Holly, Judy, Frank26 and more Sunday Morning 5-30-2021
Holly Sunday Rv News:
I have confirmation from sources that have been quiet for sometime that this week is our week! These people are highly credible and I put my trust in them.
Those that know me know I err on the side of caution and being conservative in my updates. From what I have heard we are finally there.
There is no other information we need at this time other then “WE” must hold that intention and see it done. Our real work will begin and we will always remember this journey that brought us to the closing of one chapter and the opening of a new one.
It’s imperative we stick together and create a unity in numbers. We are the wave runners creating the new earth! We are on the cusp of graduation.
This is a transition not a transaction! Never, ever give up!
RV Excerpt from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 30 May 2021
Compiled Sun. 30 May 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Judy Note: Notification at any time.
Dubai 1 & 2 funds were launched on Sun 23 May at 1:51 pm EST as the Global Currency Reset took place across the globe. Dubai 1 funds were then paid into Tier 1-2 Govt & Humanitarian organization accounts. By Wed. 26 May 2021 the asset-backed financial system was in place, with asset monetized to create off-ledger funds and any claims to be settled in Sovereign (Common Law) Courts.
According to contacts in Reno, on Fri. 28 May the new rates were live on bank screens; the General and Redemption Center Group were liquid; Iraq was handing out lower denominations of their Dinar (meaning the Dinar had revalued), while Bond holder/sellers have been told they would be liquid on Sat. 29 May. Funds were completing allocation to Tier 1-4, while deliveries of CMKX, Farm Claims and Native American settlements has hit over 30%, which then satisfied an agreement to allow the Shotgun RV release at any time forward.
Banks around the world were scrambling to be on the new Banking System by June 1, the same date that it was expected to find an implementation of NESARA/GESARA.
Basel 3 implementation was planned for June 28.
There would be fourteen days of Zim redemption and currency exchanges at the special rates, though appointments could be set up to 30 days away.
After the fourteen days, Zim redemption and the special rates would end (unless you had made an appointment at a Redemption Center for in that 30 day window) and then the general public would begin exchanging at the new international rates.
Thousands of arrests were ongoing around the globe and without news coverage. Many sources were under hard NDA gag orders.
Judy Note: There is a difference between the International Court (a corrupt court established under the UN) and the two Sovereign Courts: Sovereign International Court of Justice and the Sovereign International Criminal Court. There is also the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) in Brussels established by Kevin Annette that tried and convicted Pope Francis and other members of the Vatican for Crimes Against Humanity.
Establishment of the Sovereign International Court of Justice (SICJ) and the Sovereign International Criminal Court (SICC here as icj-icc.org), are about the re-ratifying, re-vamping and re-establishing the original courts’ houses, as it were in 1811 AD, before its demise began in 1877. Under our new Services Charters for the intra-courts system (icjglobal, icj-icc, icj-cij and ipcc-icc) and interlinked networked Supreme Court and High Courts Tribunals, we are set to correct, restore and bring balance to all banking systems private and public, including on-ledger and off-ledger journals, through the processes of accounting, auditing and redemption within our settlor’s offices: https://www.icj-icc.org/about/ www.icj-icc.org
Silver squeeze is working well. Let’s go! Time to destroy the banks once and for all!: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/us-mint-delays-silver-shipments-due-global-silver-shortage
Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2021/05/30/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-may-30-2021/
Courtesy of Dinar Guru https://www.dinarguru.com/
Frank26 I was just recently told everything is now completed as far as the US treasury is concerned. The U.S. Treasury is now waiting for the new exchange rate. I think this is coming to an end.
Frank26 Firefly report: 'TV news [In Iraq] is saying it's time for Iraq to have a flexible exchange rate...' Frank: It's going to float 1 to 1 outside of the country. That's what he's explaining to the citizens. That's what we explained to you. Firefly: '...a flexible exchange rate one that will help Iraq when things are bad and when things are better and they're saying to us that the devalue that they recently had was for a short period of time to get more notes in.' Frank: These are the things that the CBI is telling the citizens on their television. Firefly: 'this is the Finance Minister and the spokesman from the CBI...' Frank: ...the citizens of Iraq are actually getting very excited because they...know the change is coming to their exchange rate because the right people are now talking about it...
Petra Question: [What do you think about the amount of gold they {Iraq} have? Do you think it's a telltale sign? Do you think it's nothing? Do you think it's a ridiculous amount for 1460?] We don't know exactly what the M0/M1 figures are but when you look at the foundation of what a reserve is it's a hard product...gold by far has held its value for 6000 years. The foundation of any country's reserves is their gold...now, as they have been collecting those 3-zero notes and getting rid of them what they have been doing aggressively as you know over the last 6 months...that goes to decreasing the note count which would increase the value of the currency that's outstanding, that's out there in the markets both international and internal. To me the reserves are covered. I have no question they've got the reserves covered to reflect a very strong dinar...
MilitiaMan: There may not be a need to question him if what I see to be a key component of reforms being on the table. The mechanism gets places accordingly, there will be no need to question him. As the mechanism fixes the problem... imo ~ MM
Samson: Wisdom suggests that the Minister of Finance will not be questioned for these reasons
11:29 - 29/05/2021
MP for Al-Hikma Movement, Jasim Mohan Al-Bakhati, suggested that the Minister of Finance, Muhammad Allawi, will not be questioned during today's session, despite its inclusion on the agenda, citing several reasons.
Al-Bakhati said in a statement to "the information", "Today's session will not witness the questioning of the Minister of Finance by the questioner, Yousef Al-Kalabi, for a number of reasons."
He added, "There is information that the Minister of Finance will not attend the session, trying to postpone it for another time. The security conditions that the country is going through are also one of the factors that will not allow the interrogation for fear of not being politicized."
Al-Bukhati added, "As for the other and important reason, it is the lack of any political consensus to give the green light to the Minister of Finance to come to the parliament and confront the interrogator." LINK