Dinar Recaps

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How Deleting Three Zeros Will Change the Iraqi Dinar: Awake-In-3D

How Deleting Three Zeros Will Change the Iraqi Dinar

On May 20, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

The critical differences between currency re-denominations and exchange rate purchasing power explained.

In This Article

  • Introduction to Currency Re-Denominations

  • IQD: Practical Examples and Misconceptions

  • The Impact on Salaries and Real-Life Scenarios

  • Kuwaiti Dinar: Understanding Currency Exchange Rates and Purchasing Power

Currency re-denominations and exchange rate purchasing power are essential concepts to clearly understand in a global financial system.

They influence how money is valued and used in different economies.

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Introduction to Currency Re-Denominations

Currency re-denomination involves changing the face value of a country’s currency by removing zeros from the notes. They are not rare.

Romania, for instance, re-denominated their currency in 2005 by deleting five zeros. Both the old and new notes remained in circulation together.

Romania deleted five zeros from their currency in 2005

This process does not alter the currency’s actual purchasing power. It is typically undertaken to simplify transactions and accounting.

Practical Examples and Misconceptions

Example: Iraq

Consider Iraq, where a 1,000 IQD note currently buys a single loaf of bread.

If Iraq re-denominates its currency by removing three zeros, the new note would be a 1 IQD note. Despite this change, the new 1 IQD note would still buy the same loaf of bread.

The purchasing power remains unchanged because the value of the currency relative to goods and services stays the same.

Common Misconceptions

Some people believe that removing zeros from a currency increases its purchasing power.

For example, they might think that the new 1 IQD note would buy 1,000 loaves of bread instead of one. This misconception ignores the fundamental principle that re-denomination is merely a cosmetic change.

The actual value of the currency, and what it can buy, does not increase.

The Impact on Salaries and Real-Life Scenarios

To further clarify, let’s consider a salary scenario.

If an individual in Iraq earns 100,000 IQD per month, a re-denomination removing three zeros would change their salary to 100 IQD per month.

The new 100 IQD salary would still have the same purchasing power as the old 100,000 IQD salary, allowing them to buy the same amount of goods and services.

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Historical Context: Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe’s experience with re-denomination provides a similar example in reverse.

During periods of hyperinflation, Zimbabwe repeatedly added zeros to its currency, creating notes worth trillions of ZIM.

Zimbabwe 2008 100 Trillion note.

However, these new notes did not buy more than the previous billion ZIM notes, illustrating that re-denominations do not enhance purchasing power.

Understanding Currency Exchange Rates and Purchasing Power in Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)

Determining a currency’s purchasing power relative to other currencies involves complex calculations, especially with fiat currencies.

For example, Kuwait’s dinar (KWD) has the highest exchange rate against the US dollar. However, this does not mean that the average Kuwaiti has higher international purchasing power than the average American.

Salaries in Kuwait are lower in KWD terms, reflecting the exchange rate’s impact.

Example: Moving from the USA to Kuwait

If someone earning $100,000 per year in the USA moves to Kuwait for work reasons, they cannot expect to earn 100,000 KWD per year.

This would be equivalent to earning $260,000 per year instead of the previous $100,000/year.

It would be great for the person moving to Kuwait, yet it is a completely unrealistic scenario.

Instead, their salary in Kuwait would be adjusted to match the KWD/USD exchange rate, likely around 38,000 KWD per year at current rates.

This ensures that their salary purchasing power remains reasonably consistent across currencies.

The Bottom Line

Currency re-denominations and exchange rates are vital in understanding how money functions globally.

Re-denomination changes the face value of money but not its purchasing power.

Similarly, exchange rates impact how much goods and services can be bought in different currencies.

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