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IQD CALLS Chat Early Friday 3-20-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Friday 3-20-20

Baxter   Trump is gonna announce more travel restrictions this morning

futuremoney   great

Doug_W   my life just changed

Doug_W   Di thinks she has been exposed

JoeSchmoe   will be crazy to think what/how this dinar thing would all play out IF this happens during this pandemic

Doug_W   Ford has halted productions

Baxter   they all have

Baxter   Good Morning.. chrysler..ford..toyota..honda... all closed up

Baxter   general motors is out for two weeks at least

Doug_W   Ford is too

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Baxter   we have a ford engine plant here.... makes that eco boost.. its closed as well

Futuremoney   hopefully this hydrocloriquine works and we can get back to normal soon

biff   @JoeSchmoe If you like to read check out these books. Tom Clancy Books, Executive Orders, Rainbow Six and In Debt of Honor. You will see some parallels.

Biff   The Hot Zone on Discovery

biff   great book too

JoeSchmoe   biff are you in CA

biff   the hot zone is about the primate lab in virginia with they were testing the ebola virus

biff   and spread in the facililty

Chattels   International Coalition in Iraq announces it is beginning to withdraw its forces from Iraq, which will be coordinated with Iraqi government. There are 2 reasons for the withdraw: 1) success in the anti-ISIS campaign, & 2) spread of Corona Virus. http://mobp.as/msAGq

chattels   It has long been clear that Iraq's socio-economic model was unsustainable, but I've been thinking total collapse wasn't likely for 10-15 years. Read Sajad's full thread here, but I'd summarize it by saying that the current Covid/Oil War crisis has accelerated that timeline. https://twitter.com/UticaRisk

chattels   Thread on the crisis facing Basra and why Iraq will collapse if Basra collapses. Demographics, climate change, water scarcity, poor infrastructure & governance, oil prices are all factors contributing to a disaster that has been bubbling under the surface for over a decade https://twitter.com/SajadJiyad/status/1240617503312826373

chattels   US commitments in Iraq ‘remain the same’ despite base transfer: coalition spokesperson https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/us-troops-iraq-isis-caggins-20032020

futuremoney   any day its going to go into civil war

futuremoney   chattels what do you think?

futuremoney   on a good note ..Tony says the contract rates are still in place....ugggggghh

chattels   futuremoney If civil war includes armed conflict with the protesters then I think it very possible.

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sandyf   @Kaperoni sandyf What? Obviously, you do not know what I have been doing for the last 10 years.

It was 16 years ago this month that I first bought dinar, I have a very good idea what you have been doing. I have agreed with much of what you have said over the years but too much of a realist to subscribe to theories.

Plans are useless unless circumstances allow implementation. In 2006 the CBI planned to redenominate the IQD but circumstances took over and it never happened.

In the same way conditions have never been right for a successful flotation, and even more so in the current financial climate. You may be half right in that a forced flotation could occur with a resulting devaluation, time to face reality and put the benefits of your "effect" to bed.

The IQD is not going to increase in value for a long time to come as a result of any action taken by Iraq.

Xyz   HOW LONG CAN CORONAVIRUS LIVE ON DIFFERENT SURFACES? https://twitter.com/VOANews/status/1241173249708429314

mod   Be PROACTIVE and look into this simple treatment if you are concerned for yourself and/or others: Cold-Arrest Heat Therapy - Stop COVID-19 Now – (FREE) COVID 19 HOT AIR THERAPY https://future-world.com/mcatalog/stop-covid-19-now More at: www.iqdcalls.com/cvirus.html

chattels   Okie says that it may be the first of next week now.

Chattels   If it happens I will apologize profusely for my skepticism.

Chattels   Smooth, nonporous surfaces like tables or doorknobs are better at carrying viruses than the porous surfaces of money or hair, which don't allow viruses to survive for long.

They contain small spaces or holes that can trap a microbe and prevent it from transferring to other surfaces, Rachel Graham, an epidemiologist at the University of North Carolina, previously told Business Insider.

"Coins will transmit a virus better than cash, but this shouldn't be a huge concern," she said. "Basic rule of thumb should be to consider money dirty anyway, because it is. It goes through too many hands not to be."

chattels   https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-coins-carry-viruses-better-than-paper-money-experts-say-2020-3

chattels   The foregoing is surprising. I would have thought it was the other way around. I have read where paper money could carry bacteria for up to 17 days.

chattels   Dirty Money. ... Paper money can reportedly carry more germs than a household toilet. And bills are a hospitable environment for gross microbes: viruses and bacteria can live on most surfaces for about 48 hours, but paper money can reportedly transport a live flu virus for up to 17 days.

chattels     https://www.google.com/search?q=is+money+dirty&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS880US880&oq=is+money+dirty&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.8130j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

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xyz   Allawi, attacking al-Maliki: I left because of him


On Thursday, the former official in charge of forming the Iraqi government, Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi, accused the leader of the "State of Law" coalition, former Iraqi Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, of supporting corruption, stating that he had left the country because of him.

Muhammad Allawi said in an excruciating dialogue: “When I discovered corruption in the Maliki government, specifically in 2011, I worked to withdraw confidence from him, which engendered a kind of hostility between me and him. ”

He added, "I stood against corruption when major thefts were brought up in cabinet meetings in public, and it amounted to the theft of 40 million dollars by one of the ministers, and Al-Maliki was standing by and moved to another topic as if nothing had happened."

In addition, “Therefore, I sought from that moment with full force to stand against Maliki and there were direct confrontations between me and him, so I had to leave the country, indicating that“ Maliki was in favor of corruption while he was with corruption. ”

Allawi had explained in a previous meeting about the reasons for Maliki's opposition to him, and he said: “One of the reasons for Maliki’s opposition to me is the previous differences that were between me and him. At that time, he fabricated false accusations against me, as he envisioned that I was coming to take revenge, and I want to avenge the issues that were void of my right.

And the former Iraqi Prime Minister-designate, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, announced on the first of March his withdrawal from forming a government, after the House of Representatives failed, more than once, to hold an extraordinary session to vote.

And in his tweets, which he posted on Twitter at the time, he announced his withdrawal, indicating that he had submitted a letter to the President of the Republic, in which he apologized for assigning him

xyz   apologized for assigning him to form the govern

xyz:   shhh

xyz   The relationship between Iraq and the US is in danger of collapse. That can’t happen. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2020/03/20/the-relationship-between-iraq-and-the-us-is-in-danger-of-collapse-that-cant-happen/



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