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IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 5-5 -20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 5-5-20

Wilder   Iran going to drop 4 zeros and bring in a new currency next few years?

Wilder   Iran’s parliament backs move to cut 4 zeros from its currency   Rial to be changed to the toman after five decades of inflation    https://www.ft.com/content/f9b8296e-dd89-4620-afa9-fe6a9ee532a3

Xyz   Parliament holds an extraordinary session to vote on the Al-Kazemi government tomorrow, Wednesday

May 5, 2020 at 9:25 am   Direction / Baghdad   The House of Representatives decided to hold the extraordinary session of the vote on the Al-Kazemi government tomorrow, Wednesday.

The Presidency of the Parliament stated in a statement obtained by "The Trend", that "the session will be held at nine in the evening."

The deputy of the Al-Fateh Alliance Fadel Al-Fatlawi revealed that Al-Kazemi had been informed of corruption suspicions about some of the names nominated for the ministries, indicating that the appointed Prime Minister will make new changes to the cabinet. LINK

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xyz   More than 70 countries have deleted their zeros, know the most prominent


If Iran is the latest country to resort to deleting the zeros of its currency, in a psychological game aimed at restoring some confidence in the national currency by trying to absorb inflation represented in the high prices and the erosion of purchasing value, then dozens of countries preceded it to measures of this type that exceeded the number of 70 since the mid-twentieth century.

On Monday, the Iranian parliament responded to a project approved by the government of President Hassan Rouhani at the end of July 2019, and referred it to the Shura Council several months ago, where it was subjected to extensive discussion and conflicting views on the feasibility of such a step.

xyz   Economist: We can transform the economic crisis from an ordeal to a grant


A member of the Iraqi Economic Council, Ghadeer Al-Attar, affirmed that the Iraqi executive bodies can turn the country's current ordeal into a grant.

Al-Attar said in a statement received by Asumaria News, a copy of it, "The local development in the agriculture and livestock sector will be a great opportunity to transform the ordeal that the Iraqi economy is currently going through due to the drop in crude oil prices into a grant."

xyz   The Minister of Finance and the Governor of the Central Bank discuss the situation of cash liquidity in banks and agencies


On Monday, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs and Finance Minister Fuad Hussein discussed the liquidity situation in banks and organizations.

Hussein's office said in a statement that Alsumaria News received, a copy of it, that "Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs and Finance Minister Fuad Hussein presided this morning an expanded supplementary meeting in the presence of Ali Al-Alaq, Governor of the Central Bank and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Planning and directors of Al-Rafidain and Rashid banks and the Iraqi Bank of Trade.

The meeting was also attended by general managers of the departments Budget, taxes, customs, retirement and public debt, in order to complete government efforts in examining mechanisms to improve the economic and financial situation in order to secure the needs of the country, especially in advance of May's allocations in light of the continuing decline in oil prices. "

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He added, "The current cash deposit deposited by the government has been studied in banks and entities that generate annual profits and how to restructure these funds and use them to bridge the current shortfall to secure the salaries of Iraqi state employees," noting that "the meeting discussed the government's obligations to pay internal and external debts In addition to the need to finance some government institutions, given the privacy of their work. "

In another axis of the meeting, they discussed how to provide legal cover or urgent legislative decision to secure the required cash liquidity for the future, whether by borrowing internally or externally to fill the shortfall in the financing process.

Hussein and Al-Mohafiz emphasized that "all obstacles must be overcome and speedy framing of immediate solutions to remedy the financi

Dave   Iraq having liquidity issues,,,,,,? yet hear little on private investment/banking nor decentralization of the Govt giving powers to the provinces?

Jo"Terrorist" was the fake Bogyman that non-Free Thinking people that believe the lying government to start wars and watch too much TV.

Now we have a new bogyman an invisible virus.  Notice the FAKE COMPUTER GENERATED IMAGE CARTOON!


Wilder   Just like with this virus. They say start opening things back up gradually and then you start seeing articles on the web like this. >>> CDC report predicts 3,000 virus deaths in US per day by June. https://www.timesofisrael.com/cdc-report-predicts-3000-virus-deaths-in-us-per-day-by-june/

>>>>many articles saying the same. Who do you believe?

