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IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 4-9-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 4-9-20

chattels   Designated Prime Minister Adnan Al-Zarfi apologizes for the formation of the government / expanded Thurs 09, April 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=822795

chattels   Mustafa Al-Kazemi issues a short statement after being assigned to form a government

[Baghdad-Wayne] On Thursday, Prime Minister-designate Mustafa al-Kazimi pledged to form a government that would meet the demands of the Iraqis and safeguard the country's sovereignty.

Al-Kazemi said in a brief statement that I received a copy of [Ain] today (April 9, 2020), “With my assignment to the task of heading the Iraqi government, I pledge before my honorable people, to work to form a government that puts the aspirations and demands of the Iraqis at the top of its priorities, safeguards the sovereignty of the country and preserves rights, and works To solve crises and push the economy forward. ” http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=89599

chattels   Advisor to the Prime Minister: the restructuring of the 2020 budget will not disappear, as in 2014

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Editing Date: 7/4/2020 13:10 • http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=89447

chattels   "The general budget will secure the salaries of state employees and the most important projects. Either other matters will go into the 2021 budget."

chattels   Heard a humorous saying the other day. " They say that you can't fix stupid. Turns out you cannot quarantine it either "

Chattels   Adnan Al-Zarfi denied that there was an agreement to take up a position in the new government after he refused to assign him to form it.

Today, Al-Zrafi apologized for forming the government, and the head of the National Intelligence Service, Mustafa al-Kazimi, was assigned to him.

A source in the coalition victory yesterday said Wednesday for Zurfi promises to serve as a ministerial or high - level government Kazmi in the event of withdrawal from the task of forming the government . "

The following is the text of a letter of apology Zurfi for commissioning ..............................


chattels   President of the Republic, Barham Salih, issued a presidential decree mandating Moutfi Abd al-Latif al-Kazimi to form a cabinet.

And the decree stated: Al-Kazemi shall nominate members of his ministry and present them to the House of Representatives to gain confidence within a maximum period of 30 days from the date of the decree. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=822811

chattels   So, May 9th is the deadline for the vote of confidence as to the Kazimi government.

Xyz   New Projections Show Virus Spreading Twice As Fast As Expected https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/new-projections-show-virus-spreading-twice-fast-expected

chattels   Iraqi political parties rally around spy chief as preferred PM https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/080420201

chattels   Mustafa al-Kadhimi is Iraq's current intelligence chief, and was nominated to become the country’s next prime minister by several shiite coalitions, including the Fatih coalition, led by former militia commander Hadi al-Amiri, and the State of Law coalition, headed by former prime minister Nouri al-Maliki, as well as Ammar al-Hakim's al-Hikma coalition.

Doug_W   Silver:$15.37 +0.26

Baxter   About 140 global organizations and charities are calling for a worldwide Debt Jubilee to avoid some of the world's poorest countries from collapsing into chaos amid the COVID-19 crisis, reported BBC News.

The British-based Jubilee Debt Campaign is leading the movement ahead of the G20 meeting this week.

"Developing countries are being hit by an unprecedented economic shock, and at the same time face an urgent health emergency," said Sarah-Jayne Clifton, director of the Jubilee Debt Campaign.

"The suspension on debt payments called for by the IMF and World Bank saves money now, but kicks the can down the road and avoids actually dealing with the problem of spiraling debts."

Futuremoney   looks like GCR more and more

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Baxter   Im hopin...countries are flat broke...

sue   Diagnosing ANY death as CV19 CONFIRMED by MN Senator Scott Jensen??? https://youtu.be/_krAAg3NHOo

futuremoney   sue yes..they admitted to it..we have been scammed by our gov

sue   futuremoney And the news media world wide Plandemic or SCAMdemic

futuremoney   yes...normal flu kills on average between 50,000 to 100,000 people EVERY year, yet this is deemed a plaque

futuremoney   ..in the US alone

Baxter   Fox news just showed pix of over 10,000 airliners parked all over the place which are not in use due to the virus.. unbelievable pix..

sue   So can we call bs on this House arrest?

futuremoney   read yesterday a quote by Henry Kissinger on how to use fear as a means to have americans (and others) willingly give up their freedoms. create and un known or known reason to create fear and panic. Then offer these people "security"...then they will yield their freedoms to the world order leaders

futuremoney   used to like this guy...

futuremoney   like Bill Gates said in a speech..."we can control the world population thru vaccines and health care.."  ??? ?

futuremoney   sounds like we are being planned to be eliminated..

xyz   US weekly jobless claims total 6.6 million, vs 5 million expected https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/09/weekly-jobless-claims-report.html

Doug_W   Silver:$15.43 +0.32

sue   The Scamdemic gig is up

Doug_W   sue ?

futuremoney   sue there needs to be accountability for this scam

sue   Doug_W Diagnosing ANY death as CV19 CONFIRMED by MN Senator Scott Jensen??? https://youtu.be/_krAAg3NHOo

Doug_W   so what are U trying to say?

sue   IT IS A SCAM!

