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IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 12-31-19

IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 12-31-19

kevin311312   Amir R. Bolurchi@ablrchi... But [U.S. airstrikes] are applauded by the Iraqi protesters who want their beloved country free from the yoke of Khamenei/IRGC and their Iraqi proxy terrorist militias and politicians.    #IraqProtests #IRGCTerrorists

kevin311312   @BaloBato   Hahah I can’t believe this idiot is claiming that these militias who are protesting are “Iraqis” these militias backed by Iran, have killed the Iraqi protestors and kidnapped them. This act represent themselves and not the Iraqi protestors. #iraq #IraqProtests

kevin311312      Faryad Azadi@GolehIran   @CNN

Do not call them #Iraq   Protests as Iraqi people asking they are backed and paid militia by #Iran #IRGC fight with them in #Iran please

kevin311312   that is what is really going on

chattels   Fox News has the protesters in Iraq storming the American Embassy gates.

chattels   David M. Witty @DavidMWitty1   In Baghdad, thousands protest outside US Embassy.   http://mobp.as/Bjnjq

chattels   In Baghdad, protesters arrive at main gate of US Embassy & attempt to storm it. Protesters penetrate fortified Green Zone without difficulty. US Ambassador departs Iraq.   http://mobp.as/wbnjq

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chattels   Apparently the " protesters " may be " Hezbollah loyalists in front of the American embassy in Baghdad." https://twitter.com/SaadoonMustafa

chattels   Baghdad ( NINA ) - US President Donald Trump said Iran is coordinating an attack on the US embassy in Iraq. He added in a press statement today, we expect Iraq to protect the US embassy

chattels   Baghdad ( NINA ) - US President Donald Trump accused Iran of organizing the attack on the US embassy in the Green Zone in the capital, Baghdad, warning that it would bear full responsibility.

Trump said in a tweet on Twitter for social networking, that he expects the Iraqi government to use its forces to protect the embassy, ​​and the Iraqi government has been informed of that. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=805086

chattels   What a bloody mess as our UK brethren may say it.

Doug_W   yes sir

chattels   The Iraqi government has sent military security reinforcements towards the Green Zone. https://twitter.com/SaadoonMustafa

chattels   The anti-terrorist agency denies its mandate to protect the US embassy

[Baghdad-Where]   The anti-terrorist agency denied its mandate to protect any party, including the US embassy in the center of the capital, Baghdad, which is witnessing demonstrations of the popular crowd now.

A spokesman for the Anti-Terrorism Agency, Sabah Al-Numan, said in a press statement that "the agency denies that it is mandated to protect the American embassy in the Green Zone or any other entity," stressing that "the agency has specific tasks and goals to combat terrorism outside Baghdad."


chattels   Al-Shammari: The vote to cancel the security agreement with Washington was the first task of parliament in the new year

Editing Date: 12/31/2019 13:43 • http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=85671

Doug_W   that's right let Iran take U over Iraq

chattels   If it is indeed " darkest before the dawn " then an " RV " should be right around the corner, eh ?

chattels   PMU react angrily to US attack on Kataib Hezbollah facilities near Syrian border

Shelly Kittleson December 30, 2019

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/12/iraq-syria-qaim-pmu-iran-us.html#ixzz69gtSJ93K 

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chattels   Iraq on brink of abyss: What happens next?   Ali Mamouri December 29, 2019

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/12/iraq-iran-us-pmu-protests.html#ixzz69gtg9rKO

chattels   Protesters attack US embassy in Baghdad as Saudi Arabia backs strikes https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/311220191

chattels   “This is a letter to Trump and the American embassy in Baghdad and its consulate in Erbil and in Basra … those who have attacked our forces and our Jihadi brothers … god willing, if this fire reaches inside of the embassy, we will not spare a single employee, we are the children of the martyrs and this is our statement, death to America,” he said. Another said the attack on the embassy was for the “blood of martyrs”, referring to the 29 militiamen killed.

chattels   @tman23 Good Morning Waiting with bated breath for your posting.

spankie   tman- hey- what a fkn mess- rv- no way

Baxter   OH... I just cant wait till Tomorrow.... Just Think ... we are going to start another Decade of Dinar...

chattels   Great news, .... ......... Mosul opens the first and largest mall after liberating it from the grip of ISIS in the middle of the left Mosul

Tuesday 31, December 2019 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=805026

chattels   Making the world safe for larger Malls.

Chattels   Baxter 2020 !

Baxter   we have both survived another year of Dinar Mania

chattels   Baxter May the New Year bring happiness and prosperity for us all.

Baxter   Yep....

chattels   Baxter" For a nickel or a dime " , you can have my dinar anytime.

