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IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 1-14-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 1-14-20

 chattels   Even if the US does stop itself from sanctioning Iraq, Baghdad faces dangerous financial impediments. Following 2003’s invasion, the US and Coalition forces backed normalization of Iraq’s financial and economic conditions via the establishment of the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI) in Federal Bank’s New York branch.

This fund helped Iraq retrieve the blocked funds of the previous Baath regime and safeguarded Iraq’s oil sales revenue. Due to the lawsuits filed internationally against the previous regime and Iraq owing $120 billion in debt, there were fears that oil revenues could be confiscated had it not been for the US Treasury Department.

The US also played an instrumental role in having countries forgive their loans to Iraq, thus helping to decrease Iraq’s debts from $120 billion to $40 billion. Besides the protection of oil sales revenues, Iraq’s trade is conducted through the Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI), with has connections with US investment giant J.P. Morgan.

If the US decides to sever its financial ties to Iraq, then TBI cannot operate in international trade.

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Another important side of US-Iraq financial ties is that it has helped Iraq secure loans with very little interest. Iraq has sold many bonds in the past years to obtain loans in financial markets. The US Treasury Department gives guarantees for Iraqi financial bonds, and thus the interest incurred from such loans are very minimal.

For example, Iraq’s debts currently have a 1.5% interest rate, but had it not been for US Treasury guarantees, those rates would have stood at 10%.

Besides assistance in terms of Iraqi bonds, Iraq has taken out tens of billions of dollars of loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, and all those loans have been secured with very minimal interest rates.This will not continue without the support and assistance of the US Treasury Department and White House financial advisers.

chattels   Not a pretty picture financially for Iraq, eh ?

chattels   And then there is the youth of Iraq protesting conditions and demanding reform.

chattels   Killers target activists performing logistics for Iraqi protests  Mustafa Saadoun January 13, 2020

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/01/iraq-human-rights-protests-activists-journalists.html#ixzz6Aym9hWXZ

chattels   A sad commentary upon the Iraqi government and the rule of law.

chattels   Almost depressing.

chattels   Parliament votes tomorrow on three bills

Monday 13, January 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=807500

chattels   "The agenda for tomorrow's session includes, voting on a draft law on Iraq's accession to the grain trade agreement for 1995, and voting on a draft law for the second amendment to the unified retirement law No. (9) for the year 2014 in addition to voting on the proposal of the amendment law." First Law of Human Organ Transplants and Prevention of Trafficking in Law No. 11 of 2016. ”

chattels   "The agenda also includes, the first reading of the proposed law for the equivalence of diplomas and degrees, as well as a discussion of the report of the Finance Committee on the building of the central bank."

chattels   Some guru will declare that the building of the new CBI building must mean " RV " and soon.

chattels   Alas corruption and waste in Iraq knows no limits, " A deputy reveals a waste of $ 500 million in the new central bank building project " , Monday, 13 January 2020, https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=807488

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chattels   The much talked about 35 billion of Iraq's money held in the USA and the subject of a recent tweet by President Trump is likely the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI) in Federal Bank’s New York branch. These are dollars from the sale of Iraqi oil, IMO.

Whitelions   The Central Bank organizes a workshop to introduce the automation of the cash withdrawal mechanism in Basra The Central Bank / Basra branch organized a workshop on the automation of the cash withdrawal mechanism, identifying how to deal with it, constraints and ways to access appropriate solutions. The workshop included a presence of employees and officials of this bank as well as government and private bank employees. https://cbi.iq/news/view/1385

Whitelions   Entrepreneur dues for the second half of 2019 » Contractors receivables ( Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities, and Public Works ( second inventory ), Ministry of Electricity / General Company for Electric Energy Production

/ Al Furat Al-Awsat, Ministry of Industry and Minerals ( Second Survey ) And Nineveh Governorate (the second count ) ... To download click here      https://cbi.iq/news/view/1387

Whitelions   The central bank organizes a training course for its employees to introduce its regulatory laws and instructions The Central Bank / Mosul branch organized a training course for the bank's employees that included "introducing laws and instructions related to the supervisory work in the Central Bank of Iraq" at the branch’s headquarters. The course spanned Wednesday and Thursday, January 8 and 9, 2020. https://cbi.iq/news/view/1388

Whitelions   Allocating 700 billion dinars to Nineveh in the 2020 budget On Tuesday, the local government in Nineveh Governorate announced the allocation of 700 billion dinars to the governorate within the 2020 budget.

