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Holly, Wolverine, MilitiaMan and More...Monday Morning 5-16-2022

Monday Thoughts From Holly:

Good morning roomies!

Affirmation for today:   I have unlimited possibilities available to me!

The most important thing we can do is rewire our brain from the negative thoughts to the positive ones. And to know you have unlimited abundance and prosperity all around you inside and outside.

A dear friend of mine told me he did a meditation and he said there is a vibration of the RV GCR and he connected with his guides, ascended masters, saints whoever it is you connect with Jesus, God whoever, and he asked them to raise his vibration up to the vibration of the RV GCR to connect with that energy and to manifest it in the here and now.

This is powerful if you all could start doing this we can bring it here because that is vibrating at a different vibration than what we do and all you have to do is ask for what you want in life and it will be given to you.

So ask that your vibration be raised up to connect to the RV GCR to bring it here in our reality.

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Holly cont…… Certain things transpired over the weekend to move the RV forward. This was huge and we should see the release finally.

Keep knowing this is real and happening. See it, feel it and connect to the energy of it. Keep the faith and stay strong. This is a transition not a transaction.   -Holly


Wolverine:  Guys silent is a good sign so don’t think nothing is happening. Please keep praying my friends. We are waiting to go into warp speed and go where no man has before. Blessings my friends


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Militiaman  Question:  "what ever happened to to thurs big meeting with sadr cbi and kazammi?"  That is a good question... We have not yet heard if the meeting between Sadr, the FM and the CBI Gov. happened or not. We do know and have recently seen that news of important factual items and or issues are late in being reported.

Nader From The Mid East  It's gonna be a lot of changes. Until the end of week you will see a change of parliament, change of CBI people, change health department, education, of everything.  Everything is going to be changing.  The only thing they are not going to f%$$#$ change (sorry about my language) is the money.  We're still waiting.   And waiting.  And waiting.  They're talking about having a new currency...They didn't show us anything yet...next week I think more news gonna come out.  Better news.  Important news...



Clare:  Parliamentary Finance: Iraq is unable to pay Iran’s debts

05/16/2022 Economy News - Baghdad

A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Nazem al-Shibli, announced that Iraq is unable to pay Iran's debts at the beginning of next month due to the failure to pass the Food Security Law.

Al-Shibli said that the Ministry of Electricity has concluded a contract to pay the Iranian debt for the purchase of gas and electricity, which stipulates that Iraq will be paid on the first of next June.

He added that the emergency support law included an amount to pay off the Iranian debt, but after the Federal Court's decision it may cause a big problem.  LINK


Clare:  After his membership in Parliament was revoked, Mishaan al-Jubouri faces 15 years in prison


The expert in legal affairs, Ali Al-Tamimi, said today, Monday, that the decision of the Federal Supreme Court in Iraq to drop the membership of Mishaan Al-Jubouri from Parliament will have other judicial repercussions.

Al-Tamimi told Shafaq News Agency, "The decisions of the Federal Supreme Court in Iraq are final and binding on all authorities. Thus, Mishaan al-Jubouri is currently an ordinary citizen and does not have any parliamentary immunity."

 And he indicated that, "After this decision, the Federal Court will refer the case's papers to the investigation court, for the forgery article is considered a criminal act and the penalty for it is up to 15 years in prison, and it is possible to implement an arrest warrant against Mishaan al-Jubouri if it is issued, he is currently a citizen and not a deputy."

The expert in legal affairs added that "regarding the money received by Mishaan al-Jubouri during his work as a deputy in the Iraqi parliament, there is a decision of the State Shura Council that even if the certificate was forged and the person received salaries, these salaries and benefits are considered valid because they were in exchange for work, this is the direction of the State Shura Council.

However, the final decision remains for the investigative court after referring the forgery papers to it. LINK

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Banks Will Take Your Money in the Coming Financial Crisis

The Survival Economist:  5-15-2022

It is said that if you have ten dollars bill and no debt, you are actually richer than 20 percent of the Americans.

This Fiat Con has been a Ticking Time Bomb for a very very long time! People should be fearful that this tower of debt is visibly wavering. More than a decade after the financial crisis, the amount of combined global government, corporate, and household debt has $257 trillion.

Global debt has grown by about 50% in the last ten years. More and more debt needs to be created every day, or the system collapses upon itself! The FED will secure it with even more debt. Its the only thing they can do because they run a DEBT based financial system.

And all the interest can never ever ever be paid back. Twelve years on from the global financial crisis, the world continues to reap the consequences. The Entire world is now awash in paper and drowning in debt. BUT, the Central bankers are buying gold. What does that tell us; as the Mainstream media remains silent to the disaster. Buy Precious Metals. Your pond will thank you.

As the U.S.-China trade war continues and economies take a dive, already low global interest rates could drop even further. The Institute of International Finance noted that total worldwide debt is now $257 trillion, up nearly 50 percent.

Although the borrowing helped the recession, the massive debt prevents regulators from increasing interest rates. As many of us still remember from 2008, household debt was one of the trigger points that led to the great financial crisis.

So I think it is always important to keep in mind how has the debt load grown over time. So over the last twelve years so we are using 2008 as the beginning period and looking at where we stand today for beginning 2020. We can see the various debt segments have actually grown quite differently.

From a total global debt estimate perspective, back in 2008, we were looking at about a hundred eighty trillion dollars of total global debt. Today sitting here sort of first quarter 2020, we are looking at more than 250 trillion. So we have definitely seen continued growth of debt.

Sort of 1.7 multiple from where we were 12 years ago. Let's look at household debt since that's what we are all familiar with. We have seen household that grown by about 1.7 multiple. Student debt has been something that we have been talking about a lot. Student debt has actually grown from about 600 billion in 2008 to about 1.4 trillion. So when you do the math, that's about a 2.4 multiple over the 12 years period.

So compare that to the household debt, we have actually seen a faster growth of student debt. Global corporate debt is now above $29 trillion, with around one-quarter maturing over five years. Corporate debt is actually a tale of two worlds.

When you look at the financial institutions, the banks, and the like. The debt has actually stabilized around the same level as it was in 2008. So we have seen maybe a small five or ten percent growth on the debt level for financial institutions.

For nonfinancial institutions, on the other hand, as a lot of companies have really tried to take advantage of this low-interest-rate environment, their debt has grown much more than financial institutions. By my estimate, it's grown about 1.7 multiple from twelve years ago.

Corporations are borrowing money that can only be paid back if profits increase, but 70% of the US economy is generated by consumer spending. The average U.S. household has $7,000 in credit card debt and pays more than $1,000 a year in interest.

From 2008 to today, a lot of governments got involved in quantitative easing, QE. And part of a QE requires the government to put a lot of liquidity into the marketplace, and therefore, a lot of government had to take on the additional burden of debt to make that possible.

So a government debt that has grown about 1.8 multiple over the last twelve years. From about 40 trillion up to close to 70 trillion.


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