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IQD CALLS Chat Early Saturday 2-1-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Saturday 2-1-20

TWWIII   Intersecting I must say guess who has been hiding in Phoenix?????

Alleged al-Qaida leader arrested in Phoenix, accused of killing two Iraqi police officers


chattels   The ***, Newshound Guru Jeff, speaks nonsense again, " ...........they have to mislead us and make Iraq look more unstable than it really is. IMO I firmly believe the formation of the government is complete....."  Chattels   Sistani: early elections needed to end political deadlock https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/31012020

chattels   A source, who wished to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of the topic, told Rudaw on Thursday that Salih himself wants to designate al-Kadhimi as the new PM, with claims that Shiite cleric Muqtada al Sadr and previous Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi approve his candidacy.

chattels   The United States may soon deploy air defense missile systems to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region to help shield its troops from rocket and ballistic missile attack following the Iranian strike that targeted Ain Al-Asad Airbase in Anbar province on January 8. https://www.rudaw.net/english/analysis/01022020

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chattels   BAGHDAD / Nina / MP for the alliance moving Badr Ziadi for resolving the name of the candidate for the post of prime minister next by political blocs, pointing out that the coming hours will be assigned by the President of the Republic. "

He Ziadi told / Nina / that the political blocs agreed on the name The non-controversial candidate for the position of the next prime minister, who is independent, and his name will be sent to the President of the Republic for the purpose of assigning him to the position.


chattels   The security expert and political analyst, Hisham Al Hashemi, commented, on Saturday, on the position of the Al-Fateh Alliance regarding the selection of a new Prime Minister, indicating that the Alliance stands as an obstacle to solutions.

Hashemi said, in a tweet on "Twitter" today, February 1, 2020, that "the Al-Fateh coalition parties, consistent with Iran's approach and policy, are blocking the end of the selection of a new prime minister that is in line with the conditions of the arenas, sermons of speech, statements of Sadr and the president's deadline."   http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=86387

Patty   chattels Other Dinarians have forwarded me info saying decision would be made Saturday at noon. This is so like Iraq. (And I was all excited that it would actually happen for Iraq. "Gullible Gussie" me. Chattels the info you provide to us is fantastic. Thank You Very Much.

kevin311312   Sami Ramadani ساميامي@SamiRamadani1   Despite massive efforts to block him, Iraq has new prime minister, Mohammad Tawfiq Allawi. He is not famous for opposing US imperialism, but not seen as pliant. US wants a servant not moderately independent person.   One more evidence the balance of forces has shifted in Iraq.  https://twitter.com/SamiRamadani1/status/1223604903299502080/photo/1

kevin311312   I cant translate it

Patty   kevin311312 Also can't access it. No twitter acct I guess. When you do find out, please let us all know. Thank you Kevin311312.

kevin311312   its jut to do with the above Patty

Zig   https://twitter.com/SamiRamadani1

Doug_W   WOW I have been in war and the US is not like being portrayed in that tweet at ALL!!

Baxter   There goes my Dimes...maybe even Nickels...

Patty   Doug_W How can the demonstrators afford to continue?

kevin311312   Shafaq News / MP, Kathem Al-Sayyadi revealed on Saturday, the latest developments in the file of choosing a candidate to take over the presidency of the next government, succeeding resigned, Adel Abdul Mahdi.

"The decision to choose the next prime minister is decided by the political forces," Al-Sayyadi said in a tweet. "We are going to assign the new prime minister today."

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He added, "It was agreed among the political forces to choose Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi to head the next Iraqi government."

Al-Sayyadi added that "the agreement has also been reached on the distribution of positions, and every party has taken its share in the next government."

kevin311312    www.shafaaq.com/en/iraq-news/mp-reveals-the-latest-developments-in-abdul-mahdi-s-successor-the-agreement-is-done/

kevin311312   it was on iqd team

Sparky   ...Al-Sayyadi added that "the agreement has also been reached on the distribution of positions, and every party has taken its share in the next government." ...hopefully not more status quo bs...

Sparky   ...may have been a completely different scenario, if Ilyad (sp) Allowi was placed at the PM position instead of Maliki...read of Chalibi recently...wasn't he assasinated while holding a file on the corruption...?

Clay   yes

Sparky   Clay ...I thought so...probably 2013 or so...if memory serves...

Sparky   ...thinking Allowi got the election vote, but USA wanted Maliki instead...