And the official "Al-Sabah" newspaper quoted him as saying: "The federal government has allocated about 700 billion dinars, the governorate's share of the budget," pointing to "spending it during the few days."

Al-Jubouri pointed out that "these sums will be a gateway to implement bridges, electricity and various projects, most notably tourism and the reconstruction of houses that were destroyed by the military operations in Ayman Mosul and the old city as well." http://economy-news.net/content.php?id=18769

chattels   DinarAlert reporting news from Parliamentary Finance that the 2020 budget includes the payment of the last payment of Kuwait's debts.

chattels   No country likes to be threatened, especially when they are already mad at America’s air strikes. It is only inspiring opponents of the U.S. and silencing its friends in the Iraqi government who can’t argue for the Americans to stay after such comments.

One of the major complaints has been that the U.S. is not respecting Iraq’s sovereignty. Now Trump and his administration are claiming they not only have the right to ignore Baghdad’s request to leave, but that it could cripple it’s economy as well. http://musingsoniraq.blogspot.com/2020/01/us-increases-threats-against-iraq-if-it.html

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chattels   Al-Fateh: Prime Minister's appointment will be announced next week, and Abdel-Mahdi is far from being appointed

[Baghdad-Ain]   Deputy Fateh Alliance Fadel Jaber affirmed on Tuesday that the issue of resolving the appointment of a new prime minister has reached its end and that the assignment will be announced this week and Abdul Mahdi is far from being commissioned, indicating that the Shiite forces are holding consultations with the Kurds and Sunnis for the purpose of supporting the next candidate .

Jaber said in a press statement, "The meetings and meetings of the Shiite forces during the current week were intense to resolve the issue of naming a prime minister to succeed Abdul Mahdi," revealing that "the meetings led to the selection of a group of names in which the acceptability of everyone, including the protesters, was taken into account."


larrykn   chattels I wonder who is asking the US to leave , Iraq or Iran.

chattels   larrykn Iran for sure, eh, and there obviously are some Iraqis also. Whether the Iraqis are Iranian mouthpieces or proxies, it is difficult to say across the board.

larrykn   chattels I agree but I'm thinking theses groups that are supported by Iran has to go if Iraq is to move forward, as long as they are around I can't see Iraq growing forward

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / The Council of Representatives held its session today, headed by the first deputy speaker of parliament, Hassan Al-Kaabi, in the presence of 174 representatives. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=807629

larrykn   the good thing is the people are starting to see it

chattels   larrykn One of the bad things is that the government is kidnapping, arresting and shooting those people.

larrykn   chattels your right all I can pray for is all the people revolt against what they are doing

chattels   Source: Parliament will adjourn until the nomination of a prime minister charged with forming the new government 

Tuesday 14, January 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=807620

chattels   " Parliament will resume its sessions to vote on the new cabinet."

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / Member of the House of Representatives for the Alliance for Raiders Riyad Al-Masoudi stressed that: The government does not communicate with peaceful demonstrators .. the depth of the current crisis, which may lead to a loss of confidence with the government completely.


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chattels   Foreign troops' future in Iraq uncertain as clashes continue

Adnan Abu Zeed January 14, 2020

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/01/iran-iraq-us-troops-nato.html#ixzz6B0mNrYJK

chattels   For the security of its personnel, NATO has temporarily suspended its training activities in Iraq, given the recent violence there. Iraqis seem divided over what that will mean for their safety. .................... Some NATO troops are being relocated within Iraq, and some to other countries.

However, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said training of Iraqi security forces will resume when the situation is deemed safe enough.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/01/iran-iraq-us-troops-nato.html#ixzz6B0mh5Yh3

chattels   “Even if Iraq officially decides to expel all forces, including NATO, from Iraq, the Iraqi decision would not be binding because NATO troops were deployed based on an international decision that was made after Iraq was found to be a threat to peace and security due to continued Islamic State activity,” he told Al-Monitor.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/01/iran-iraq-us-troops-nato.html#ixzz6B0nS3gHQ

chattels   And that's the way that it is from the news that I find and read out of Iraq on this Tuesday, January 14, 2020. Godspeed the completion of the Iraqi banking sector reform project. God bless us every one.

chattels   Wishing you a good day from the South Carolina coast and the eastern edge of America.

Cindy   Is there a link to see under which Tier South Africa falls. We are completely in the dark here, as no one talks about the GCR or NESARA here. Our Gov is also not to be trusted as they're bankrupt.

