION Follow the $$$ Hospitals get $3500 for most visits/stays but if they call it CV 19 If a hospital has a patient that they "claim" has COVID 19 they get $13,000. If they put that patient on a ventilator that goes up to $39,000! 85% of people that go on a ventilator die.

All they need is to lay on the stomach give them some oxygen and zinc vitamin C etc.. they need to consult natural paths but they are not trying to cure anything. JUst sell vaccines and toxic meds.

In fact, they are neglecting most patients unless they have cv-19, not the low-end nurses' and Dr.'s fault as they do not know but just following directions but Nurses & Dr's should research this if they had time which they do not.

Mod   From Bill Gates "The world has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 35 percent"

mod   March 8, 2020 Bill Gates steps down from Microsoft board.

mod   Bill Gates: The Making Of A Monster https://youtu.be/ZNBSSsT0pbU

mod   AGAIN The mainstream media is absolutely the ENEMY of the people. www.outofshadows.org

futuremoney   "new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services"....isnt that supposed to prolong life? NO..this is to kill and sterilize

kevin311312   Drain the swamp

Mod   https://twitter.com/LilBlondie45/status/1252707712586199044?s=20

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larrykn   mod the Main street media is as bad as I've ever seen it, talk about one sightedness wow

xyz   mod totally agree ... politics is very divisive.

mod   xyz Yes we have been punked it seems

larrykn   looks like Trump is trying to open the country back up but I feel that won't happen over night either

mod  In these crazy times it is good we have diversified currencies after all

JoeSchmoe   larrykn We'll see how it goes in Georgia...crazy what they are trying to get restarted!

larrykn   JoeSchmoe I just don't know what is worst , not opening or opening. either way people will die

msdiva68   Ga and SC gotta be the two dumbest states its too soon to open up because there will be one person to infect over thousands of people it only takes one or two

JoeSchmoe   msdiva68 they are opening up some parks here in SanDiego. But businesses still remain the same

JoeSchmoe   ocean still remains closed too....

msdiva68   JoeSchmoe The beaches here need to stay closed as well The governor says it will be restrictions NO surf boards No towels No beach chairs the beach will be for walking and exercise

msdiva68   Like folks are gonna follow those restrictions

JoeSchmoe   msdiva68 where is that

JoeSchmoe   Huntington beach is open to surfing.....there have been 20-40 guys in the water at once I've counted in the past week

JoeSchmoe   most likely becausse it's one of the only places in socal open to surfing

Doug_W   Critical moments for the Prime Minister-designate@MAKadhimi

. Now he is in an important meeting with the Shiite leaders, Nouri al-Maliki, Hadi al-Amiri, & representatives of Asaib Ahl al-Haq & Sadrist, this may decides the fate of his government. #Iraq


Doug_W   Mustafa Habib@Mustafa_Habib33

Breaking: #Iraqi Prime Minister-designate@MAKadhimi reveals his government ministers:- Electricity/Adnan Al-Zarfi Foreign Affairs / Harith Hassan Higher Education/Ibrahim Bahr Al-Alum Finance / Fouad Hussein Justice / Khaled Shawani Agriculture / Mohamed al-Sudani

Oil/ Hisham Saleh Dawood Municipalities/ Rizan Muhammad Water Resources/Jassem Muhammad Al-Asadi Planning/ Khaled Battal Labor/ Kadhim Al-Sahlani Culture/ Hashem Al-Shadidi Interior/ Muzahim Al-Tamimi Education/Muzahim Al-Khayyat or Falah Mahmoud Ahmed to choose one of them

There is no agreement yet on Defense Ministry

 Doug_W   4/22/20 Dinar Perspective Roundtable Pre-Recorded Call Audio Replay LINK

https://covid.joinzoe.com/us   COVID Symptom Tracker

https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


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