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IQD CALLS Chat Early Sunday 1-12-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Sunday 1-12-20

Chattels   A source reveals that the prime minister's position will be decided this week, and with these specifications

[Baghdad-Ain]   An informed source revealed, today, Sunday, that a new prime minister will be decided this week, revealing the agreed specifications.

The source said in a press statement that "an agreement was made between the political leaders at the level of the leaders of the blocs to resolve the position of Prime Minister this week."

He added that "a meeting that included all the leaders of the Shiite blocs was agreed upon to resolve the position of Prime Minister this week and to the fullest extent next week," noting that "it is within the agreement that the candidate is not a military and not a judge." http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=85996

chattels   The provincial government sets two conditions that must be met by the next prime minister

[Erbil-Ain]  The official spokesman for the regional government, Gottiar Adel, confirmed on Sunday that the visit of the resigned prime minister, Adel Abdul Mahdi, to the region was appropriate at a very appropriate time for both parties, indicating that the next prime minister should be accepted by everyone, And to abide by the constitution so as not to repeat the same mistakes.

chattels   http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=85999

chattels   CNN: US troops in Ein al-Asad Base in Iraq were in protective bunkers 2.5 hours before Iranian missile attack & there were no casualties. Iran gave Iraq prior notice of attack & Iraqi government warned US, although location of attack not known. http://mobp.as/Zr4mq

chattels   Spokesman for Iraqi PM: we are not paying the US money in exchange for a US withdrawal.


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chattels   Iraqi resistance units of PMF form joint operations room & say all political means will be used to force an end to occupation & if that fails, armed resistance will be used. http://mobp.as/Sg4mq

JoeSchmoe   So IF Iraq does have upwards of however many trillions in circulation outside of Iraq, how much of that is held in bank reserves around the world, and then how much in citizens possessions? That could be the whole discrepancy in the thinking of Iraq having to cover so much with an increase in value.

Sparky   ...do I understand correctly, Sadam's relative is throwing in his hat for PM? We set up Saddam way back, ...maybe its gonna be a re-do...at least then, the IQD had reason

Sparky   ...resonable value, and Iran was scared shi it of him...

Doug_W   Sparky tune in tomorrow same time same channel for "As Iraq Turns"

Sparky   Doug_W ..the saga continues, and the plot thickens...

Doug_W   so that begs the question who slept with who's sheep/camel

Doug_W   its stunning how disfunctional they are

Sparky   Doug_W ...they know how to steal the countries wealth...

Francis Albert   I am generally one of the most positive people out there on "our investment'...yet today I am scratching my head. Reuters and other news sources, (may be fake news of course), are reporting the Iraq is going to be selling oil for Yuan and not Dollars in this new "big" trade deal between Iraq and China every one is buzzing about.

Francis Albert   If that is indeed happening, IMO, it is no wonder President Trump is "floating" possible sanctions on Iraq..and of course using another reason. One, just one of the reasons U.S. killed Saddam was he was talking about doing a special oil bourse over there with gold backed Dinar.

Francis Albert   When will these "territories" of the U.S. understand that it is not a good idea to poke the giant in the eye?

Sparky   Francis Albert ...yes, and hoarding USD ..., also why Kadafi was given a dirt nap...Golden Dinar...vs petro dollar....

Sparky   Francis Albert ...most likely tied into silk road initiative..

crazy crypto   Donald Trump said "We have $35 billion dollars worth of Iraqi dinar in an account" now just imagine when they revalue their dinar, potential trillions of dollars the U.S makes

crazy crypto   George Bush-"The war would pay for itself, we wouldnt lose a dime"…..hmmm

crazy crypto   these ragheads are paying their debt one way or another Trump wants his ROI!!!

Francis Albert   crazy...not so fast, Sir/Madam...

Francis Albert   Where would that "money" from the Dinar in Treasury come from?

