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IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 2-25-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday  2-25-20

chattelsYoung_SC Your article does not say that the youth support the person of Allawi, but states a similar agenda. "New Generation": We support the formation of an independent Iraqi government away from party nominations, including "Kurdish"

chattels   Kurds call on Iraqi PM-designate to 'revise' cabinet formation plans https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/240220202

chattels   Iraq’s Sadr demands Kurds, Sunnis stop hampering Allawi’s new government https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/250220201

chattels   " ................. breaking with the old system risks excluding Iraq’s Sunni and Kurdish minorities from power and allowing the Shiite majority to dominate."

biff   Doug any quarters?

chattels   Ali Al-Tamimi: The prime minister-designate moved away from the demonstrators, as he announced in his government program

Tuesday 25, February 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=814165

chattels   The Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi announced yesterday his government program sent to parliament without setting a date for early elections, which is one of the priorities of the legitimate demands of peaceful demonstrators. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=814165

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chattels   "Dawa" website revealed, on Sunday, the intention of Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi to create a new state ministry to add to the share of the Kurdish component in the name of "the Ministry of State for Kurdistan Region Affairs", stressing that Allawi is still insisting on the designation of the Kurdish forces any new minister. https://www.theiqdteam.com/blog/allawi-creates-a-new-ministry-to-satisfy-kurdistan

chattels  LINK

chattels   Monday, February 24, 2020  Pro-Iran Groups Name New Acting Head Of Hashd http://musingsoniraq.blogspot.com/2020/02/pro-iran-groups-name-new-acting-head-of.html

chattels   Pro-Iran groups appointed Abdul Aziz al-Muhammadawi aka Abu Fadak from Kataib Hezbollah as the new chief of staff of the Hashd. Reportedly he needs to be confirmed by either retired Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi or Mohammed Allawi after his cabinet is voted upon. This move highlighted the growing divisions within the Hashd after the death of Abu Muhandis who helped unify those loyal to Tehran and worked to marginalize the others.

chattels   Abdul Aziz Muhammadawi was selected to replace Abu Muhandis.

chattels   Muhandis and Iranian Revolutionary Guards Quds Force Commander General Qasim Suleimani were killed by an American drone attack in Baghdad.

chattels   Large numbers of protesters flocked to Tahrir Square and released tear gas bombs

Editorial Date:: 25/20/25 14:07 • http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=87095

Whitelions   The central bank clarifies the administrative framework for financing imports and the mechanism for selling foreign currencies

02/25/2020   BAGHDAD - Mawazine News   , the Iraqi Central Bank issued, on Tuesday, a brochure entitled "The Window for Selling Foreign Currency in the Central Bank of Iraq."

"The brochure explains the administrative framework for financing imports and the mechanism of selling foreign currency to banks in covering the requests of their customers," the bank said in a statement.

He added, "It also clarifies the process of collecting and sterilizing the local currency considering that this bank represents the monetary authority in Iraq." Ended 29 / p https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=87655

Doug_W   https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=87655

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Whitelions   Zig just so you know Dave just message me in skype and this was my end of the conversation not that he would repost it but so he won't have to feel that he cant talk about it

Whitelions     lets see what the cbi dose when the cabinet is voted in it looks like that will be very soon .The CBI is ready the work that is starting in the country is demanding it not just the protesters but the contractors that are coming in are expecting it not just the us but every country wanting to work in the country and the good thing is Iraq is being very picky about what country's it will do bis. with because they know they can everybody wants a piece of this pie .

but If I have to guess it would be with in the next 2 to 3 months and please dont think Trump has any thing to do with it they have limited our contracts to the bare minimum because they dont want us to become the new Iran to them and influence . Iraq will never let another country influence it again like the did Iran no matter who they are

crazy crypto   ^sounds like an opinion to me as well

Whitelions   crazy crypto nothing more nothing less but the fact that people arent looking at how meny and who are getting the contracts how meny contracts countrys are getting is a very big indacator that all the gurus like you are being short sited in this area

Whitelions   Doug_W we do every time what we post what contracts are going out and who are getting them from the government sites every month it just not big news to people and it not the only piece of the puzzle that has to be watched but people are so worn down the good people have stopped looking and the others are to new or to dependent on others to look for them but in the end this will happen and what each person dose with their onw money is up to them.

Dave   Muhammad Allawi reveals the scheme of corrupt entities: Money is paid to MPs to block the passage of the government

Dave    Baghdad / Obelisk: Designated Prime Minister Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi wrote:

He has heard that there is a plan to thwart the government’s passage because of the inability to continue the thefts because the ministries will be run by independent and impartial ministers.

social communication


Dave   will attempt to be to be more confrontational in the future

Dave   For Kap...‘Finding contemporaneous material to accompany old movies is a challenge, I understand. New sequel out now,,,,,,,150 billion barrels now well over billion 500....and they mention that they just started scratching the surface

Dave   and yes the Earth was once believed to be flat

Dave   Maybe time for Kap to change out his Sun Dial and get with the times

 Doug_W   Clay U have got to quit dreaming of silver its down 70 cents today

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Clay   wonder how the DOW is today

Doug_W   IDK

Patty   Doug_W and you really don't want to know. It's interesting. Wish we could have received the RV...could use some money to invest in lower cost stock/bonds/gold right now.

