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How Much Land Does a Man Need?

How Much Land Does a Man Need?

February 2022 Financial Imaginer

How much land does a man need? This is the question Leo Tolstoy asked himself after realizing that chasing more and more in life would never lead to happiness. In his classic book of the same name, he delves into a tale of a farmer who is rushing through life aiming to accumulate increasingly more land.

The story starts with how a farmer’s wife had a visit from her sister from the big city.

While they were sitting at the table, his wife started to talk – and compare their lives:

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“I would not change my way of life for yours, we may live roughly, but at least we are free from anxiety. You live in better style than we do, but though you often earn more than you need, you are very likely to lose all you have. It often happens that people who are wealthy one day are begging their bread the next. Our way is safer. Though a peasant’s life is not a fat one, it is a long one. We shall never grow rich, but we shall always have enough to eat.”

The elder sister from the big city replied:

“Enough? Yes, if you like to share with the pigs and the calves! What do you know of elegance and manners? However much your good man may slave, you will die as you are living – on a dung heap – and your children the same!”

The farmer’s wife shockingly defended herself:

“So what, of course, our work is rough and dirty. But, on the other hand, it is sure; and we need not bow to anyone. But you, in your towns, are surrounded by temptations; today all may be right, but tomorrow the evil one may tempt your husband with cards, wine or women, and all will go to ruin. Don’t such things happen often enough?”

All the time, the farmer was listening and chopped in:

“Busy as we are from childhood tilling mother earth, we peasants have no time to let any nonsense settle in our heads. Our only trouble is that we haven’t enough land. If I had plenty of land, I shouldn’t fear the Devil himself!”

This is just the beginning of this great and valuable story and already all the ingredients for the big question of why “how much is enough in life” is such an essential question are on the table.

Let’s dig in.

1. The Grass Isn’t Always Greener on the Other Side

When we’re not content with what we have, we tend to look at others and compare ourselves with them. “Why does he/she have more than me?” We see the grass as being greener on the other side, but is it?

Chances are that others simply show you their life’s highlight reel but if you take a closer look, you’ll realize that the grass isn’t that green.

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”   Theodore Roosevelt

When we compare ourselves with others, how can we ever be happy? When will enough ever be enough? At some point, you just have to stop looking around and focus on your own life!

 We will always find something to long for – be it material things like money, cars, better clothes or houses – or non-material things like fame, recognition from others, or even love.

But how often do we realize when enough is enough?

How often are we content with what our lives are like now?

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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