Zig   Cindy : First of all, :Welcome to the chat!...Nice having more of an international presence here...we used to have much more...where did you hear about "Tiers?"..."most" of us in this chat room do not believe in tiers nor of any "GCR"...please stay here and participate...a lot of what you hear out there is nonsense in my opinion....the so-called "GURUS" put out a lot of BS....of course all opinions are welcome here so please feel free to disagree and do your own thing here.... :)

Francis Albert   I agree with Chattels, (btw thank's for your excellent work), on the 35 Billion Dollars mentioned by the President. Couple of ideas just for giggles and grins. We know for a fact that JP Morgan began the "Iraqi Oil Trust" on invasion, essentially taking over the CBI and putting oil revenue, (which are all in dollars) at the FED NY, bank, for save keeping :)

Francis Albert   and essentially are doing the same today, U.S. via the FED gives Iraq their allowance as they control their child. The spoils of war. When you "win" you take all the booty.

Francis Albert   I believe that the way this is structured, and only an opinion, maybe totally wrong....

Francis Albert   Your Dinar, actual paper), will be presented to a bank who deals in International currencies, and they will exchange Dollars, (digital), to your account. Banks create these dollars on a computer. This is where the bulk of the "money" will come from. All currencies are debt instruments, all of them. And being a debt instrument, banks, and of course the FED that they own, monetize debt instruments.

Francis Albert   Monetize simply means, QE, Reverse Reos, just creating digital dollars on a computer and exchanging for the note in question: i.e. mortgage, care loan, credit card, and currencies. These actual notes then, IMO, will end up at US Treasury, via the FED, who takes a cut, of course..and then UST will eventually exchange the Dinar to Iraq until the end of time for oil.

Francis Albert   And this, IMO, is the process Bush43 was talking about when he says, "iraq will pay for the war......"

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Francis Albert   Defeated countries pay for their liberation. For example Germany is still paying the U.S. for saving them from Hitler, even though Hitler was dead in his tracks in Russia before we got in. (But that's another story).

Francis Albert   On another subject, kind of, and will stand corrected if not true please. People are "excited" about some deal Iraq has "allegedly" made with China with oil. And this deal is selling oil for Yuan. If, if this is true, this IMO is what President is being so feisty about with possible sanctions on Iraq.

Francis Albert   This was one of the key reasons they wanted Saddam out is because he threatened to start selling his oil for gold with some magical bourse he was to create. The Dollar Inc. people do not take kindly to this. As Brenton Woods forcing all countries to sell their oil for dollar is what keeps this whole thing, Dollar Inc., alive.

Francis Albert   And, yes...to some of the posts above...would love to see more Souls in here interested in this investment, and all the moving particles that could possibly affect it.

biff   Invested 16 years just wait for the " Go " Code. lol

Dave    racing weather fishing,,,,,,,perchance has the GOI done anything to give us much else to chat about in the last decade?

Clay   nope   thinkin the dong will come quicker

Clay   China is supposed to raise their rate to be fair

Clay   that would lead to the rise of the dong IMO

Dave   the race is on then for the GCR......WHOOPOW~

Dave   calling for 12 inches of snow today

Clay   nice

Dave   the deep freeze we have been experiencing may just drive up oil prices......

Clay   cant wait till we see some

Clay   you dont need that   you pay enough

Dave   good for Iraq.....

Dave   suggesting weather could be coupled with the value of the IQD

Clay   lol

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TWWIII   From Kuwait USA Army: There are a lot of moving parts haha, I cannot disclose what is going on. A lot has not been on the news, but what little has is close to being accurate. [....]

Yeah a lot of people over here are great-full we took out soloman and his pals. [......]

Democrats keep going the way they’re going, they will be dealing with an insurgency in our own country. They are rotten to the core.

Things here have been busy, haven’t had a day off in a few months and dealing with drama in the family.

Ya know, life n **** haha. I may be getting extended another 9 months, don’t know yet. As of now I’m still slotted to be back in the states in March, but idk how things will play out.

Things go good then gets right down nasty. Do you still need some IQD? How’re things back in Washington?

Francis Albert   TWW...tell us why you would be in a situation to "can not disclose this or that?"

TWWIII   Francis Albert Why not, I made a promise to him prior to going to Kuwait & my word is my bond

TWWIIIFrancis Albert My friend that the army sent to Kuwait several months ago. When he emails me we made an agreement only copy & paste & posts what he want posted as news. I gave him my word. His grandfather & my dad served together in the 50's Korea., Is this good enough for u Francis Albert ?


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