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IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 1-29-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 1-29-20

Chattels   Support reveals the presence of political forces to choose a military figure to head the next government

[Baghdad-Ain]   Deputy for the Parliamentary Bloc of Wisdom Hassan asserted that he supported the presence of political forces to choose a military figure to head the next government.

Faddem said in a statement quoted by the official agency, today, Tuesday, that the ongoing dialogues between the political blocs will produce the choice of a military figure to take over as prime minister rather than political figures. http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=86313

chattels   Liberation Square demonstrators refuse to nominate Allawi, Al-Kazemi and Shukri for the post of prime minister

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Tuesday 28, January 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=810026

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / Tahrir Square protesters rejected the nomination of Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, Mustafa Al-Kazemi and Ali Shukri for the position of the next prime minister, by raising large posters marked with an x ​​on their photos.

chattels   The central bank sells more than / 229 / million dollars in the currency auction

Tuesday 28, January 2020 20:52 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=809996

chattels   A source close to the President of the Republic denies agreeing to a candidate for prime minister

Tuesday, January 28, 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=810014

chattels   Tuesday, January 28, 2020  New Govt Crackdown On Iraq Protests http://musingsoniraq.blogspot.com/2020/01/new-govt-crackdown-on-iraq-protests.html

chattels   Following Moqtada al-Sadr’s withdrawal of support for the anti-government protest movement there has been a concerted effort by the security forces and Hashd to break up some of the major sit-in sites. This has led to several deadly days of confrontations and showed the resilience of the protesters.

chattels   The problem is that the government has refused to budge on any reforms and even Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi remains in office after he resigned.

chattels   Iraqi leaders denounce Trump’s Israel-Palestine ‘Deal of the Century’


chattels   " Iraq, ......, has maintained its policy of full Palestinian independence, rejecting ties with the state of Israel."

chattels   Palestinian President & Hamas reject the Deal of the Century. http://mobp.as/g7gsq

chattels   Deputy: Conflict of interests between Saleh and the blocs brought down all candidates for prime minister

Editing Date: 1/1/209 12:37 • http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=86332

chattels   "negotiations between the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, and the political blocs are conflicting because of interests and have caused most of the candidates to be dropped."

She added that "some external parties seek to keep Iraq as it is without a government in order to carry out operations against the security forces without any deterrence or objection."

She explained that "keeping Iraq without a government for several months raises dozens of questions, the most prominent of which are the political blocs seeking to keep the caretaker Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi in power or seeking to procrastinate the issue of early elections."

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chattels   Why would the Iraqi Parliament desire to unemploy or disempower themselves through early elections ?

chattels   The constant state of disruption, chaos, corruption, instability and unpredictability seems to be and favor the status quo in Iraq.

chattels   Washington (CNN)Fifty US military personnel have now been diagnosed with concussions and traumatic brain injuries following the Iranian missile attack on US forces in Iraq earlier this month, according to a statement Tuesday from the Pentagon. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/01/28/politics/50-injuries-iran-strike/index.html

chattels   A leader in Sairon reveals the President's intention to offer two new names to choose one of them for the post of Prime Minister

Wed, 29 Jan 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=810048

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / Talaat Karim's leadership leader revealed Barham Saleh's intention to present two new names to choose one of them for the position of Prime Minister during the next two days.

”Karim said in a statement to Nina that all the names in the media were excluded from running for the position of prime minister Next, the issue has become almost settled, and is moving toward assigning an independent figure from outside the political blocs.

Karim said, "The President of the Republic has two candidates who will present them to the political blocs during the next two days, to choose one of them to assign him to the position of Prime Minister for the transitional government, and they are from outside the current political milieu and they are acceptable in the Iraqi street and political blocs alike."

Larrykn  Mashaan al-Jubouri in a dangerous statement: The Sunni region project is led by those close to Iran!

The government's ability to manage the country's security and security, as well

Baghdad, Iraq  today: As political circles close to Iran are busy talking about the links of demonstrations to regionalization projects, including the "Sunni region," politician and former mp Mashaan al-Jubouri has accused those close to Iran of promoting the regionalization project.

"The slogans of the demonstrators calling for patriotism, cohesion and the demand for the state have led the Sunni component to move away from the idea of the region," al-Jubouri said.

Al-Jubouri accused those he described as "Sunni politicians close to Iran who led the Sunni region project."

