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IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 4-30-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 4-30-20

Xyz   Iraq: Kurdistan Government Asks U.N. to Mediate Budget Dispute With Baghdad


The president of Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Nechirvan Barzani, asked the U.N. special representative to Iraq to help mediate its latest dispute with Baghdad over the KRG’s failure to send oil in exchange for its share of the federal budget

Xyz   A former minister shocked Iraqis with the country's bitter financial reality

 (Baghdad: Al Furat News) The former oil minister, Issam Chalabi, revealed the financial reality of Iraq, describing it as "bitter."

Chalabi said on his page on {Facebook} that "Iraq's revenues from oil in 2020, verified for the month of January 6,163 billion dollars, and verified for the month of February 5,053 billion dollars, while verified for the month of March last 2,999,9 billion dollars."

He added, "As for revenue expected for the month of April, $ 2 billion, and for next May, $ 1,125 billion. This compares with the need for salaries and pensions for the month of April and for each subsequent month, about $ 4.5 billion. As for the need for the full expenditures required for April and for each subsequent month, at \ / About 7 billion dollars. "

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Chalabi added, "The caretaker government has only days left and it is assumed that a new government will assume its functions, and there is not yet a certified budget for 2020, and no action has been taken to confront the crisis, which is not a regular crisis, but a serious crisis that Iraq has never been exposed to."

He asked , "Who is responsible for this bitter reality?", But he also "responsibility for the decision or not to take a decision not could go beyond them to take over a new government , the functions of the past and forget and let bygones be bygones and start again , and so the case of Iraq since 2003 , " .anthy

Wafa Fatlawi  https://alforatnews.com/news/وزير-اسبق-يصدم-العراقيين-بالواقع-المالي-المرير-للبلاد

Xyz   Oxford scientists say a vaccine may be widely available by September


In the global race to find a vaccine, Oxford University just jumped way ahead of the pack. Human testing is already underway, and scientists say they're hopeful a coronavirus vaccine will be widely available by September.

Technology the lab had already developed in previous work on inoculations for other viruses, including a close relative of COVID-19, gave it a head start.

"Well personally, I have a high degree of confidence about this vaccine, because it's technology that I've used before," said Sarah Gilbert, a professor of vaccinology at the university.

The vaccine takes the coronavirus' genetic material and injects it into a common cold virus that has been neutralized so it cannot spread in people. The modified virus will mimic COVID-19, triggering the immune system to fight off the imposter and providing protection against the real thing.

The experimental vaccine has reportedly worked in protecting rhesus macaque monkeys that were exposed to heavy quantities of COVID-19.

In the human trials, 550 participants are given the vaccine, and another 550 receive a placebo.

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"It feels like finally, I am able to do something…" said Oxford scientist and trial volunteer Elisa Granato. "This was a way for me to contribute to the cause."

Wasting no time, the largest drugmaker in the world, based in India, will start producing millions of the Oxford vaccines by next month, even before they've been proven to work.

Xyz   The center and the region reach a new agreement ... continuous meetings in Baghdad

Political | 12:37 - 04/30/2020 Baghdad - Mawazine News,  a spokesman for the head of the delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Qubad Talabani, revealed, on Thursday, that an agreement was reached on the outstanding problems between the region and the center, while he indicated the continuation of meetings between the two parties in the capital, Baghdad.

Samir Hawrami, Talabani’s spokesman, said, “The delegation visits Baghdad to discuss with the political parties to solve the outstanding problems, especially the budget, salaries and oil. And the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, on the problems between the two sides.

He added, "There is a serious intention on both sides to find solutions to problems," noting that "the two sides agreed to work as a joint team to solve problems."

He pointed out, "The federal and federal governments held a technical meeting yesterday night, dealing with expenses, revenues and financial conditions in Iraq," stressing "that there are some differences in the oil and financial files, but that does not mean that no agreement has been reached."

He pointed out, "The meetings continue with continuous efforts to reach an agreement even if it is temporary until the formation of the government of Mustafa Al-Kazemi, to conclude a long-term agreement, or to move the agreement to the new booth." https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=97925

Baxter   ha.. who knows

Xyz   Next Sunday is a date for a vote on the Al-Kazemi government

Political | 02:34 - 04/30/2020  BAGHDAD - Mawazine News  is scheduled to hold a session of parliament next Sunday to give confidence to the government of designate Mustafa Al-Kazemi.

Parliamentary sources told Mawazine News that "it is likely that next Sunday will be a date for a vote on the Al-Kazemi government."

Yesterday, Wednesday, Parliament Speaker Muhammad Al-Halbousi received the ministerial curriculum presented by Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kazemi.

According to an official statement for Al-Halbousi, that according to the provisions of Article (43 / Second) of the Parliament’s Law, Al-Halbousi decided to form a committee headed by First Deputy Hassan Al-Kaabi and the membership of a number of deputies and advisers to study the ministerial curriculum and submit a report to the parliament on it. https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=97952

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Baxter   4-30-2020 *** Dinar Guru News FLASH *** The CBI is officially reporting a change in the official market rate for the dinar! This could be significant. As you know, after a few weeks hiatus, the CBI began to update the dinar market rate this week. It's been out of compliance with the IMF 2% rule on these updates. Today's CBI market rate update is for April 27th - it's showing a 100 point change to 1124. This is a STRONGER rate than the official CBI rate of 1190

Dave   dang.... no art 8

Dave   see what the next 90 days holds


Dave   not the price we are looking fer

Baxter   Dimes Please

Dave   LeLe plenty been said in this Speculative investment

LeLe   Dave this Dinar venture it definitely for the strong not the weak.

Dave   LeLe invested what i could afford to loose

Dave   seem to have gained some

LeLe   Dave that's right. I heard a lady bought 99,950 thousand dollars worth the other day. 500 dollars away from having 100 million in Dinar.

Futuremoney   LeLe hope she didnt go indebt for that!

Futuremoney   wow...walmart has hired over 200,000 people since the start of the virus

Baxter   futuremoney went to Wallys this morning... we still have no toilet paper or paper towels... what do people do with it all..

Baxter   next thing... will be meat.... just wait and see what meat prices are gonna do this summer

futuremoney   Baxter yeah..they are already talking meat shortages

Baxter   yes they are

Doug_W   NASCAR is scheduled to make its return to racing on Sunday, May 17, at Darlington Raceway with a NASCAR Cup Series race that will serve as the first of seven races over an 11-day span at two different race tracks throughout May.

Baxter7 races in 11 days??

Doug_WI wonder how they will pay "prize $" with no one in the stands

Baxter   good question

Doug_W   ya i know

Baxter   wonder if the drivers will wear masks   lol

Doug_W   face shields

https://covid.joinzoe.com/us   COVID Symptom Tracker

https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


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