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IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 10-30-19

IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 10-30-19

chattels   The Democratic House seems to have turned upon one of our traditional formal NATO allies in favor of the Kurds who we have thrown under the bus more than once in prior administrations.

chattels   https://www.rudaw.net/english/world/30102019

chattels   US House serves blow to Turkey with votes on sanctions, Armenian genocide

chattels   Sadr's Sairoon continued sit-in in parliament building while he called for early elections to replace PM Abdul Mahdi on Oct 29


chattels   Iraq’s protests were ebbing and flowing. On October 28, they received a huge boost when thousands of students and professionals joined. That was offset by the latest acts of violence by the government forces.

chattels   Oct 28 parliament said it would create committee to amend constitution in 4 mo Will never happen parties dont do anything major unless all benefit Plus govt has no legitimacy and protesters want MPs out http://musingsoniraq.blogspot.com/2019/10/iraq-protests-get-huge-boost-as.html   …

Chattels   So here are my comments on the current state of the protest crisis in #Iraq. Plenty of others are commenting on this so I'm going to focus on what I think are the key points & hopefully not be too repetitive. Five points:

11:45 AM - 29 Oct 2019 https://twitter.com/UticaRisk/status/1189252049516580864

chattels   1) Given the killings in Karbala last night, tho disputes remain over # killed, the government's legitimacy is totally shot. Everyone knew the official investigation into the early Oct killings were a whitewash for the political class, but they didn't even learn a lesson from it.

chattels   2) This Abd al-Mahdi's speech just be the new wave last Thursday evening. It is a 33-minute speech filled with technocratic jargon that would have better fitted a presentation at an iqsquared debate. It is like he is stuck in op-ed mode.

chattels   3) Speaking of the Hashd: Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis knows who the enemy is - they are the Shia protesters now taking to the streets. Here is Muhandis talking about the "fitna," the "conspiracy," & he even compares them to Daesh.

chattels   4) You know the circus has gone full circle when Muqtada al-Sadr shows up at the protest site, as he did in Najaf today (having returned from Iran to Iraq).


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chattels   5) This brings me to my final point, regarding the difficulties of replacing AAM when he knows full well the 165 votes for a replacement aren't there & the last thing many MPs want is another PM chosen by Amiri & Sadr.

chattels   The foregoing appears to be the tactical reason that Mahdi is not resigning. Political forces cannot effectuate a replacement under constitutional process and Mahdi is not going to resign and deliver the country into anarchy and chaos.

chattels   So, we will likely plod along in political stalemate unless there is indeed a revolution.

chattels   My concern is for a military coup.

chattels   Time for golf. Have a fine day all.

Baxter   Im afraid our Dimes are in serious doubt

Doug_W   for NOW yes

Baxter   maybe... forever..

Doug_W   hope not~~

Baxter   Im thinkin the whole govt maybe just collapse over there

Doug_W   its happening now and they are trying to "save" it

Doug_W   thanks again Iran

Portmagaland   Clay Did you see the video of the U.N. taking over the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City Utah, telling Americans they cant shoot video inside a UN compound?

Portmagaland   Two days ago?

Baxter   Portmagaland I saw that

Clay    Portmagaland let them go thats what I say

JamesP   Not controlling my guns & ammo

Portmagaland   https://www.rt.com/usa/370698-calexit-california-embassy-moscow/

Clay   JamesP nor mine T

Portmagaland   Clay They aren't going to stop with California. They want us all.

Doug_W   k

Portmagaland   I've heard the UN troops are here specifically to handle our family in the South because they know how our brothers and sisters roll down there, Team America, rock on!

Doug_W   JamesP got ya

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Clay   Portmagaland but they will be stopped

Portmagaland  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0i66gBS3Pbo   

UN COMPOUND IN UTAH - Takes over Salt Palace - UN Declares Sovereignty over US soil.   Oct 30, 2019

JamesP   Portmagaland looks like foreign invaders to me. They have no power here.

Portmagaland   JamesP They were going to take over Chicago earlier this year because local politicians made a plea to the UN.

Clay   JamesP let them come to the Carolinas

JamesP   Portmagaland they can have Chicago

Clay Portmagaland LOL maybe we should give them Chicago.....Good luck with that

Clay   JamesP lol

Portmagaland   https://abc7chicago.com/politics/boykin-asks-un-for-help-fighting-chicago-violence/2780474/

Portmagaland   Didnt ask the Governor for the National Guard or President for the 82nd, went straight to the U.N.

Portmagaland   Clay    Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developmenthttps://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/post2015/transformingourworld

Clay   Portmagaland Big Brother

Portmagaland   Straight from the U.N. Agenda 2030. That little commi girl going around telling us about global warming is a spokesperson for UN 2030. They'll take our guns here us up like cattle and make us live in studio apartments in megacities

Portmagaland   Herd us up

JohnW   blue helmets make easy targets

Clay   Portmagaland dont believe we would allow that

Dave   CommI girl?

Clay   telling you militias would form very quickly

Doug_W   Dave ???

Portmagaland   Clay Gretta girl from Sweden or something

Dave   Commi Girl?

Clay   Portmagaland let her stay there

Dave   not communist....

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Portmagaland   Dave She's dictating my life to me, commi to me

Dave   Portmagaland She is dictating?

Clay   she would disapear very quickly

Portmagaland   https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/study-explosion-in-antarctic-sea-ice-levels-may-cause-another-ice-age-not-warming/   

Portmagaland   They can put that in their global warming conspiracy pipe and smoke it.

Portmagaland   It's all b.s. to control us through a global taxation because they laugh at us slaves

Portmagal   andDave Didnt say that Dave     And you know it

Portmagaland   You sound like a leftist implying I'm saying something I'm not

Dave   know what...?

Dave   more central

Portmagaland   I didnt say we weren't hurting our planet

JohnW   Portmagaland you don't have to pay global taxes, only Federal and state if your not lucky

Dave   Portmagaland Iam saying we should be taking better care of our home.....

Portmagaland   Japan just dropped more nuclear waste in the Pacific, got hit by a typhoon as well, which caused more nuclear waste to poison their rivers, recently

Portmagaland   Dave I agree

Portmagaland   Dave But I dont agree with a global tax based on a carbo footprint

Portmagaland   We get taxed enough

Dave   Portmagaland Try breathing in Beijing

Portmagaland   The first 3 to 4 months of our income goes to taxes

Portmagaland   Dave So taxing Americans is going to fix the air in Beijing, please explain?

Dave    Try living here but us commis get free health care and all that other free stuff most do not get in the States

Dave   yes big industries....the polluters get tax breaks

Portmagaland   Dave How is freedom of speech working out for the commis, oh it's called re-educational camps and if that doesnt work you're an organ donor. I'll pass.

Portmagaland   Have fun with that.

Portmagaland   I'll die doing my best to stop that.

Dave   Portmagaland sign your Drivers licence....your an organ donar

Portmagaland   Not here, you have to volunteer and they put donor sticker on your card.



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