Baxter   Doug............ Fox news showed pix a while ago of over 10,000 airlines parked due to the virus...quite amazing

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Patty   Just to let you all know, Hughs network has cut my sister's internet time down to 1-12 hrs. a day. She's in remote Colorado Rockies and it has affected her entire region. The recording told her to go on line to report that she can't get on line....of course.

Francis Albert   Dr. Globalist Anthony Fauci who at one point suggested "One Million deaths in the U.S. possible". Is now predicting around 60,000. Why?

Here's the fun part and the reason to post this opinion.Why?

He says, because American's did what they were told to do..that's why things are getting much, much better.

Which, in our opinion, is what this "thing" is mostly about, training Souls to depend on government to give them free stuff, keep them safe as long as they "Do what they are told." Nothing is as it seems. These guys are good.

Patty   Francis Albert Agreed!!

Clay   people who never thought they would wait on a food line are now lining up and very embarrassed to say the least

tman23   Dinar has some planned role to play regarding USD, at least that has been the speculation on investing in purchasing the currency. So my thoughts and a few statements a food for thought and more speculation. Government handing out cash like candy and appearing that a 4th bag is being prepared.

We see the last reported CBI rate on IQD was 3/16 ...BUT also on 3/16 we can find the United States Fed cut fractional banking requirements to be held on deposits from 10 percent to ZERO.

Take note the 2 dates that coincide. Then theory always was dinar would be held for value of oil, BUT , Russia and Saudi Arabia get into an oil war driving down prices to all time lows .

What bad timing, just happens to coincide with our other event . So our government set up for banks to loan small businesses money which is stimulus but sets up fractional banking on steroids , money is being created at a unprecedented pace. Our President on several occasions mentions Easter and he has my attention because of certain overtones ..... All just food for thought , so. Begin thinking .

And I can assure you if it did exchange dinar at a bank you will not be walking with any cash withdrawals. Simply can’t happen under current circumstances. Another blow to criminal activity... If this is growing into what we speculated, there is zero room for a float or waiting for Iraq to become an open market economy .

Baxter   it looks more like some form of GCR... more everyday...

Baxter   in govt bonds most likely

Clay   want it now

Baxter   who doesn’t

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Francis Albert   Doug_W Surely you can comment or not comment on an opinion that is "out of the box" thinking without using the term "Conspiracy Theory." If not, Sir...you have indeed taken the Blue Pill.

Kaperoni   tman23 so glad you're knowledgeable on the subject obviously you know more than the IMF does. LOL

Francis Albert   Kap...with respect..the more I see you "fighting" to protect and sell your ideas the less credibility I give them. I suspect that most of you are simply to young and inexperienced to understand this.

Kaperoni   Francis Albert I'm not fighting to protect any ideas I'm fighting to clarify the bull**** from the truth that these two clowns constantly posting this chat room

tman23   Y’all recall Okies side kick Bulldog and his banking / exchanging advice .... the tip was , remain anonymous call a cab , wear a ball cap, sunglasses and a mask.... it was so hilarious then as you would have been tackled at the door.LOL... Today nobody will give the hat , eyewear and mask a second thought

Francis Albert   God love Okie...He was talking about a drastic increase in the Dinar in the $3.50 range overnight..coming "This weekend" seven years ago. Know the Source.

Francis Albert   Kap...we'll hang tough brother...your work, research is important.