Baxter   HA.... I was just thinkin the same thing

Baxter   going from a Dime to a Nickel this next Decade

Chattels   larrykn Barbarians at the gates of the American Embassy in Iraq.

larrykn   chattels yes I see that

Baxter   but oh..we are gonna RV.... LOL

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larrykn   you see they are not going into the building

larrykn   that won't happen

chattels   larrykn Not to worry, the more informed than we tell us that we are in a good spot and the dinar will have value this week.

larrykn   chattels sure it will lol

larrykn   I won't hold my breath if you don't mind tho

Baxter   just call me Blue Boy

chattels   larrykn I would hate to see you turn blue or lose you.

tman23   <So many wasted American resources in the cesspool called Iraq.... seems like very time they get closer to currency change ( referring to new fiscal year starting ) we see the Chinese , Russians and Iranians doing naval drills followed up by this crap at the embassy ...

the US apparently will be booted out of Iraq .... oddly enough they set up in Saudi Arabia months ago .... a currency reform change with more value CRUSHES IRAN .... just hard to see how without a government functioning.... but look at Lebanon .. no issue regarding their CBI

chattels   I wish that we would have cast our lot and expended the same resources in Kurdistan. Inexplicable to me.

chattels   But, I have forever been a Kurdish sympathizer.

chattels   I have said on more than one occasion that our investment goes as the Kurds go, rightly or wrongly.

tman23   chattels AGREED... but choosing Kurdistan was to obvious as being the right choice for support....

tman23   watch these foreign policy experts and although they receive more intel than we.... the decision making is abdominal

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chattels   tman23 Good to see you around again.

chattels   I am off to save my part of the world.

tman23   Although one word that has been circulating in conversations that is rarely used until lately...BLACK SWAN EVENT .... I have heard it more in past 2 weeks than past 10 years ...

Doug_W   Black swan theory   Description The black swan theory or theory of black swan events is a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight

tman23   Doug_W The event could be good or bad

tman23   Doug_W

Doug_W   yes I "get it"

tman23   Doug_W 2020 looks like a world of chaos ! And I believe coming to a neighborhood near all of us sooner then later

Doug_W   it surely IS creeping

Doug_W   the chaos creep

tman23   we’ll last post didn’t show up..... wasted time of typing!

Baxter   After Minutes of Hard Consideration... I have decided... that after the last decade of chasing my Dime... I am reluctantly going to Change My Dime Search... Down to a Measly Nickel...

Patty   You're right. tman23 didn't mean we should get together, but that chaos was coming to a neighborhood near us. Good Grief. Need another cup of coffee, maybe some new glasses. Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt the conversations.

Francis Albert   To the conversation earlier this morning. My opinion is that the U..S. is not going to be booted out of Iraq, what many do not understand is that the U.S. is Iraq. The U.S. is controlling Iraq and has been since the "Liberation" years ago. This is the whole point of the war. U.S. will "protect" Iraq till the end of time, because Iraq is just the latest U.S. possession in their Empire Building model.

Francis Albert   So, if Iraq's Dinar goes up in value and it benefits the U.S. with Iraq being more stable, then they are supporting a monetary reform. If a monetary reform is not good for Iraq and helping to keep the people more supple and controllable. then it won't happen.

LeLe   I know why I bought dinar. People get their undies in a bundle iver nothing. Sit back and enjoy the ride.  I think most people invested more than they could afford.

Doug_W   LeLe if nothing else it has been one heck of a lesson in Political science

Doug_W   and social behavior too

LeLe   Doug_W Amen

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Francis Albert   For what it is worth, I believe owning the Dinar at this moment is a very good investment. When, how etc? that's above my pay grade.

Francis Albert   And Doug to your point. Exactly. I believe the dangerous thing going on for most Souls is they are looking at GEO politics, finance and the Dollar from a reductionist point of view, with out an understanding of history, who's controlling what and where the bodies are buried.

tman23   We bet / invested on a country of disfunctional bi polar people to do the right thing and become independent..... my Iraqi friend always says these people only understand dictators and need such for peace to be possible ...

Francis Albert   It's much like health. To look at the liver, for example, as an organ that is this and that and something to fix. Without an understanding of the whole mind, body and Soul that the liver is part of..not much happens to help it heal.

Francis Albert   IMO Iraqi's are not dysfunctional or bipolar tman, they have just been fighting off countries who have been after their resources for 100 years.

Francis Albert   Read Richard Maybury's great book, "The Thousand year war in the Mid East."

LeLe   Greed got the best of people . Some people didn't pay their mortgage, car payments, household bills to buy dinar. Many people lost a lot of money on layaway's. Rome was not built overnight. We wait for Iraq or we move on.