Sparky   crazy crypto ...young Iraqis waking up makes me happy..

dave my quarters   Francis Albert Saddam was because was going to switch from the dollar to the euro. Baxter ;good-am and my Quarters.

dave my quarters   The Gold Dinar

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Sparky   Francis Albert ...I believe it will come from resource rich Iraqi derivatives, after placed back on world markets... petro dollar vs Yuan Dollar vs GCC Golden Dinar...on world markets...and reconstruction of the country will drive the value...

Baxter   Good Morning Everyone... think DIMES

Sparky   Baxter ...I found three yesterday...hope its a sign...

Baxter   so do I  more than I found

chattels   Trump said: "We have a lot of their money. There is $ 35 billion in an account." LINK

Francis Albert   Don't mix assets with cash. "Derivatives" are debt. If resources drive the value Sparky, then the alleged 35 Billion IQD has, (alleged) will be worth more. The only asset Iraq has that can be exchanged for Dinar is oil, and I think that has been the plan from the beginning...and thus the statement by Bush43 that Iraq will pay for the war. Treasury gives them IQD and they give us oil.

Sparky   chattels ..35 T IQD...vs 35 B USD, is a significant factor...

chattels   My read / take is that Trump said that there is 35 billion dollars in an account belonging to Iraq. That does not mean to me that there is 35 trillion IQD in an account.

Baxter   it goes to the gurus

Francis Albert   Some of you use words, ideas that are well intentionded, but are not rational.

Sparky   chattels ...they equate at the moment...

chattels   Sparky Agreed, but they are not the same, IMO.

Francis Albert   Sparkky..what does that even mean...35T to 35B

Sparky   chattels ...absolutely agree...got my Duinar googles on...lol...

chattels   Sparky :)

chattels   Sparky A/K/A " Rose colored glasses " :)

Francis Albert   The Dinar speak out there from most of these people is nonsense.

Sparky   Francis Albert ...at 1000:1

Baxter   at this point...we need long range binoculars....not goggles

Francis Albert   10000 to 1 what?

Sparky   Francis Albert ... chattels ...mine are pink...lol..

Sparky   Francis Albert ...1000:1

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Baxter   I have extremely strong long range binoculars...and I cant even see my dime in 2020..

Sparky   Baxter ...you got the good ones...

Baxter   yep....paid over a quarter for them

chattels   "Tactical" glasses may be more useful in the near term.

Sparky   Baxter ...bought mine for 1/10th of a penny each...

Baxter   If I had tactical glasses... I would most likely sell this pink stuff

chattels   US National Security Adviser: we will leave Iraq in accordance with our agreement with Baghdad but after we have eliminated ISIS. http://mobp.as/wO8mq

Baxter   in just two months.. I start my 15th year   March 17th

chattels   Economic sanctions by USA would doom Iraq.

Baxter   sure would.... and my dime

Sparky   chattels ...iyo, is ch 7 a factor in this newest uprising ?

chattels   Sparky Not that I have read or understand for what it may be worth to you.

Sparky   Baxter ;$$$

Sparky   chattels ok, thanks..

chattels   Badr's Amiri pushing Abdul Mahdi to stay on as PM Had talks with Sadr Abdul Mahdi visited KRG today to try to get Kurdish backing https://almadapaper.net/view.php?cat=223929

chattels   https://twitter.com/JoelWing2

chattels   It would appear that Mr. Ameri has not been arrested as tMan23 was speculating.

chattels   I am unable to translate the article so I have only Joel Wing's " headline ".

chattels   Parliamentary Legal of NINA: The general budget 2020 will not be approved due to the persistent political differences

Sunday 12, January 2020 https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=807329

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chattels   Baghdad / Nina / The parliamentary legal committee expected that the federal general budget 2020 could not be approved, which has not yet reached the parliament, due to the persistence of political differences. 

