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IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 1-8-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 1-8-20

Chattels   In Iraq, 9 missiles target Ein al-Asad Base in west Anbar Province, host to US forces.

chattels   Iranian TV announces that Revolutionary Guards have struck Ein al-Asad Base in west Anbar Province, Iraq, with 6 ballistic missiles launched from west Iran. Ein al-Asad contains concentration of US troops in Iraq.   LINK

chattels   US Pentagon: Iran has launched more than 10 ballistic missiles targeting US & International Coalition forces in Iraq. We are working to estimate losses.

chattels   US official: Iranian attack on US forces in Iraq included Ein al-Asad Base in Anbar Province & another base in Iraqi Kurdish Region. https://twitter.com/DavidMWitty1?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

chattels   According to several Kurdish sources, US Patriot system has taken down the Iranian rockets that targeted US sites in #Kurdistan’s Erbil. https://twitter.com/abdullahawez

chattels   A CENTCOM spokesperson confirmed to me that Iran fired 15 missiles: 10 struck Al Asad airbase west of Baghdad, Iraq; one struck Erbil in northern Iraq; and four failed. https://twitter.com/AlexWardVox

chattels   Protests in Baghdad & Karbala criticized parliament vote on expelling US forces Said parliament doesn't represent them and taking Iraq into US-Iranian conflict    LINK

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chattels   #IraqProtests, BREAKING: Protesters set on fire headquarters of Badr Corps, AAH, Hikma, Islamic Dawa and Communist parties, as a response to the gunshots by unidentified (yet) attackers, earlier this night. https://twitter.com/hashtag/IraqJournal?src=hash

chattels   Bilal Wahab @BilalWahab   Bilal Wahab Retweeted Rasha Al Aqeedi

This is a key point. There are NO US bases in Iraq. There are Iraqi bases that house US military personnel. Iran just attacked IRAQI military facilities with aim of killing Americans. https://twitter.com/BilalWahab

chattels   Richard Engel@RichardEngel 1h1 hour ago Iran saying it will escalate if attacked by US, or per our @aliarouzi , will stop if no US response.   https://twitter.com/RichardEngel

chattels   Iran making threats of mass escalation. To attack more bases in Iraq. To unleash Hezbollah. To unleash shiite militias in Iraq. To attack Israel and Dubai. Making it clear it is ready for a widespead campaign if this escalates further with a US response. https://twitter.com/RichardEngel

chattels   While still awaiting damage assessment from US mil, but so far a few hours in, it seems Iran could have hit harder if it wanted to. Iran foreign minister @JZarif says Iran does not want war or to escalate. Seems to be an offer to find an off ramp. https://twitter.com/RichardEngel/status/1214737102803484672

chattels   Economist: There is no authority for the US President over Iraq money

[Follow-up] Where the economist and financial advisor, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, emphasized that "there is no protection [immunity] for US President [Donald Trump] currently on Iraqi funds in the jurisdiction of the US jurisdiction as some believe."

Saleh said in a statement that this protection "which was adopted by the first presidential order No. 13303 since May 2003 at the expense of the DFI Development Fund at that time and is opened on behalf of the Central Bank of Iraq for the benefit of the government of the Republic of Iraq, i.e. the account opened with the American Federal Reserve Bank in New York and remained a subject Protection is currently being explained. "   http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=85870

chattels   A poor translation it would appear.

Wilder   chattels Thanks. Now will we strike back?

chattels   Wilder Good question.

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chattels   A newspaper talks about coordination between Tehran and Washington regarding the recent attack inside Iraq   [Follow-up]

The British newspaper "The Independent" reported on Wednesday that there are arrangements that preceded the Iranian response to the killing of the Quds Force commander, Qassem Soleimani, while confirming the existence of "coordination" between Tehran and Washington, noting that the recent Iranian attack eased internal pressure on the President's administration. The American, Donald Trump.

The newspaper quoted Iraqi diplomatic sources, saying, in press statements, today, January 8, 2020, that "the Iranian response to the killing of General Qassem Soleimani in an American raid in Baghdad was coordinated with the United States through the mediation of a Gulf country," stating that "military arrangements have been made By the two sides during the past two days to ensure that this response does not lead to foreign casualties. http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=85883

chattels   The sources added that "the past days after the United States carried out an attack that killed the commander of the Quds Force, General Qassem Soleimani, and the deputy head of the popular crowd, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, witnessed an accelerated diplomatic movement in the region, in which Iraq participated, resulting in a consensus between Washington and Tehran regarding the response."

chattels   She explained that "the consensus includes Iran's implementation of a limited missile attack on a number of sites that include American forces inside Iraq, ensuring that no casualties are caused by the United States Army, which is what actually happened, according to preliminary information."

chattels   Fascinating, eh ?

chattels   I wonder about property damage ?

chattels   Trump to speak about it this morning according to national television reports.

chattels   Iraq’s prime minister rejects, but doesn’t condemn Iran missile attack https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/080120201

chattels   The dollar rises again against the dinar

Wednesday 08, January 2020  Baghdad / Nina / Foreign currency markets in Baghdad recorded today, Wednesday, a new rise in the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.

The price of selling the dollar to banking companies reached 124 thousand dinars per hundred dollars, and the purchase price of 123 thousand dinars per hundred dollars.


chattels   Clearly not in compliance with Kap's 2% position.

Doug_W   chattels I am not sure I "buy" that 2% thing

chattels   Doug_W Understood. Who knows anything for sure.

Doug_W   Exactly

chattels   US-Iran tensions shift Iraq from brink of reform to brink of war

Christine McCaffray van den Toorn   Raad Alkadiri January 7, 2020

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/01/us-iran-tensions-iraq-soleimani-brink-war-reform.html#ixzz6ARaVfeUq



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