LeLe   I have retirement that I can't touch. If I live long enough to see it. It will be worth the wait. Just like the Dinar.

tman23   Francis Albert ... some soldiers were there for a short time and suffer PTSD .... many commit suicide everyday.... to think that the citizens of Iraq have zero psychological affects and are functional in society is completely false ....

tman23   But I know there was the largest transfer of wealth in history on Nov 13.... so I wait with high expectations in the next few days and disregard these acts at the embassy today ... if we open the new year without change I don’t expect it in the coming months of 2020

Francis Albert   Wouldn't be surprised if the Deep State was helping "Iran" folks do the deal on the Embassy. U.S. is looking for any and all excuses to take control of The Central Bank of Iran, control their oil and people once again as they did in 1953 through 1979.

Francis Albert   'Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.'

Francis Albert   Iraq can change the rate when ever they want, or told to...fiscal..whatever....who's going to stop them. Don't worry about the January 1, 2020 mythical time line. It matters not.

Sparky   Francis Albert ...interesting post...

Sparky   Francis Albert ...US taking control of CBI...Iran...

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Dave   ROD TAHOE POSTED some interesting posts from CBI regarding the note count

Dave   Sparky should have book marked that!

Insert Rod Tahoe Post for Reference:  RodTahoe    I did validate the information from the CBI that there has been a change in accounting, that Frank, Delta and MM are talking about. The current dinar in circulation is now at 5 trillion, down from 55 trillion. The amount in the commercial banks went from 3 trillion to 51 trillion (approx).

The chart showing dinar in circulation https://cbiraq.org/SeriesChart.aspx?TseriesID=158    and the chart showing the dinar held by commercial banks https://cbiraq.org/SeriesChart.aspx?TseriesID=157     

I am not a pro at this but sure indicates to me that the CBI now is showing only 5 trillion in circulation and have to ask why is the CBI making this accounting change now. Am sure the regulars will bash what ever i bring, but look at the charts and see how you interpret this change.

Dave   now thar was interesting

Sparky   Dave yup, saw that...fuzzy math ?...not sure, but interesting...

Dave   1 graph was interesting

Dave   the other no idea

Sparky   Dave ...5 T IQD in circulatuion ?

Dave   Sparky So I read

Dave   Central banks good at math?

Sparky   Dave they put out hard numbers...that # makes me smile...

Dave   Sparky perfect

Doug_W   if, lets say, U had 8 Mil Dinar and it came out at .25 that is 2 million dollars

Doug_W   S O L D

Sparky   Dave ...pops at a quarter, i'll cash out a few notes for walking around money...

Dave   me too

Sparky   Dave ...just a few pink notes under my hat...

Dave   walk to the nearest Lexus dealership ........

Sparky   Dave ...lol...

Doug_W   Dave buy North American at least

Dave   provide a bettter product then maybe

Sparky   Doug_W ...after fees and taxes, down to 900k...

Dave   FEES?

Dave   taxes depends

Doug_W   depends on HOW and where U exchange it Sparky

Sparky   Dave ...exotic currency...

Dave   Sparky now yes global NO!

Sparky   Doug_W ...ill go with Citi...

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Doug_W   lets say U have a corporation and U hire out to them for a dollar a yr

Dave   2-3% spread on exchange for global currencies

Doug_W   as a consultant U get that new car / house/ boat etc with new tax laws its a 100% tax write off year U get them

Sparky   Doug_W ...nope, paying more than they ask...up front...on taxes...been there, done that, ...no fun at all...

Doug_W then I hyave been doing it all wrong

Dave   Sparky take a note to one forex.....then to another and so on....

Sparky   Doug_W ...nope, I'm just IRS shy..., that sounds like excellent strategy...

Doug_W   trumps new capitol investment tax law is great 4 us IF dun right

Sparky     Doug_W ...I will definitely need help, from day 1...

Dave   Doug_W yeah rich peeps know how to evade taxes

Doug_W   Sparky B4 u CASH ur 1st note hire an tax atty

Sparky    Doug_W ...solid advice !

Doug_W   Your Welcome

Dave   Doug_W   tax lawyers paid by the IRS.....hmmm

Doug_W   Dave that is a communist notion

Sparky   Dave … former IRS agents...

Dave   take a note to alocal forex......cant track that?

Sparky   Dave ...of course they will...

Dave   Sparky NOt me.....

Doug_W   here in States ANY transaction of 10K or more U have to fill out an IRS tax form on it

Dave   call us communist......lol

Sparky   ... <@5874918|Dave...if over $600, must pay taxes...documentation required... imu..

Doug_W   Dave I just DID lol

Doug_W   Sparky that is if a company pays U that amount of more in a yr

Doug_W   not for currency echange

Sparky   Doug_W ...ok, thanks...


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