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IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday 3-2-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday 3-2-20

chattels   "After Mohamed Allawi's apology for assigning him to the position of prime minister, the President of the Republic must assign another person within the constitutionally specified deadline of 15 days, as of Monday 2/3/2020," https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=815213

chattels   "The new commissioner by the President of the Republic will also be given a month to complete his cabinet, in consultation with the political blocs, to present it after this period to Parliament for a vote, by giving him confidence or not, and this matter brings us back to the point before zero, because zero starts From the stage of assigning the President of the Republic a figure for the position of Prime Minister. "

chattels   Two rockets hit Baghdad Green Zone as Allawi resigns https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/02032020

chattels   Two Katyusha rockets hit Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone on Sunday night just moments after Prime Minister-designate Mohammed Tafwiq Allawi announced he was unable to form a new government due to “political pressure”.

chattels   Following months of heightened tensions between the US and Iraq’s influential neighbour Iran, rocket attacks on US infrastructure and personnel in the Green Zone and elsewhere in Iraq have become increasingly frequent. US officials have accused Iran-backed Iraqi militias of launching the attacks.

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Doug_W   Silver:$17.07

Doug_W   Gold:$1,611.88 PLUS $23.44

chattels   What happened on Sunday was the last gasp of the Muhammad Tawfiq gambit. There was an abortive effort backed almost entirely by Shia factions - but only some of them - to pass a partial cabinet change & replace Abd al-Mahdi with MTA. It collapsed in late afternoon. https://twitter.com/UticaRisk

chattels   1) Prez Salih will pick the next guy since the constitution gives him absolute discretion if the first PM-designate fails.

2) I am skeptical of AAM's protestations of wanting to leave office, so I say he stays on.

3) Of course the cabinet stays on, bc how else do they get jobs.

chattels   Here is Allawi's withdrawal in video. Abd al-Mahdi was gracious enough to allow him to use the prime minister's YouTube channel to publish the video. Youtube was the closest he got to the office. https://twitter.com/hushamalhashimi/status/1234223215418990593

chattels   1) The "largest bloc" issue is now gone bc the constitution says that if the first PM-designate fails to form a govt, the president can choose anyone he wants.

2) The 15-days-to-nominate / 30-days-to-form-govt process starts over. So 45 more days.

chattels   My two favorite facts about the Muhammad Allawi experience:

1) He was living abroad (in Lebanon) when first nominated & had to fly to Baghdad for the designation.

2) He waited until the day of his putative election to begin the process of renouncing his British citizenship. https://twitter.com/UticaRisk

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / Parliamentary Bloc / Al-Sayeroun warned of difficult conditions the country will go through after Allawi’s apology for assigning him to the post of prime minister, stressing: “Any person who will be assigned in the current period by the President of the Republic will fall.” https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=815242

chattels   It appears that Abdul Mahdi's nightmare of being in the position of Prime Minister of Iraq will continue.

chattels   Bashir al-Haddad, the second deputy speaker of parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, on Monday called for a comprehensive national dialogue between all political forces and blocs and with the participation of representatives of the demonstration squares to emerge from the crisis of forming the new government.

chattels   "in light of the recent political developments, the worsening security, health, economic, and service problems, and the widening political differences and controversy on the Iraqi scene, especially after the withdrawal of the Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, all parties and partners should strive and prevail over the supreme national interest, and work hard In order to preserve the country and the stability of the political process to overcome this crisis and prepare for the next stage and the holding of early elections. "

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chattels   "In the event of worsening conditions and the collapse of the political process and societal peace, the only loser is the Iraqi people ...................."

chattels   Pathetic dysfunction and self interest.

chattels   Have a fine day all.

Patty   chattels Thank you!!

chattels   Two more, .................

chattels   Iraqi president approves Allawi resignation as new cabinet flops https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/020320201

chattels   And in the only unhappier **hole .................... Iran to impose death penalty for illegal trade in medical equipment https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iran/02032020

futuremoney   I fear Iraq has reached a place of no return..the only hope is a violent revolution from the youth

futuremoney   its really rediculous

futuremoney   they cant do anything...literally

futuremoney   cant blame the UN for pulling out their support....they are done too

Doug_W   there election process reflects that the ruling class refuses to "let go" and do whats good 4 the ppl NOT them

Futuremoney   haven't read an article from the UN about Iraq in about 8 months...

futuremoney   or the World bank...

Futuremoney   just going to let the Iraq gov devour itself

futuremoney   Prime Minister Adel Abdel Mahdi calls on the parliament to convene an extraordinary session to finally resolve the electoral law, electoral districts and the electoral commission, and proposes december 4, 2020 as the date for the elections.

futuremoney   cant even get early elections....pathetic

Futuremoney   maybe this will be what takes the youth to say "enough" and become violent

Clay   hope so they deserve it and Iranian influence out of there

Patty   Deano Well then, what do you think Iraq is REALLY doing?

Deano   @Patty. I'm going to stay true to my beliefs that their is so much going on behind closed doors in Iraq that they're not saying. Think about this. If I wrote up plans to rob a bank. Would I take those plans to the bank manager and show him???

TWWIII   Checking if Barzani has the C virus in Erbil Airport!

#Yes he is infested with Corruption Virus  .https://twitter.com/IraqLiveUpdate/status/1234484731313577986


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