Dinar Recaps

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IQD CALLS Chat Early Sunday 2-23-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Sunday 2-23-20

Zig  Baghdad - Mawazine News   Customs issues the first amendment to declare the money when it is entered and removed across the Iraqi border

On Saturday, the General Authority of Customs issued the first amendment of the controls for declaring funds upon entry and exit across the Iraqi borders.

In a statement, Mawazine News received a copy of it, the commission stated that it had "issued the first amendment to the controls for declaring the money when it was entered and removed across the Iraqi borders No. (1) for the year 2017 issued by the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Office, which includes the following:

1- The following is added to paragraph (5) of the controls, and item (c) thereof:

C - The customs authorities have the power to search people and inspect their luggage to verify the authenticity of the information declared upon investigation or suspicion of a false statement or a case of withholding the permit or in case of suspicion that the funds being transferred are illegal. The following shall be added to the controls, and paragraph (8) thereof:

(8) The amounts permitted to be entered or removed from and to the territory of the Republic of Iraq include the following:

A - Amounts below (10,000) (ten thousand US dollars) or its equivalent in other currencies without declaring it.

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B - Amounts exceeding (10,000) (ten thousand US dollars) to (20000) (twenty thousand US dollars) provided that they are declared with the necessity of showing them in support of the purpose of entering or removing these sums and in the event that the supporting documents are not available, the traveler makes a pledge By bringing those documents after (20) days from the date of the permit.

A- It is forbidden to enter or remove amounts in excess of (20,000) (twenty thousand US dollars) or its equivalent in other currencies, and the process of entering or removing these amounts through financial institutions is exclusively.

D- It is forbidden to enter or remove amounts in excess of (..., ... 1) (one million Iraqi dinars) even if it is declared and the amount is seized and legal measures are taken against it.

The Customs Authority pointed out that "the amendment entered into force on 19/2/2020 at border crossings." Ended 29 / A 43

Zig TRANSLATING....If you click on the link above https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=87127 it takes you to a page in Arabic... just copy the address....then google it....you will see a link to "translate" in the first listing.....click on it and it takes you to https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ar&u=https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx%3Fjimare%3D87127&prev=search

Patty   Zig Thank you. Now does it mean an individual can take $10,000. USD (or equilivant) without declaring it, over $10,000 - $20,000 if declared, and over $20,000 is exclusively for institutions like banks or CBI auctions?

Whitelions   Patty according to the article they adhering ti international standards and it is the law BUT I have not seen it in the cbi or the government articles yet . and don't let the money hungry bull poppers tell you that their contacts confirm it because they are telling you untruths again

Whitelions   Global Currency Reset and your tellling us what ?

Whitelions   Global Currency Reset copy and past makes you the same as all the rest tell us something you know about

Whitelions   Global Currency Reset something you have resurched and can prove not judt copy and paste

Whitelions   Global Currency Reset well where is it??????

Whitelions   thats not a real site thats someones opinion

Whitelions   who is talking about guru misinformation comes from all kinds of people for what ever reason this is a strat up currency exchange nothing more nothing less

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Chattels   Over the years I have endeavored to make a distinction between Iraqi " rhetoric " and Iraqi " reality ". The two rarely coincide with the other. There is currently a great disparity between fact and fiction in Iraqi politics. Anyone who predicts what will happen with the new government is, I submit, guessing at best.

chattels   Monday's emergency session for the presentation of Allawi's government is not rumored to be Wednesday.

chattels   Parliament’s session to give confidence to Allawi’s government will be held next Wednesday

Sunday 23, February 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=813760

chattels   The Kurdish delegation returns to Erbil after the failure of talks with Allawi

Sunday 23 February 15:17 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=813783

chattels   Deputy for the National Union: Allawi pledged to increase the share of the Kurds

Sunday 23, February 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=813776

chattels   Iraqi Parliament to vote on giving confidence to PM nominee Mohammed Allawi on Wednesday. http://mobp.as/mbhzq

chattels   Iraqi source says political blocs are placing stipulations on new PM designee Mohammed Allawi for formation of government: 1) foreign forces must leave, 2) US access restricted, 3) ministry positions for political blocs, 4) displaced persons returned. http://mobp.as/j2gzq

chattels   Courtesy David M Witty https://twitter.com/DavidMWitty1?lang=en

chattels   Tahrir Square: a revolution’s beating heart goes quiet https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/23022020

chattels   ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Anti-government protests are gradually fading away in Baghdad’s Tahrir Square. The square has been a safe haven for Baghdad's discontented protesters since anti-government protests took off in October 2019.

Protesters have been met with deadly force since their fight against corruption, high unemployment and a lack of basic government services began. The death toll has soared over 600, and over 18,000 people have been injured since October 1, 2019 according to Amnesty International.

Rudaw English correspondent Lawk Ghafuri visited Tahrir on Wednesday to capture the scene. Although the square is still occupied by Iraqi citizens, some sites which were once hotbeds of revolution look empty compared to last year.

chattels   Following the appointment of Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi as Iraq’s new prime minister, the number of protesters in Baghdad has gradually declined, particularly after supporters of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr withdrew from Tahrir.

Protesters have rejected Allawi’s appointment, but Sadr and his followers have thrown their support behind the designated prime minister as he struggles to form a cabinet that will win Parliament’s approval. Protests continue with unabated fervor in the southern city of Nasiriyah, where Haboubi Square has become the center of anti-government protest activity.

chattels   Have a fine day all.

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Zig   Just thinking out loud... ;thinking: ...This chat is copied daily by Dinar Recaps so many people read it as they get a ton of traffic...I am surprised that we have so few new members joining recently...and the few that have popped in have quickly departed...