Clay   right long time ago

Sparky   ...actually must have been an administration or two before that...remember thinking Shabbibi and Chalibi were both pro-Iraqi citizen, and all for reconstruction, and revaluation...just before Shabbibi got railroaded out of town, then soon after, Chalibi was killed...if memory serves...

Baxter   So Now they have a new Prime Minister... that the People are gonna hate...can I expect my Dime on Monday??

Sparky   Baxter ...not sure the peeps will hate the new PM...as , he has ties to some good guys...imo...

Baxter   articles I have read... Im not so sure

Baxter   but..we have plenty of time to watch

Sparky   Baxter ...and time, is our most precious commodity...so...best to relax and wait, and try the myriad of other possible ways to get rich..."Think and Get Rich "...Napoleon Hill...

Baxter   I will continue the way I have been... enjoying my fishing and grand kids... and watching my Dime Spinning and never catching it...

Baxter   I could have it a lot worse.. for sure

Sparky   Baxter ...you already won the game my friend...

Baxter   Yep.. I think I have..... have great health.. a great family...and a paid for roof over my head.. what more do you need..

Sparky   Baxter ...nothing...

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Sparky   Doug_W ...Iraqi politicians are like musical chairs...hope they bring in fresh blood......out with the old, in with the new...

Wilder   Sparky what was the reason for Shabibi leaving? I forget.

Sparky   * jail term

Sparky   ...Maliki put a 7 year term on his return to Iraq, after going out of state ...could not return, rumour has it , he wanted to start to put Iraq back on the the world stage, and increase valuation of the IQD...

Sparky   Wilder ..."the appearance of " Mohammed Saleh, then VP of CBI, was imprisoned...later to become chief financial advisor to PM Abadi...

Dave   had that dossier

chattels   Mr Allawi must now form a new cabinet and lead the country until fresh elections can be held. https://www.ft.com/content/fd9395d8-451f-11ea-aeb3-955839e06441

Dave   Fresh.....lol

chattels   Remember Allawi may only be the interim PM until the new elections.

Dave   chattels then need to appoint all those ministers

Dave   on that Quota system or st lego?  logo??? i give up

Dave   they will fight about that for months

chattels   Dave Allawi's nominees for ministry position will be as interim with his government.

Dave   caretaker GOV.....  until the cows come home?

Dave   elections under that Quota system.....maliki aint going nowhere

chattels   Dave The Sainte-Laguë method refers to the election of Parliamentary members. The observation of quotas in government positions is a different animal.

Dave   chattels thats it......

Dave   Quota system holds today

Sparky   Dave ...i remember that dossier...

chattels   Allawi is promising to " narrow " the quotas, but there is and will a;ways be inclusion of minorities in Iraqi government.

chattels   The Kurds are not going to be left out of the Cabinet.

Sparky   chattels ...I thought shiites were the minority...

Dave   Really hope so....too many promises from these dudes

Dave   Sparky Should be...More Sunni than Shia in Iraq I believe

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chattels   The Muslim population of Iraq is 64-66% Shia and 34-36% Sunni. Iraqi Kurds are 85% Sunni, with 15% being Shia Feyli Kurds. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Iraq

Dave   supposed to end that partisan politics

Sparky   chattels ...thanks for the correction...

chattels   Dave There are many minorities in Iraq, sectarian and ethnic.

Dave   Sparky google does work

Chattels   August 27 2012 14:14:00   Iraq minister quits over PM's 'interference'

BAGHDAD - Agence France-Presse https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/iraq-minister-quits-over-pms-interference--28706

Chattels   Allawi has some character. Stood up to Maliki.

Dave   and survived...

Chattels   BAGHDAD — Iraq's president named former Communications Minister Mohammad Tawfik Allawi as the country's new prime minister on Saturday after an 11th-hour consensus among political blocs, but the streets seemed divided on his nomination. http://saudigazette.com.sa/article/588076

chattels   No designate was going to please everyone.

Dave   chattels fingers crossed

Dave   then they can get to the corruption

Biff   Did Maliki resign?

Dave   YEAH!

biff   Good they need to arrest him

Dave    oo not sure on that!

Dave   Maliki arrested............???????

biff   Pay back is coming lol

Dave   doubt that stillenjoys immunity

Bif   fit wont happen

Sparky   Dave ...may soon enjoy a headshot...

biff   we will see

Dave   get passed his private militia first


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