Francis Albert   For what it is worth Kap, I still think the Dinar will pop on FOREX at some number much higher than it is now....(guess: .86) and then move up or down slowly with buyers and sellers on the platform. I think the number is Seven Trillion per day is bought and sold on currency exchanges.

tman23   waiting on the opening of the market economy....then profit from the floating currency ... piss my pants from laughter in the beginning, now it’s just become dumb and dumber. Go find us another IMF rule or law

Kaperoni   Francis Albert if you know anything about Forex you would know it would be absolutely foolish for Iraq to come out at anything other than the existing rate because they would be throwing money on the street. When they can profit all the way up. Not to mention they could never afford to do it with over 42 + trillion dinar in circulation

Francis Albert   I understand. But we don't "Know" where these alleged 42 Trillion Dinar are do we? They could mostly be in Central Banks, who.....if they have the motives to do so..can simply extinguish the Dinar...paper or digital. Poof. Central banks do this all the time when it serves their motives.

Kaperoni   tman23 you don't have to believe but the IMF, the World Bank, the CBI, members of parliament, and economists are all talking about floating the currency. They are not talking about an RV LOL

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Kaperoni   Francis Albert yes we do know it's been made very clear that the money is "chunky" meaning it's outside the banking system therefore the CBI is responsible for it

Francis Albert   But, they are not telegraphing what it ill come out Internationally at. I know you believe it can't be higher than it is now...but, your argument for the 42 T has holes in it...see my last post please.

tman23   Kaperoni Iraq is the property of the USA.... they just franchise it to Muslims who are very poor managers ... But the USA controls its franchises.... and buddy boy ... the UST has been sitting inside the CBI and IMF was created by whom ..LMFAO.....

Baxter   Kap... Please tell me how.. with the U S in over 20 Trillion Dollars in Debt... tell me how Trump... with one swipe of the pen...put 6.2 TRILLION dollars out the other day... money which we obviously do not have... Honestly... I think you can forget about the idea of Iraq... not being able to do anything because they is 42 trillion dinar..supposedly out..

Francis Albert   Kap, and you believe everything/anything any Central Banks says? Come on brother, you are not naive..these are private banks that can not be audited..they can do, and say...and do and say what ever they want.

Kaperoni   Francis Albert my argument is not speculation or my views my argument is what is published in professional documentation that is all. You can believe it or not but they are not talking about an RV or significant increase in the dinar overnight. They are talking about floating the currency that is undeniable and fact

Kaperoni   tman23 lol.

Kaperoni   Baxter Iraq can simply not just print more money like the US. You're not even comparing Apples to Apples I'm sorry but that's not how things work

tman23   Kaperoni You keep waiting for the article that says we are going to revalue our currency on April 17 ... GOOD LUCK because they will never ever give signals ... and saying float is a losing proposition with zero gains ... that’s why they publish it ... DA!

Patty   Kaperoni You could be right on this. But most important is to care for your family and friends. So many have put their dreams on an RV, and over extended themselves in doing it, and now with the virus and job losses they are in trouble.

House payments/ car payments will be missed and even with the massive help of the Fed, banks will be stretched...even Wells Fargo now since they've been allowed to 'over loan'.

I'm not an over extended dreamer but I have friends who are - definitely. Sending a gift card to them just for groceries, (or anything that will cheer them up) is my way of caring for them.

Baxter   Kaperoni wanna bet... why... is Iraq something special... you will see some type of Global Reset... and its coming like a Freight TRAIN.. and this Virus... is just the icing on the cake

Francis Albert   Baxter....come on brother...We Know where the money comes from. The UST creates IOU's Treasury Notes and the FED NY creates 6 Trillion digits on a computer and "lends" them to UST at say, 2% or whatever interest.

Check out the FED's balance sheet...they've posted about 3 Trillion of these digits so far, more to come. Look for the latest release date. You see their balance sheet is almost 6 Trillion, (that we can see)...all last year it was 3 Trillion. Know the Source https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h41/current/

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Kaperoni   Patty you are correct and so many have put their faith in a dream of an RV due to the the BS constantly spewed by these gurus. The facts are none of the professional organizations involved have ever talked about an RV with the Iraqi dinar it's all just made up storytelling. Monetary policy just doesn't work that way. Can I go up in value? Yes but it could take many more years even at the pace that Iraq is evolving

tman23   Baxter I see the light at the end of the tunnel...My advice to others who cannot is get off the tracks

Kaperoni   Baxter what happened back pre-war when Iraq and Saddam printed more dinar? It absolutely tanked. They cannot do such a thing and the IMF would never approve it

Clay   If it doesnt come to a 1 to 1 ratio Iraqis will never use or accept the dinar

Baxter   About 140 global organizations and charities are calling for a worldwide Debt Jubilee to avoid some of the world's poorest countries from collapsing into chaos amid the COVID-19 crisis, reported BBC News.