Jimmy Lee   Clay dow down 250.00

 chattels  Don't sympathize with US troop presence in Iraq, Sadr tells Masoud Barzani https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/250220202

Clay   chattels hes a nutjob too

chattels   Calls for the expulsion of US troops from Iraq have largely been opposed by Kurdish and Sunni politicians, who boycotted a January 5 parliamentary session that saw Shiite parties pass a non-binding resolution demanding the government kick foreign troops out of the country.

chattels   Territories disputed by Baghdad and Erbil have recently seen an uptick in ISIS activity, including killings and kidnappings. But Sadr argued that Iraqis, including the Saraya al-Salam (Peace Brigades) militia he formed in 2014, are capable of handling ISIS without US cover

Dave   seems to me Sadr may have changed ranks

 chattels   “I believe Iraq has had enough war. We can get America out through other [non-violent] means. If we can’t do it through other means, then we are ready to fight them.”

biff   Dave any quarters also today is 15 ::impatient: ::impatient: years in this investment

Dave   biff well 150 billion barrels now up to well to 600 billion barrels...........

biff   WHAT!!!!

Dave   thats got be be worth a dime

Dave   biff peeps never read what I post........

biff   Dave maybe we can squeeze a quarter

Dave   Saleh commented on resent resumption of oil exploration and new discoveries a few days ago

biff   They need to find more gold Dave

Dave   they do not know what to do with what they have now?

Doug_W   Dave I could give them a few hints

Dave   yes suicide agreement would work

biff   the world is running out of phosphate. Iraq has tons of it

Dave   biff that and much more   used to be the agricultural mecca of the region

biff   Dave status on the cabinet

biff   it will be again dave   Wheat and Barley grows in Iraq

Dave   Allawi concerned about bribes fer votes....todays news

biff   DateS and pomagranates

biff   the russians are investing glass factory in ramadi. I saw this place when I was in Iraq its a big plant

Dave   yeah and we pay 300/yd for concrete   lol figure that

biff   lol

Dave   they are up to their ears in that stuff

biff   the problem is the GOI   Just like us in the USA

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Dave   Doug_W but Iraqs newly discovered resources...........

biff   Tourism dave

Dave   Trump building a resort in Mosul?

biff   I got a chance to go to abrahams well in anbar province

biff   lots of biblical sites in Iraq

Dave   flattened by ISIS?

biff   ISIS tried to destroy them

biff   they are finding more Dave buried under the sand

Doug_W   NOO we have enough "Dave: now

biff   sumerian sites

Dave   figured all that extra oil worth about 25 trillion would create some happiness around here

biff   Dave remember " Food for Oil"   biff   lol

Dave   UAMI still in effect?

biff   talk about corruption

Dave   biff you mean oil for food...lol

biff   Happy Mardi Gras Peeps

biff   yes Dave   maybe .86

Dave   so some say......

biff   they are still calculating

biff   2025 3.22   if your willing to wait lol

Dave   take a dime today

biff   no dimes thing big dave .25

Dave   prefer to enjoy it before i am in a walker

biff   you will be okay on the beach Dave

Doug_W   stock mkt DOWN another 600 pts

Jimmy Lee   anyone know of any reports of coronavirus in iraq

Jimmy Lee   Doug_W thats more than 2%

Doug_W   down almost 2K in two days

Doug_W   panic sell off VIA that Virus

Jimmy Lee   about 7%last two days WOW

Doug_W   and yet silver is down 70 cents ?

Doug_W   Silver:$18.31 and yesterday it was 19.00

Jimmy Lee   Doug_W silver down 70 cents all day

Doug_W   Dow now down 660 Pts

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 Jimmy Lee   dow now down800

Doug_W   Jimmy Lee now 900

 Jimmy Lee   Doug_W yes i saw that

Jimmy Lee   Doug_W 3.22%

Doug_W   if U ever wanted in to the Dow~~~~

Jimmy Lee   Doug_Wi am more likely to buy more silver and or gold

Doug_W   gold is not readily saleable to us small guys where as silver IS

 Jimmy Lee  1 tenth or 1 quarter ounce gold at a time

KRnMS   Another delay?

chattels   Jimmy Lee Afghanistan, Kuwait, Iraq and Oman also announced their first cases of the virus Monday and connected them to travel with Iran. Iraq’s Health Ministry said four new cases of coronavirus were diagnosed in the northern province of Kirkuk.

