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IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 1-22-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 1-22-20

Chattels   Iraq’s various political blocs have been locked in talks since Abdul-Mahdi’s resignation to nominate a suitable candidate to replace him – no easy feat for such a deeply entrenched elite in such a deeply divided society.

Several names have been put forward for the job, but all of them have been rejected by the protesters in Iraq and its safe haven in Baghdad, Tahrir Square.

The most recent candidates put forward by political parties are Ali al-Shukri, former Minister of Planning from 2011 to 2014 and MP from 2014 to 2018, and Mohammed Toufiq al-Alawi, who served as Minister of Communication from 2006 to 2007, and again from the end of 2010-2012, when he resigned.

The third shortlisted is Mustafah al-Kadhimi, head of the Iraqi National Intelligence Service since 2016. He has worked to purge the influence of parties over the institution, and is seen as the least partisan among the candidates. https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/210120201

chattels   " ................. Ali al-Shukri, former Minister of Planning from 2011 to 2014 and MP from 2014 to 2018, and Mohammed Toufiq al-Alawi, who served as Minister of Communication from 2006 to 2007, and again from the end of 2010-2012, ........" .............. " have been rejected by the protesters in Iraq and its safe haven in Baghdad, Tahrir Square."

chattels   Still no confirmation that President Salih has nominated anyone.

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chattels   Despite threats bu Hash'd Militia Organizations it appears that President Salih did meet with President Trump " President Trump meets with Iraqi President Bahram Salih at Davos Conference in Switzerland." https://twitter.com/DavidMWitty1?lang=en

Baxter  Did I see where Sadr is gonna have another Million People Protest on Friday??

Baxter   In Iraq, Muqtada Sadr on upcoming million person protest on Friday: we will remove every foreigner & end the corrupt system.

Baxter   That dude takes a mean lookin pix....

chattels   Unlikely there will be further developments about the next #Iraq PM until President Salih returns from Davos. He's scheduled to meet Trump on the sidelines; some Iraq MPs are trying to persuade him to not meet Trump https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=808940 …

chattels   Many reports about a possible PM candidate designation in #Iraq Mon but now an adviser to the president says no one has been designated after all. The president is headed to Davos https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=808740 …

chattels   Iraqi President @BarhamSalih meets President Trump at Davos. "They like what we're doing, and we like them," Trump says of Iraq's government. When asked if he's still considering sanctions against it, Trump says: "We'll see what happens." https://twitter.com/leloveluck

Baxter   Almost thru January already.... but... this could happen any day now... eh?? ;not-true;

Chattels   Saleh to Trump: We reject Iraq turning into an arena for settling scores

Wednesday 22 January https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=809037

chattels   Baxter :)

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / The House of Representatives turned its session into deliberation, due to a lack of quorum, in the presence of 138 deputies.  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=809038

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chattels   The central bank sells more than / 268 / million dollars in the currency auction

Wednesday 22 January https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=809023

Baxter   wow... what an auction

chattels   Saleh heads to Switzerland after the negotiations to nominate the Prime Minister faltered

[Baghdad-Where]   President of the Republic Barham Salih headed to Switzerland on Tuesday evening to participate in the Davos Economic Forum, which started this morning.

A source in the Prime Minister said, "President Saleh went to Switzerland to participate in the Davos Economic Forum."

A well-informed political source indicated that "Saleh left after the agreement stumbled again to name a new prime minister because the political blocs did not agree on a particular candidate."


Baxter   they are really skimming the money off..

Chattels   Republic Presidency: Saleh held in-depth discussions with Trump, on the sidelines of the Davos Forum   1/22/2020 15:25 • http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=86191

Baxter   Our only hope Chattels... is if somehow... this GCR turns out to be real... Iraq..as far as getting this done.. is not going to happen..

chattels   Baxter The auction volume has been generally high(er) for some time now.

Baxter   yes.. it has

chattels   Baxter I tend to agree with your analysis.

Baxter   thx... I pray every day

chattels   Baxter As do I.

Doug_W   Silver:$18.00

Andrewhatidid  see ur tomorrow.....  Trump meets Iraqi president in Davos

Watch live: Trump meets Iraq president during World Economic Forum


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Dave   just not much happening in Iraq, other than......RUMORS......ALLAWI appointed.....Is ALAQ sacked from CBI?.......not much on that either

Sparky   ...SLC and Fatah alliances didn't want Barham to meet with Trump in Davos...wonder why?

Sparky   ...as far as I know barham Saleh is Kurdish... ...Iran getting squeezed big time now...

Sparky   ...fell into the trap...and the fools shot down a civilian plane...

Sparky   ...imo...things are moving in a decidedly faster uptick...protesters forging their way toward the future of Iraq...prosperous, and free...

Young_SC   Sparky but it still kills me that Iraq cannot choose a pm within a suffiecent time

Dave   Young_SC ever wonder why?????

Sparky   Young_SC ...obviously the peoples will, is not their primary objective..

Young_SC   Sparky That is true

Sparky   Young_SC ...stealing the counties wealth appears to be #1...

Young_SC   Sparky indeed

Dave   QUOTAS and IMMUNITY????

Sparky   Dave ...richest dudes on the planet ?

Dave   Crooks do not place necks in nooses willingly

Sparky   Dave ...thats what Blackwater esque teams are for...

Dave   got to get passed Malikis militia first

Sparky   Dave ..press...Maliki media brainwash first..then his malitia...Deerhunter comes to mind...one shot.

Dave   said it years ago.....we aint seeing this until Maliki goes down.....

Dave   missed impeacment by 1 vote.....

Sparky   Dave ...absolutely agree my friend...

Dave   Talabani swing vote......

Dave   He is a Kurd TOOO!

Dave   CROOK.......

Sparky   Dave ...would that be the wife, zero...?

Sparky   Dave ...lets face it, that is their messed up culture...screw anyone you can, for anything you can...

Doug_W   B4 they screw you

Sparky...handshake and a backstab...

Dave   Supposedly the first truly Democratic nation in the region.....

Sparky   Doug_W ...their words mean nothing...  ...and that is messed up...

Sparky   ...a man's word, is the only real thing he owns...

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Sparky   Dave ...Kuwait and surrounding counties appear to be doing just fine as is...Iran is the enemy...and not to sure of Suadi either...

biff   Why is John Kerry mad?

Sparky   biff ...hardcore USMC...I wonder same...maybe because his deal sucked...

biff   That guy parks his yacht outside of Mass so he doe not pay taxes

Young_SC   biff none of them pay any taxes

Sparky   biff ...yup, read that a few years ago...

Young_SC   Including Donald Trump

Young_SC   Lololl

biff   lol

biff   Will you pay taxes after the RI Young_SC

Sparky   biff ...first thing I do...!!!...after Tax attorney advises me ...

biff   Will you have trust account after the RI

Sparky   ...absolutely...and a 501c3 also...

biff   ok  I want to same

Clay   Sparky whats that

biff   same thing trust and brokerage account

Sparky   ...charitable organization...

Clay   oh ok thanks

biff   3 bank accounts not exceeding 250000 USD

Sparky   biff ...after advisement...probably will go via brokerage accounts

Clay   thanks good to know

Young_SC   biff yup taxes are a big must after the RI even here in Canada

biff   I watched Contagion last night. Interesting Coronavirus in USA

biff   Lived in Newfoundland in 90 92   Argentia



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