Al-Jubouri said that "the residents of the sunni-majority provinces will fight a "war of liberation" against the corrupt if the corrupt can defeat the demonstrators," accusing "Sunni politicians in the construction alliance of stealing their provinces' allocations," adding that "a big Sunni name from the construction alliance will be on the U.S. sanctions list soon."

Al-Sadr's directive to withdraw the tents of his supporters from Tahrir Square, al-Jubouri said, "The public defied the Sadr agreement and al-Ameri after their meeting in the Iranian city of Qom, and the Sadrist movement is a partner in the government and the owner of the largest authority, and the departure of its supporters from the squares gave the demonstrations another taste, where the chant of "Shala Qala" became in its place, especially as the Shiite political class became more deadly to the people than any ruler "Stay" warning that the statement of the 16 countries is a preliminary warning that iraq may be taken to the Security Council."

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larrykn   On the parliament's vote to remove foreign troops from Iraq, al-Jubouri stressed that "Iraqi forces do not have the capacity to confront Daesh on their own, and that the organization will reach the walls of Baghdad again if the international coalition comes out," noting that "the leaders of the demonstration and the demonstrators against the Americans do not live on the borders of the areas of the spread of ISIS." http://iraqtoday.com/news/36680/مشعان-الجبوري-في-تصريح-خطير--مشروع-إقليم-السنة-يقوده-مقربون-من-إيران

larrykn   President gives political blocs 4 days to present "non-controversial" candidate for prime minister   The government's ability to manage the country's security and security, as well

Baghdad- Iraq today:  President Barham Saleh, a political bloc, was given 4 days to present an "uncontroversial" candidate for prime minister. A source close to Saleh said that "President Barham Saleh has until Saturday to present an uncontroversial and acceptable candidate for the presidency of the government by the demonstrators."

"If a candidate is not agreed, he will choose a candidate for the post," he said.

The source also revealed the truth of the reports that Ali Shukri was nominated to head the next government. The source said there was no truth to reports that Ali Shukri had been nominated as prime minister, replacing the resignation of Adel Abdel Mahdi. http://iraqtoday.com/news/36691/رئيس-الجمهورية-يمنح-الكتل-السياسية-4-أيام-لتقديم-مرشح-غير-جدلي-لرئاسة-الوزراء

larrykn   His office: Al-Maliki is far from the prime minister's selection consultations and did not object to Allawi   The government's ability to manage the country's security and security, as well

Baghdad:   The media office of the head of the State of Law coalition, Nouri al-Maliki, on Wednesday denied the latter's objection to the appointment of candidate Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi to the prime minister, stressing that Al-Maliki is far from consultations on the choice of prime minister.

"The head of the State of Law coalition, Nouri al-Maliki, is far from consultations on the choice of prime minister," said office spokesman Hisham al-Rikabi, denying statements made by some politicians about his opposition to the appointment of Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi.

"The position of the State of Law Coalition is explicit on the issue of the prime minister," al-Rikabi said, stressing that "the coalition with any prime minister is proportionate and agreed by the will of the public and that his mandate should be within the constitutional contexts."

In a televised interview late Tuesday, mp and former minister Wael Abdel Latif revealed Maliki's opposition to the appointment of Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi as prime

minister. http://iraqtoday.com/news/36693/مكتبه-المالكي-بعيد-عن-مشاورات-اختيار-رئيس-الوزراء-ولم-يعترض-على-علاوي

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larrykn   Why the Al-Hikma Movement failed to manage any administrative or political file in Iraq   The government's ability to manage the country's security and security, as well

Baghdad, Iraq  today: Since the announcement of its formation in late 2017 to this day, the current of wisdom continues to be held captive to political failure and the absence of a clear vision toward multiple files, but continues to flounder without reaching a certain point in the construction of a work strategy that preserves its political presence, or gives it legitimacy to remain as an active force on the ground.

This current, which announces its opposition to the government on Saturday, is in its embrace on Sunday, and when the government refuses to give it what it asks and what came from its place, it sees it returning on Monday to the ranks of the opposition, and so this current spends its week moving between the government and the opposition - and to be honest, the current government is not with the government or with the opposition, but with himself and with his boss only!

