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IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday  3-24-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday  3-24-20

Chattels   University presidents have apologized for their candidacy for prime minister

Editing Date: 3/24/24 14:44 • http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=88401

Doug_W   what I can say is I believe when its your time ur going no matte where/ what ur doing if its bingo then its BINGO

kevin311312   News Arab World  Iraq’s Abadi Abandons Deal with Shiites, Accepts Zurfi’s Designation  Tuesday, 24 March, 2020

mod   chattels https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32133832/

? Please confirm 80% False Positive! Covid 19 Test Results.


chattels   mod I read some of the articles collected and resourced by the site earlier.

mod   chattels And what do you think? News is not covering that

chattels   mod I do not know that i have any conclusory thoughts. I do wonder about several aspects of this pandemic.

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chattels   Foxes " go to ground " and we " shelter in place ". What is the real threat ? Is it an existential threat ? Is it a crisis being managed with ulterior motives ?

Chattels   Is it a manufactured crisis ?

mod   80% False Positive! Covid 19 Test Results. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5rmm3ghs1E&feature=emb_logo

chattels   I will be interested to see what the data is after the 14 days ?

chattels   Assuming the data is reliable.

chattels   It is mind numbing to consider the possibility that the pandemic is a hoax.

chattels   It would be on par with 9-11 being an act of the US government.

chattels   These are strange and difficult times.

Chattels   Not a lot of news of interest out there today.

Chattels   But, relax, landing instructions are on the horizon tomorrow. WE have been in a holding pattern according to " Okie Oil Slick " since Saturday. Actually we have been airborne without landing, according to him, for about nine years now.

Chattels   Baxter Hope that you and I are on the same flight.

Baxter   So DO I

chattels   Baxter The earlier we land, the sooner we can go fishing.

Baxter   yes.. the sooner the draft beer flows

chattels   " The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope." - John Buchan

Baxter   that is quite true

Chattels   futuremoney The completion of the Iraqi Banking Reform Project is elusive. The great question is whether it is attainable. There certainly seems to be a perpetual series of occasion for hope.

chattels   One cannot catch a fish unless they go fishing. One cannot benefit from the completion of the Iraqi Banking Sector Reform Project unless they hold IQD.

chattels   No need to ask God to help one win the lottery unless they have purchased a ticket.

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Baxter   we have purchased the tickets.... now all we have to do is win the Lottery

chattels   My mind is meandering this morning.

chattels   Have a fine day all.

Francis Albert   I do a daily talk show on health and finance. And after weeks of talking to many sources I trust here's what we see re: Carona. The methodology for reporting is fatally flawed. Evidently all medical people, hospitals, doctors, clinics, military etc. have been instructed to label virtually all deaths as caused by Carona. People do what they are told. So, that's a real problem with believing any of these numbers...anywhere in the world.

Francis Albert   Secondly, the testing they claim to be using for positive is also fatally flawed. It does not test for the Carona Virus, it tests for proteins in the immune system that are elevated. Which is what the body does for a living to keep us alive. So, the positive testing thing is flawed.

Francis Albert   Opinion: There are forces, somewhere that are taking this "pandemic" out for a spin. Use your imagination of who benefits. It's a long list. And most of the "alternative" media as we know it has taken the Blue pill on this one too, because IMO it just makes for good copy.

Francis Albert   Nothing is as it seems.

Clay   Francis Albert Francis Albert waiting to see if NC closes Chiro offices....mine is dying due to this hysteria. I do believe that the elderly should stay home for now but as for others the media has started a panic and people r not going to work or coming to see me

Clay   May have to close my office next week for good    sad after 23 years

Dave   whats with 80% false positive stuff?????

Baxter   TRUMP is going to have a townhall meeting at noon...on Fox...supposed to last two hours

Dave   Great news Trump compares this to the regular flu......people die in car accidents....USA will be reopened by Easter,,,,,this what CNN reports

Dave   GOV CUOMO............paints a much different picture.......Dayum RAT"

chattels   Interesting observation today is that my older container of Lysol wipes says that it kills corona virus ?!?! Perhaps the explanation is that the current corona virus strain is at times referred to as the " new " corona virus.