It said the afflicted were members of an Iraqi family who had returned recently from Iran. Iraq announced the discovery of the first coronavirus case in the country on Monday in the Shiite Muslim holy city of Najaf: an Iranian student who has since returned to Iran.

chattels   https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iran/250220201

KRnMS   Close the border!

chattels   Jimmy Lee Fuel panic sweeps Kurdistan Region as coronavirus shuts Iran border   https://www.rudaw.net/english/kurdistan/25022020

KRnMS   30 day quarantine

chattels   Iraqis currently in Iran must undergo a 14-day monitoring period after crossing the border before they are allowed to return home, and will also be checked at their homes by medical teams, according to an order issued by the Iraqi Ministry of Health and the Environment.

Furthermore, Iraqis are not permitted to visit Iran unless they are part of a diplomatic delegation, and the federal government has suspended all Iraqi Airlines flights serving Najaf and Baghdad routes to Iran until further notice

KRnMS   That is good precaution

KRnMS   Amazing how Chinese immigrants travel, I know some

Clay   me too some patients

KRnMS   They recently traveled to China, l luckily weeks before the corona scare

KRnMS   Oh, odd how corona popped up in Iran.. Second largest number of deaths in the world

chattels   Economist for / NINA: The government should tighten restrictions on all arrivals, imported goods and merchandise to prevent the transmission of Corona virus

Tuesday 25, February 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=814263

Patty   KRnMS It is odd, isn't it? How many in Afghanistan?

Patty   chattels Did I read where CBI was going to sterilize their money?

Clay   yes

Clay   KRnMS Good

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chattels   The Kurdistan Regional Council of Ministers makes a series of decisions to confront the Corona virus  Tuesday 25, February 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=814208

Clay   dont wish harm to the people just the extremeists

 chattels   Patty Not aware of such. Indeed I do not know what it means to sterilize money.

Dave   Laundry?

chattels   Sterilization is a form of monetary action in which a central bank seeks to limit the effect of inflows and outflows of capital on the money supply. Sterilization most frequently involves the purchase or sale of financial assets by a central bank, and is designed to offset the effect of foreign exchange intervention. The sterilization process is used to manipulate the value of one domestic currency relative to another, and is initiated in the foreign exchange market.

chattels   https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/sterilization.asp

Clay   disinfect

 Dave   meaning end of auctions??????

Clay   I wish

Clay   dont believe so

Patty   chattels "The House of Representatives calls on public prosecutor to take legal measures against Mohammed Allawi" What is that about?

KRnMS   Need

Clay   I think hes an Iranian influenced representative not for his own country

KRnMS   anything to cause him trouble and failure

chattels   Whielions posted an article this morning that mentioned sterilization.


chattels   https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=87655

chattels   Patty  The House of Representatives calls on the public prosecutor to take legal measures against Muhammad Allawi

Tuesday 25, February 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=814280

chattels   Patty Slander in Iraq can have criminal consequences.

chattels   Patty Allawi stated that there is an exchange of money to individuals to thwart the formation of the government.

chattels   Patty Apparently there are some unhappy people about it.

Dave   chattels wonder who????

Patty   chattels WOW. Wonder which mp received money, and from whom to cause Allawi to make that very clear statement? They're really putting the heat on Allawi. The man must be made of stone to survive. (Of course, look at our House of Representatives)

Patty   Dave I have the same question.

chattels   Patty See

Muhammad Allawi reveals a plan to thwart the government pass by making the vote secret

Tuesday 25, February 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=814106

Dave   Mishan Jobouri come to mind?

chattels   Dave Patty No names have been mentioned that I know of.

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Dave   Mp from last term......confessed he accepted millions in bribes

Dave   lost his seat and is still free......

Doug_W   that's IRAQ

Dave   March 2 deadline....then what????

Patty   Did somebody really 'push a button' somewhere, or just another rumor?

Dave   rumored that I push alot of buttons

Patty   Dave (So I've heard).

Dave   Patty Change of tactics for me now........I want your nice person award!

chattels   Dave It is a " constitutional " deadline which may not mean much in Iraq.

Dave   chattels what means anything in Iraq????lol

chattels   Some say that Salih must then name another to form a government within 15 days.

Zig   Patty : That phrase--push a button-- has been around this community for years.....Guru BS.....then they will tell you why it failed.....a glitch, etc....used to keep their followers "hooked"....and excited...

Dave   hopefully then maybe ....all Hail Saleh????

Dave   The defender of its constitution?

chattels   Dave :) Understood. Just trying to be responsive to your question.

Dave   yeesh already......

Dave   https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=yeesh

A different form of sheesh. It's interesting to use for awhile, if you get bored of saying sheesh. This is a good word for people that don't really say "bad" words.

Doug_W   SHEESh already

Dave   how many yrs............yeesh for me....bored

Doug_W   I ran out of fingers to count them on

Doug_W   Silver down 90 cents now

Dave   Protesters best thing to date

Zig   Forgot Stryker....Before he started charging monthly I was at his forum.....loved his calls too.....lol.....and of course Kaperoni, whom I did not like as he told me I would not be getting rich overnight.....lol.....that was when Kap did calls with Enorrste and Russell......

futuremoney   sad to say that the best we got is "protestors"

Dave   now more about the poor against the very wealthy ....i hope


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