I do understand that when someone comes in and asks about "800" numbers and does not get a "good" answer, he/she leaves...in this community you can always find an answer that you like...lol....true...although most of the time it will be BS...

"Rayren" recently posted that he heard from a member who was contacted by a banker about "exchanging"....lol....you may laugh but it is exactly what most people eat up...so my guess is that the vast majority love the BS they get elsewhere....why not??....it makes ya excited!!....Reality is boring, right?.....

I wonder what happened to the person from the Netherlands who joined recently....you out there??....Even if you do not like this chat room we would like to know why not....find it too negative??....not enough Guru stuff??....let us know... ;computer-hit

Baxter   ZIG.. LETS LIVEN IT UP IN HERE::::: 2-22-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] ...we know that the Iraqi Dinar revalued their currency and we know that it was traded somewhere in the $3.35 range but was trading upward and was over $5.10 ...(Monday)...Now, where is it now? I don’t know- Where’s the Dong?

I don’t think it’s lagging too far behind – because the front screen rate on the Dong is supposed to be between 25 – 40 cents below the Dinar on the front screen rate – I think they’re both going to do just fine – they are both going to get where they need to be...I was told by one Treasury source that this could happen at any minute... Everything is pointing toward this could happen at any moment

Baxter   HECK.. its already REVALUED... WELLS FARGO.. HERE I COME

Whitelions   To / All Approved Electronic Payment Companies ( Warning )

Issue: 9/5/9  Date: 20/20/2020  It was decided to warn your companies not to provide us with the required financial data and that this bank will impose a daily delay fine in the event of not receiving the financial statements for the fourth quarter of 2019 and the data mentionedin our Circular No. 9/5/365 of 9/4/2019 within a maximum period of 2/2020 / 29. https://cbi.iq/news/view/1433

Baxter   anything MAJOR going on?

Whitelions   the banks biteing at the bit you may see your dime soon enough after all lol

Baxter   I hope..Im runnin Low

Whitelions   lol me too

Baxter   what do you mean... the banks biting at the bit?

Patty   Whitelions Thank you. Interesting!

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LeLe   Baxter if people don't use their our discernment. They get what they deserve. I hate to say that. As you say people are desperate and they need this for whatever reason. We all would like for it to happen last year. But it didn't. Everyone is speculating until it happens. Until then continue to breathe. Lol......now I'm sounding like Koonce.

Dave   howdy folks......  Dave   found a neat tidbit regarding Iraqs assets in the ground being worth !5 trillion

Dave   sounds like those Oil Cos stated some exploration

Wilder   Dave 5. Or 15?

Dave   Direct: The Iraqi Ministry of Oil revealed the details of its exploration plans in the field of oil and gas fields during the coming period .

A spokesman for the ministry, Assem Jihad, said in a statement to the Iraqi News Agency, "conscious", today, Saturday, that the ministry was interested in establishing a number of seismic teams, and they were involved in internal and external courses .

Jihad stressed that these teams are currently working with the latest technologies in this field, as some of them are called two-dimensional or three-dimensional .

He explained, that the teams are conducting surveys of the lands, which are expected to include hydrocarbon compositions, pointing out that "the work of the Petroleum Exploration Company is to diagnose and identify exploration patches, and to install the discoverer so that it can then be referred to extractive companies specialized in developing these patches for productive fields, whether oil or gas.

Dave   He pointed out, that Iraq is a promising country in oil and gas production, where oil reserves are expected more than 500 billion barrels, while proven reserves are in the limits of more than 153 billion barrels .

He stressed, that Iraq has invested only a little of the quantities it possesses, and that the ministry has set ambitious plans for the optimal investment of oil and gas wealth .

Wilder   I thought i seen something 15 trill but i could be wrong

Dave   yes 153 billion barrels on then proven......now in excess of 500 billion barrels

Dave   So now more than 4 times more than they initially figured

Dave   www.mubasher.info/news/3590246/

Dave   thought that was Good News??????  just quadrupled their oil reserves.../???

Wilder   Dave that is good news Dave. Thanks. Start drilling and punping

Dave   Like i said.........Exploration has not been pursed there for decades

Dave   Have yet to scratch the surface

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Young_SC   Cabinet has to be voted in first

Young_SC   Allawi seems to want himself and kurds to be on the same page

Young_SC   They delayed it until wednesday now  Should have been tomorrow

Dave   Young_SC  Monday seems to be turning into Wednesday

Clay   Israel was attacked by Iranian sponsored militia using rockets

Young_SC   Whether its tomorrow tuesday wednesday just get them voted in

Dave   Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday?

TWWIII   Another US Gov man shoots himself dead: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistleblower Philip Haney was found dead in Amador County, Calif., on Friday, according to local authorities.: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/philip-haney-dhs-whistleblower-found-dead-police-say/ar-BB10hCrc?li=BBnb7Kz

Young_SC   The Kurdistani Democrat reveals a close political agreement with Allawi to vote on his government

Young_SC   http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=87034

Dave   Close counts in horseshoes.....yes

Dave   Young_SC Did think quadrupling their oil reserves was ENCOURAGING ?

Young_SC   Dave im not sure

Dave   Young_SC    www.mubasher.info/news/3590246/

Dave   150 billion barrels barrels now over 500 billion barrels

Patty   Dave Are there sanctions still imposed on Iraq about reclaiming their oil?

Dave   Patty Asset freeze on banking was the biggy for me....

TWWIII   Dave I agree

Dave   awaiting Maliki et-als suicide pact agreement


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