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IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 11-13-19

IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 11-13-19

 TWWIII   https://www.qarya.org/reserve-bank-of-zimbabwe-currency/  pix of new 2Zim$, 5ZIM$, 10ZIM$, 20ZIM$  etc... going out this week who knows, new toilet paper. gotta scroll down a ways

larrykn   President of Kurdistan Region in Baghdad to discuss Iraq protests, bilateral relations https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/13112019

larrykn   Integrity: The seizure of funds by three officials of the Ministry of Reconstruction and Housing

Economy News _ Baghdad   On Wednesday, the Integrity Commission revealed a decision to seize the transferred and immovable funds of three senior officials of the Ministry of Reconstruction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, based on the provisions of Article 340 of the Iraqi Penal Code.

"The Najaf Investigation Court, which is responsible for integrity issues, has issued a decision to seize the transferred and immovable funds for each of the accused, the former inspector general of the ministry, a technical agent and a former director general," the authority's investigation department said in a statement.

The decision was issued on the basis of article 340 of the Iraqi Penal Code on the charge that the defendants did not carry out the contract for the basic design of Najaf, the statement said.


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larrykn   Housing fund begins to approve housing complexes and deducts delayed fines

Economy News _ Baghdad   The Housing Fund of the Ministry of Reconstruction and Public Municipalities announced Wednesday that it will start next year to approve investment housing complexes, stressing that it has decided to split the delayed fines against borrowers to 24 months for those who are late for one or two years.

"The bank has prepared an economic feasibility and a financial and legal plan aimed at raising the level of the lending process and simplifying its procedures," said Sabar al-Saadi, director general of the fund, in an interview with the official newspaper Al-Sabah, which was briefed by The Economy News.

Al-Saadi added that "the Fund is in the process of agreeing on a certain formula for the process of paying interest in agreement with the investor, or to go to individual lending with citizens who have the investment housing unit," revealing "his decision and as part of his plans to facilitate the procedures for citizens, by deducting a 24-month penalty for all borrowers who are late for one or two years."

"The bank is turning it into loans, creating a financial cycle that can contribute to the revitalization of the national economy and ensure the continuation of the lending process," he said. http://economy-news.net/content.php?id=18201

chattels   President of Kurdistan Region in Baghdad to discuss Iraq protests, bilateral relations https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/13112019

chattels   The visit takes place amid ongoing protests in Iraq’s south and center that began on October 1, demanding an end to corruption, unemployment, and nepotism, among other grievances.

chattels   At least 319 people have died and more than 15,000 people have been injured, according to the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights in the protests.

chattels   Despite the warm relations, there remain some outstanding issues between the Kurdistan Region and the Iraqi government. The Region’s independent oil sales, budget disagreements, and the issue of the disputed territories continue to be points of contention.

Chattels   Iraqi News Agency denies that PM Abdel-Mahdi’s office manager has resigned.


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chattels   " Fake " news from yesterday.

chattels   " It is another sign that Iraqi democracy is dying." http://musingsoniraq.blogspot.com/2019/11/new-clashes-in-south-iraq-as-another.html

Chattels   NINA's Constitutional Amendments Committee: All controversial articles will be discussed and amended

Wednesday 13 November 10:10 2019 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=797033

chattels   Abdul-Mahdi: The demonstrations are a valuable opportunity to carry out long-awaited reforms / expanded

Tuesday 12 November 22:08 2019 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=796988

Doug_W   chattels we can only HOPE

chattels   Doug_W The likelihood, based upon prior history, is that there will be a lot of talk and committee meetings and then nothing of significance for the Iraqi people.

Doug_W   sadly YES

futuremoney   chattels that said..they are stone age mentality

futuremoney   hate to say it,but they only seem to follow a dictator

Doug_W   futuremoney thats what 3 generations of dictators will do to a society

Doug_W   no one knows how to lead a democracy

chattels   Anything about Tman's wealth transfer ?

Baxter   Yes... today is the DAY

Baxter   I havent seen my semi full of dimes.. yet

Chattels   No apparent change in my account balance.

Baxter   HA.. mine neither

chattels   Have a fine day all.

JoeSchmoe   Tman had been quiet for quite some time, then what.....all of a sudden boom, a post like that with nothing to back it up with? Seems to me he had been forgotten, now wants to be back in it?

Baxter   DOW broke another record today

Baxter   headed towards 28,000

Matt   Dow Jones Industrial Average INDEXDJX: .DJI  27,783.59 +92.10 (0.33%)^



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