Doug_W   its a slightly different strain "C"  thus "19"

chattels   " Anywho ", increasingly I am wondering about it all.

Doug_W   Silver:$14.38 + 1.02

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Linda_S   Hi I'm a newbie

Linda_S   Pancreatitis drug to be tested for coronavirus | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News


Linda_S   China started use this Japanese drug, and positive results. So Japan will start clinical trials by the end of this month. Hope this will help.

Wilder   Trump argued he doesn’t want “to turn the country off” and see a continued economic downfall from the pandemic. He also said he worries the U.S. will see "suicides by the thousands" if coronavirus devastates the economy.

Baxter   Wilder Our Walmart Parking lot is full of Semis... Not Walmart Semis.. just every company you can imagine... they said the Interstate is deluged with Trucks..and all of the rest areas and roads near rest areas are full... so they are parking and resting anywhere they can..

Linda_S   China, S. Korea, and Japan. Covid19 is not growing....They listen what the government say, and do it.

crazycrypto   weeks not months trump announced

crazycrypto   also we dont want 5g

Chattels   Tuesday, March 24, 2020  Oil Prices Collapse And Iraq Has No Answers http://musingsoniraq.blogspot.com/2020/03/oil-prices-collapse-and-iraq-has-no.html

chattels   Oil prices have collapsed due to a dispute between Russia and Saudi Arabia and the drop in demand due to the coronavirus. That will devastate Iraq which is the most oil dependent country in the world. Around 90% of its revenue comes from its petroleum sales.

This couldn’t come at a worse time as the government is paralyzed because it has been unable to pick a new prime minister. Even if that wasn’t happening Baghdad has never planned for the ups and downs in the energy market increasing its budget every year prices stay high and then falling into debt and deficits when they collapse. The value of petroleum is so low however that it threatens the very state itself.

chattels   Ali Allaq the head of the Central Bank didn’t seem to think things were that bad. He didn’t expect oil prices to stay low for long and said that the government could cut subsidies and services to cover the debt and salaries.

chattels   Iraq’s stated policy decisions so far are another example of unpreparedness. Baghdad said it would cut oil prices and increase its exports to boost sales. With the coronavirus world demand for petroleum is way down so there is no way it could boost its sales to earn enough to cover its basic costs. Cutting its crude prices are just as unrealistic with prices plummeting.

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 chattels   Iraq’s elite have never taken the country’s oil dependency as an issue. Instead it has looked towards its petroleum wealth as a way to maintain its position and enrich itself.

Now that the world economy is facing a recession and oil prices have sunken so low they are starring into the abyss. The government is completely unqualified for the possible repercussions.

It will have to implement drastic austerity measures which will cut into the ruling parties’ patronage systems making it reluctant to do so. It will not be able to borrow that much, which means it will likely have to raid its foreign reserves to pay for things, and carry out massive deficit spending.

Iraq has suffered oil declines before, and its main response is simply to wait them out and then go back to business as usual. This time maybe different because the energy market has gone down so low the state may not be able to sustain itself which could lead to a new round of protests and more unforeseen consequences.

chattels   Being oil rich in these days is akin to being land rich at tax time.

chattels   Neither quantity or quality can substitute for a lack of liquidity

Clay   or stupidity

chattels   We may have bet on a horse that will not even finish the race.

Clay   beginning to think that for a long time now

Clay  began ^^^

Baxter   Updated on 3/24/20 at 11:45 AM: The final version of the economic stimulus package offered by Speaker Pelosi the House Democrats no longer includes the U.S. Digital Dollar proposal; however, the language as proposed by Chairwoman Waters of the House Financial Services Committee still contains this language. Links to the original and updated stimulus bills with the latest language are at the end of the story. NOTE:: THIS IS ONE ITEM THAT THE DEMS WERE TRYING TO TAKE OUT OF THE BILL TODAY... IT DIDNT HAPPEN



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