The British-based Jubilee Debt Campaign is leading the movement ahead of the G20 meeting this week.

"Developing countries are being hit by an unprecedented economic shock, and at the same time face an urgent health emergency," said Sarah-Jayne Clifton, director of the Jubilee Debt Campaign.Over the last several decades, governments across the world have added insurmountable debts, leadingBill Buckler via The Privateer to say back in 2012 that the world has dived down a deep hole and into a trap that has "ensnared Japan more than two decades ago."

And maybe Buckler's Japanification fears for the rest of the world were right, because eight years later in 2020, central banks across the globe are still trying to print themselves out of a recession and or depression and into prosperity. And look at how it turned out for Japan, quantitative easing has failed and will continue to fail.

Doug_W   @Francis Albert Please sir, what is the "blue pill"?

Baxter   KAP.. Central Banks... are failing... soon... they will not exist at all

Francis Albert   Kap, with respect you are wrong about the CBI. They were taken over at the "liberation" by JP Morgan Chase and set up the Iraqi Oil Trust, which is in effect today. Oil revenues go to the NY FED and doled out to Iraq when "They are good."

The CBI is a bank of issue, just like all Central Banks and can create as many Dinar as they want...just like the NY FED. They have to have a debt instrument on the other end like the FED. So they can't just "print" at will. All currencies are "debt based:.. But, GOI can create notes like UST and get new Dinar any day.

But, that would only drop the value of the Dinar and cause inflation. If we don't understand that the entire monetary system is a fairy tale...if "money" was a problem, Central banks would just try to print their way out of "the problem" which is what they are doing now..and it's not going to work.

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  Francis Albert   Baxter Sir. Central Banks can't fail unless they run out of zeros. The only way the FED can fail is if the World doesn't want to use dollars any longer.. That's it. Confidence. Why it is a confidence game :)

Kaperoni   Francis Albert I don't believe in your fantasyland. That's not the truth nor how it works. We will never agree because I believe in facts proven statements and documentation. Not leprechauns and four leaf clovers

Francis Albert   May I suggest you kids quite fighting with Kap, have a civil conversation and you just may learn something from some of us.

Doug_W   Francis Albert Thank You Sir

Kaperoni   Clay no clay I don't believe I'm superior although I've spent over 10 years committed to solid research. I assure you nobody in this room has done the work I have. Therefore until you have proven arguments that are fact-based I have no time for this nonsense

Doug_W   Kaperoni C U L8R then

Francis Albert   Doug_W The Blue pill Sir are folks who "believe" something just because they think it is True because it has been repeated so often without understanding the fine print. Not bad people, just un informed...So, find folks who "make sense" of things you are interested in and ask questions and take into clear thinking to see if you want to "change" your view.

Doug_W   Francis Albert well said and that is my approach to life in general

Francis Albert   Kap...I have been studying monetary history for 25 years, with one of the best mentors/teacher on the Planet...and with respect, there's much about Central Banking/Geo Politics/Big picture that you don't understand. Without the whole enchilada you are just having a snack.

Francis Albert   Kap..not discouraging you at all. You are doing important work.

Kaperoni   Francis Albert if you have been researching as you say for 25 years you would know what the IMF is asking for with Iraq is no different than any other emerging market it is what countries do float their currencies

Francis Albert   Remember KAP that IMF, Central Banks, BIS FED etc. etc. are all owned and operated by the same crowd..The people who control Dollar Inc. They will do, say...whatever to get the result they want. Do you understand this?

Kaperoni   Francis Albert and you would also know that 42 trillion + dinar is an unacceptable number to RV or RI or whatever else you want to call it. It's just over twice the world's money supply it over three times the whole net worth of Iraq's minerals in the ground

Francis Albert   And if the Dollar Inc. people believe a strong vibrant Iraq with a strong Dinar will benefit the Dollar, they will do whatever it takes, break whatever "rules' they have to do it.

Kaperoni   Francis Albert your theories have nothing to do with the facts. It's just not possible.

Francis Albert   Again...you are being a reductionist..with this number 42 T without big picture 360 degree view..as I've posted here this morning...on the 42 T..you can get lost in the weeks.

Francis Albert   Well, it's been real Kap....may the blessings be.

https://covid.joinzoe.com/us   COVID Symptom Tracker

https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


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