Dinar Recaps

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Holly, Wolverine, Bix and more.....Tuesday AM 12-28-2021

Holly Tuesday Morning Update

Good morning roomies! 

Every day is a new beginning, take a deep breath, smile and start again -unknown  

We all get a new day! How blessed are we that we are still here and alive and can make the world better! Or at least make one persons day better! If you can be anything, be kind. Do random acts of kindness and let’s start in these rooms. 

There is so much confusion where we are so let me break it down:

1. The fines and penalties started before Christmas. They are still processing and have to get to a certain percentage to release the rv

2. People are getting notifications of imminent appointments to be set up.

See this content in the original post

3. Nesara/ Gesara is imminent to be seen globally 

4. The lower tiers have not gone yet T1-4a (only a few 4a have gone)

5. One thing to remember is everything takes longer then we expect.

6. There have been ongoing arrests still

7. Expect to see T4b between now and up to 2 weeks out. 

8. A lot is happening behind the scenes on many fronts. 

9. Expect confusion and chaos till this storm passes. 



Wolverine Tuesday Morning Post 

Notifications have been sent to private groups !!!

 Waiting for our turn and praying that nothing goes wrong.

Just wait for the secure link and the 800#

Blessings for all.



Scott Brunswick

Global Financial Reset is imminent. It’s happening now and so get ready for shutdown. Time is now Exclusive IMF, 10 countries simulate cyber attack on global financial system. The simulated cyber attack  evolved over 10 days, with sensitive data emerging on the Dark Web along with fake news reports that ultimately caused chaos in global markets and a run on banks.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  Four weeks ago I expressed to you they just told the citizens they were no longer able to get three-zero notes from the ATM machines/banks.  Remember that?  They are in their meetings, the CBI & IMF and they are talking about the fact that the 5, 10 and 25 [Large notes] are gone and how they're going to replace them...this is not open to interpretation any longer.  This is a fact of the CBI...

Breitling  Question: "You mentioned they need to sustain a 4% GDP to sustain their currency.  They said the non-oil GDP was expected to have a 12% growth.  Does that play into the 4% you're referring to? Absolutely 100%...their internal GDP is up.  International GDP, it's not down, it's Covid inflation...yeah their internal GDP helps that big time.



Samson:  The first session.. The Iraqi parliament meets next month

27th December, 2021

An informed political source said on Monday that the Iraqi parliament will prepare its first session next month.

The source told Shafak News Agency; The new Iraqi parliament will hold its first session on Monday, January 10, 2022.

And ratified the Federal Court earlier on Monday the results of the parliamentary elections.  LINK

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ALERT! Evergrande Day of Reckoning Arrives Tomorrow (Tuesday) as Silver Looks at Technical BREAKOUT!(Bix Weir)

Dec. 27: 2021

Evergrande will NOT pay the $255M that is due tomorrow (Tuesday) and ALL the Ratings Agencies will HAVE to declare them in DEFAULT before the End of the Year....meaning a forced declaration of MASSIVE 2021 LOSSES for the Creditors!!

This is happening just as Silver approaches 2 significant moving averages which will add rocket fuel to the next move UP!!


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