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Humanity’s Inevitable Path to a Global Currency System Reset (RV/GCR): Awake-In-3D

Humanity’s Inevitable Path to a Global Currency System Reset (RV/GCR)

On May 25, 2024   By Awake-In-3D

The signs are all around us as the world stands on the brink of a profound financial transformation.

In This Article:

  • Historical Context Leading to the RV/GCR

  • The Flaws in the Fiat Currency System

  • Indicators of an Impending Financial Reset

  • The Path to a More Stable Economic Future

Humanity is witnessing an unprecedented shift in the global economic landscape.

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Technological advancements, geopolitical shifts, and inherent vulnerabilities in the current fiat currency financial system drive the imperative for a comprehensive global financial/currency reset (GFR/GCR), underpinned by the revaluation of currencies (RV) with tangible asset backing – Gold.

Total global government debt, and its unsustainable interest payment burdens, will rise to over $326 trillion in 2024.

Every government leader, financial and economic expert knows that this ever-increasing debt can never be paid off … Ever.

The current financial system will implode. It is only a matter of time.

There will be a total financial and currency system reset. There must be. It is inevitable.

Historical Context Leading to the RV/GCR

Throughout history, monetary systems have evolved to meet the changing needs of societies.

From barter to various forms of currency, humanity has continually sought efficient means of exchange. This evolution reflects the cyclical nature of monetary systems: they rise, fall, and transform.

The current era of global fiat currencies, which derive value from government decree rather than intrinsic worth, marked a significant departure from previous systems anchored by tangible assets such as gold and silver.

The abandonment of the gold standard in the early 20th century epitomized this shift, bringing flexibility and control for central banks but also sowing the seeds of inherent vulnerabilities.

The Flaws in the Fiat Currency System

The advantages of fiat currencies—flexibility and economic stimulation—have also introduced significant risks.

Governments’ propensity to accumulate debt without restraint has led to skyrocketing global debt levels. By the end of 2024, the United States alone will have amassed over $35 trillion in debt, highlighting a collision course with a fiscal and currency collapse.

Such debt burdens constrain future generations and limit economic maneuverability.

Furthermore, the continuous monetary easing by central banks to stimulate economies has resulted in significant inflationary pressures, eroding the value of currencies and diminishing purchasing power.

This inflationary spiral exacerbates socioeconomic disparities and undermines financial security.

A critical flaw in the fiat currency system is the environment it creates for moral hazard among governments and central banks.

With the ability to print money at will, there is little incentive for fiscal responsibility.

Global governments continue to accrue unsustainable levels of debt, knowing they can rely on central banks to monetize this debt.

Central banks, in turn, implement policies that prioritize short-term economic gains over long-term stability, perpetuating a cycle of irresponsible financial behavior.

Indicators of an Impending Financial Reset

Several indicators point to the necessity of a global financial reset.

The relentless ascent of global debt levels highlights the unsustainable nature of the current system.

Many nations grapple with alarmingly high debt-to-GDP ratios, creating a debt trap that stifles economic growth. Additionally, the volatility in financial markets and the limitations of central bank interventions reveal the fragility of the current paradigm.

Exchange rate volatility within the global fiat currency markets are at unprecedented levels. When the end comes, the US Dollar will be the last fiat currency standing before it too collapses.

Recent losses in traditionally “safe” long-term bonds, reminiscent of past financial crises, underscore the intrinsic, systemic risks associated with a debt-based system.

The political and social ramifications of these economic vulnerabilities further underscore the need for a coherent and long-term financial strategy.

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The Path to a Global Financial System Reset

A comprehensive global financial reset must address the unsustainable debt burdens, inflationary pressures, and systemic risks that imperil economic stability.

This reset involves a calculated departure from the fiat currency system, embracing a transformative vision for the global financial overhaul.

Recognizing the approaching fiat system collapse, the growing BRICS Alliance is well on the way towards a gold-backed currency and new financial system infrastructure. They don’t want to go down with the global fiat system ship of fools.

The revaluation of currencies with tangible gold backing is a crucial step toward a more stable and equitable financial future. By anchoring currencies to tangible assets, the global economy can achieve greater stability and reduce the risks associated with debt-based financial systems.

The Bottom Line

Humanity stands at a pivotal moment in economic history. The vulnerabilities of the current fiat currency system and the mounting global debt crisis necessitate a comprehensive financial reset.

By understanding the historical context, recognizing the flaws in the existing system, and identifying the indicators of an impending reset, we can chart a path toward a more stable and equitable financial future.

The global financial reset, underpinned by the revaluation of currencies with tangible asset backing, offers a transformative vision that addresses the systemic risks and economic challenges we face today.

The signs of this profound shift are evident, signaling that humanity is indeed on the brink of a significant financial transformation.

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