Dave   BC no cases several days........ (British Columbia)

Dave   Still shut down......  oops 8 cases...sooory

mod   you all could use this imo www.outofshadows.org hillary and others are into some satanic stuff

Dave   helps explain 3k deaths per day......

Wilder   My brother in law made it past quarantine. Now waiting for son, his two children and ex-wife to go through quarantine. She was exposed 3rd shift at bubble wrap manufacturing company.

mod   stunt men from hollywood tells

Dave   Pandemic....Quarantine......isolation ......WHY?

mod   Just watch at least once very interesting I assure you

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Dave   wonder where all those Media folks get their hair cuts...?..

Wilder   Dave my barber snuck me in the back door.. He's busy.

Dave   all nicely trimmed....

Dave   Wilder 3000 deaths per day ...go figure/

Wilder   Yep

Dave   get huge fines for that here

Wilder   Same here.  Health dept. 4 blocks down.

Dave   yet folks protest.......in force no protection...no distancing   thats Okay?

5 May 20, 12:46 PM Dave   1 case 2 ...4 ,,,16 ...32 etc etc   Brilliant

Wilder   Hypocrites?

Dave   no mixed messaging....

Wilder   And employers are to report no-shows

Dave   Wilder and being forced to work at meat processing plants.......

Wilder   And we mention how corrupt our society is. Who sets the example?

Dave   Wilder Figure we did a good job here

Wilder   Dave look at this article. Governor DeWine. So I get tested today. What if I get exposed tomorrow? https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/what-increased-testing-new-covid-19-testing-guidelines-in-ohio-could-mean-for-you.

Dave   USA not so much.....

Wilder   Gov. Mike DeWine said Monday that because Ohio doesn't have unlimited capacity, they need to set COVID-19 testing priorities statewide. ABC6/FOX28 talked to Delaware General Health District Commissioner Shelia Hiddleson about how her team has been managing COVID-19 testing, delivering kits just Monday to their jail.

"Now opening up next week it looks like we are going to have some places here in the region...(like)...Walmart is going to be doing some testing. But, again you can't just drive up and get tested," said Hiddleson.  She said you'll need to call and do telemedicine visits and get a doctor's order.

A big element in this fight too is contact tracing.  DeWine

Wilder  “Based on comprehensive scientific publications from around the globe, it appears that the IIBR is the first institution to achieve a scientific breakthrough that meets all three of the aforementioned parameters simultaneously,” the Defense Ministry said in a statement on behalf of the institute.

IIBR is now working to patent its antibody and secure a contract for its commercial development. All legal procedures will be coordinated with the Defense Ministry. https://www.jpost.com/health-science/iibr-completes-development-phase-of-covid-19-vaccine-626913

Baxter   Here is something that I found today... from 1965... that would be 55 years ago...and Mr. Paul Harvey hit today... right on the money... its worth the 3 minute listen... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rysHrMClDE

Dave   .....Any good news today.....?

Dave   A source reveals the number of parliamentarians present in Baghdad before the “session of confidence”

Dave   Shafak News / On Monday, a parliamentary source revealed that more than 200 lawmakers were present in Baghdad, as the voting session for granting confidence to the Prime Minister-designate, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, was approaching.

The source said to Shafak News that “the number of deputies currently in Baghdad exceeds 200 deputies (out of 329),” noting that “members of parliament from the Kurdistan Region, Basra Governorate and other provinces arrived this evening to Baghdad Airport.”

Dave   He added that “the attendance of the deputies to Baghdad came after the invitation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Muhammad Al-Halbousi, members of Parliament to attend, in preparation for holding a session of granting confidence to the government of Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kazemi.” 

For the government to obtain the confidence of Parliament, an absolute majority (50 percent + 1) is required for the number of members present (not the total number) to grant confidence

Dave   https://www.shafaaq.com/ar/%D8%B3%DB%8C%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%A9

Dave   SO...........tomorrow could be even a better  day

Dave   hope this was just a head count before their vote tomorrow....... 

https://covid.joinzoe.com/us   COVID Symptom Tracker

https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


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