Yes, the wise current is still captive to the self-desires, and prisoners of the momentary jurisprudence issued by a group of young people who did not tell the political work enough, they try to burn the stages in order to ride each wave, and join each changing political phase,

while the organizational environment for them continues to suffer from a total failure in the preparation of clear masses, and loyal to their ideas, for a simple reason, is the absence of the project of political wisdom, but they continue to rely on the legacy of the family of The Ref Mr. Hakim, and this is not enough in light of the extinction of generations, and the birth of new generations, do not know from the recent past nothing,

Doug_W   Of course Maliki did he is like Jerry Nadler and other Dems

larrykn   nor do you want to believe in inherited mass at all, so this project will be clearly dissolved, and for those who want to be sure, the simplest popular referendum will be held in the cities The demonstrations called by the current in 2019 in Basra are perhaps the best evidence of this.

Today, the current of wisdom is held captive to the failure, lack of project, and its political and administrative record is full of failure, corruption through the officials who presented them to work in the ministries of state, or the provinces that were the scandal of the governor of Basra Majid al-Nasraoui, and what followed is the best witness to what we say  here.

The corruption that has spread in the Ministry of Oil during the four years of control of this current and its contracts, was and continues to be the biggest damage to the country, as well as the failure of the current in the file of the Ministry of Transport, and the consequences of his leadership of a number of provinces that ended in obvious service disasters.

The survival of this current with its weak and floundering performance increases its isolation from the social reality, even with the multiplicity of financial support it receives from neighboring countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and some other countries,

but the confusion and lack of vision continues to overwhelm the work of this formation, while political observers attribute this matter to the absence of real leadership in the current, i.e. the leadership of the collective decision, and the association of the work of this formation individually  and   One, or a specific family wing, hinders any progress in building a political or administrative project for this current.

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The observers added that "this confusion and failure seemed evident in the recent demonstrations, where the current did not have a clear effect in this popular movement, but tried to invest it in certain moments, and attack it in other moments, which we might call a real-time change in attitudes,

on the one hand attacking channels and media and networks owned by the current, popular demonstrations and stooping behind the accusations directed at the popular movement, and his perception that he is  moving  supported and subversive,

some of the leaders of this current jump to the opposite character, and claim that they are part of the popular movement, and that they adopt the political opposition to the next government,

while the facts proved that a real part of the project to hinder the formation of a new government alternative to the outgoing government, were the agreements of wisdom with some "The Sunni, Kurdish and Shiite forces, through these agreements, want to preserve their political gains and work to reserve space in the next government."

"The experience of the Iraqi public with this current is bitter, whether with the ministerial positions that he has managed, and turned them into administrative fiefdoms of his own, or with the provinces that stole their money from the calculated figures, and lost opportunities for development, work and the construction of those cities, so we expect that after the recent popular movement, the current will not have a place in any popular political process based on popular will,"

larrykn   http://iraqtoday.com/news/36697/لماذا-فشل-تيار-الحكمة-في-إدارة-أي-ملف-اداري-او-سياسي-في-العراق

larrykn   Deputy: Abdul Mahdi part of the crisis of not resolving the issue of the prime minister   The government's ability to manage the country's security and security, as well

Baghdad- Iraq today:   The head of the caretaker government, Adel Abdel Mahdi, may be part of the crisis of not resolving the prime minister's office, said Raad al-Dahlki, a member of the Coalition of Forces, on Tuesday.

"The president of the republic has given the blocs the last chance until Saturday evening to choose the prime minister or act alone," he said.

"The outgoing Prime Minister Adel Abdel Mahdi may be part of the crisis of not resolving the issue of the prime minister's office to stay in power," he said.

"Disarming armed groups, enforcing the law, ending corruption and working to restore order in state departments and official school attendance are the tasks of the next prime minister," he said.


larrykn   US halts weapons deliveries to Iraq amid tensions with Baghdad https://www.thebaghdadpost.com/en/Story/45769/US-halts-weapons-deliveries-to-Iraq-amid-tensions-with-Baghdad

larrykn   Iraqi TV Station Suspended for Protest Coverage https://www.thebaghdadpost.com/en/Story/45772/Iraqi-TV-Station-Suspended-for-Protest-Coverage

TWWIII   Thought Id post this as I am heading to a meeting: Silver today"" 1.02957 XAG

1 XAG = 17.4829 USD   1 USD = 0.0571986 XAG

Doug_W   Silver:$17.56


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