Member of the Committee, MP Hussein al-'Aqabi said, in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA , that "all projects that have been financially covered for the year 2019 will stop spending on them because the General Budget Law has not been approved yet," noting that the general budget 2020 may not be passed due to the continuing differences Political.

chattels   He added that "the proposal to amend the Federal Financial Administration Law, which was approved by Parliament yesterday, guarantees the creation of a legal legislative cover to fund ongoing and approved projects without stopping, for which funds were allocated from the 2019 budget."

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / Parliament will hold its session on Monday to vote on two laws.

The media department statement of the House of Representatives stated that the House of Representatives will vote tomorrow Monday on the Law of the Republic of Iraq joining the International Land Transport Agreement of 1975 and complete the vote on the proposal of the Health Insurance Law and the first reading of the Sports Clubs law proposal and the first reading of the Sports Federations Law.

chattels   Such a vote / laws would seem inconsequential to our agenda.

Baxter   slightly im afraid

crazy crypto   those ragheads will pay one way or another

crazy crypto   i saw the body of soleimani made me smile   all blown up

Sparky   Baxter ...thinking your bi nocs are accurate...

Baxter   they are Sparky   there is nothing on the horizon Im afraid

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / The dollar exchange rates on the Kifah Stock Exchange and local markets fell today, Sunday.

The prices of the Kifah Stock Exchange recorded 120.950 thousand dinars per hundred dollars.

In the exchange shops, the selling price of the dollar was recorded at 121,500 dinars and the purchase price 120,500 dinars, for every hundred dollars. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=807283

crazy crypto   go to www.infowars.com to see salammi burnt

crazy crypto   sadly he didnt feel a thing was here than transported to h*

Sparky   crazy crypto ...Karma...exemplified...

chattels   Iraqi protesters decry Iranian and US interference   Shelly Kittleson January 11, 2020

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/01/iraq-iran-us-protests-1.html#ixzz6App8uMfU

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crazy crypto   yep live by the IED die by a helfire missle  lol   kaboom

Sparky   crazy crypto ...none too soon...now lets continue the parade...

crazy crypto   i agree    lets continue the firework show

crazy crypto   we got another one i read yesterday

Sparky   ...yup...

crazy crypto   good

crazy crypto   Iranians call or surpreme leader to resign

crazy crypto   after Iran admitted to killing innocent lives  on that plane

crazy crypto   Trump playing 4dchess

 Sparky   crazy crypto ...Iranians *up...hard..

crazy crypto   yep sure did   Trump has even given them another chance

crazy crypto   he knows they are pathetic lol    hes destoyed their economy

Sparky   crazy crypto ...and so do they...lol...

crazy crypto   lol

crazy crypto   they lied and told their people they killed 30 americans with those missles

crazy crypto   lmao how pathetic   lies among lies

Sparky   crazy crypto ...Iran best call " Uncle ",,,lol..

crazy crypto   oh they will   all in due time

Sparky   crazy crypto ...I guess Iran could use a make over too, ground up...

Doug_W   and when they do "Uncle" will be there waiting 4 them

Sparky   Doug_W ...thinking Iranian policy on Israel plays highly in all of this...Trump...has total support of evangelical right wing...

crazy crypto   yes iran needs to be nuked but lets keep the good iranians

crazy crypto   lol

crazy crypto   Yes Trump has the lord backing him

crazy crypto   iran always wants to wipe Israel off the map

Sparky   crazy crypto ...rational, educated folks must take their own country back, or face the consequences...imo...

crazy crypto   agreed sparky

crazy crypto   evil nation   supported by the deep state dems      sad

Sparky   crazy crypto ...adinajahd ...sp... (former PM of Iran)...always said, as soon as they are capable,they will annialate Israel ...that policy is not good for anyone...

Dave   Should blame the British for this Israel/ Palestinian thing decades ago.....

Dave   ?

 Dave   just hope Israel does not get caught up in this mess

Dave   now with Iran ramping up Uranium enrichment


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